Current events
Recent Events
Graduate Courses at the University of Education in Winneba, Ghana.
This fall the University of Education at Winneba, Ghana will offer graduate courses in linguists, covering subjects in Phonology, Morphology and Syntax.
The courses will be held on the Winneba campus and will run over 2 weeks at the end of October and in the first week of November 2011. In addition workshops in digital text and speech annotation will be held.
More information will be available here at the end of August 2011.
Summer School of Linguistics at Makerere University, Uganda
August 2011
During the Summer School that took place from 1st -13th August at Makerere University, linguists from Makerere University , Nkozi University, Kyambogo University , University of Zürich and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology get together to discuss different linguistic approaches and participate in hands-on classes on different digital tools for Language Description and Documentation.

You find the photo gallery of the Summer School here. Please add some more pictures! :)
Course descriptions and downloadable class presentations can be found on the following page: Summer_School_of_Linguistics_at_Makerere_University,_Uganda
TypeCraft - Poster and Presentation, June 2011, Portland, USA
Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities
at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language.Portland,Oregon,USA, June 2011.
e-Research for Linguists
e-Research explores the possibilities offered by ICT for science and technology. Its goal is to allow a better access to computing power, data and library resources. In essence e-Research is all about cyberstructure and being connected in ways that might change how we perceive scientific creation. The present work advocates open access to scientific data for linguists and language experts working within the Humanities. By describing the modules of an online application, we would like to outline how a linguistic tool can help the linguist. Work with data, from its creation to its integration into a publication is not rarely perceived as a chore. Given the right tools however, it can become a meaningful part of the linguistic investigation. The standard format for linguistic data in the Humanities is Interlinear Glosses. As such they represent a valuable resource even though linguists tend to disagree about the role and the methods by which data should influence linguistic exploration (Lehmann, 2004). In describing the components of our system we focus on the potential that this tool holds for real-time datasharing and continuous dissemination of research results throughout the life-cycle of a linguistic project.
Graduate level intensive courses on Language Description and Analysis Winneba January 10 - 20, 2011
University of Education Winneba
You find a course picture and some of the teaching material at the following page Graduate_Course_in_Linguistics,_University_of_Education,_Winneba,_Ghana.
The Department of Linguistics Education of the University of Education, Winneba offers 2 graduate level intensive courses on Language Description and Analysis in January 2011, one in morpho-syntax and one in computational methods.
The course in morpho-syntax has the title:
Introduction into Lexical-Functional Grammar. The course reviews the basic principles of Generative Grammar with emphasis on the framework Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG), and gives practical training in applying the theory and its formalism to language data, predominantly from Ghanaian languages.
Instructor: Prof. Lars Hellan, NTNU, Norway.
Time: Jan 10, 11, 12, 13, with sessions in the morning and afternoon, including training sessions.
The course in computational methods has the title:
Language Description and Analysis - digital linguistic tools and their use.
The course will focus on creating and managing of small research corpus and text annotation. The participants will learn to start a linguistic research project in the domain of language documentation and learn about linguistic methodology and themes in language documentation.
Instructor: Prof. Dorothee Beermann, NTNU, Norway.
Time: Jan 17, 18, 19, 20, with sessions in the morning and afternoon, including training sessions.
The course is open to graduate students and staff from all Ghanaian institutions involved in Linguistics. All prospective participants in the course should register with the Faculty of Languages Education from today through January 8, 2011.
Previous Events
TypeCraft developers' Meeting, Trondheim, Late October/November 2010
The TypeCraft developers' meeting took place at the beginning of November. You probably have already noticed that a new box has appeared on your TypeCraft navigation bar. The *TypeCraft corpus --> New Corpus* special wiki page will help you to create a research corpus. Using a wiki template format it will allow you to encode metadata for different text types. Please try this out!
As usual we will first test the wiki-corpus function in TypeCraft classes. Think of the corpus wiki pages as a first step towards an integration of annotated texts with a research corpus. Often we want a repository of texts of different types, such as newspaper article, short stories, transcribed audi-material, but we only want to annotated parts of the material. Annotated part of texts should be related to the source texts. This will be possible in the near future, but first we would like your feed-back:
- How much text and what type of texts would you like to store?
- What are your ideas about the relation between annotated parts of text and source text?
- Is it feasible to work with Infoboxes to encode metadata?
At present the corpus texts that you create are visible to the general public, something that you should take into consideration when you test the new TC-wiki corpus interface.
Notice also that we added automatic transliteration of Telugu text to the system. When inspecting texts from Telugu in the TC-Text Editor you find *Phrase View translit* as one of the options on the drop-down menu of *Phrases*. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Demo Session 1 - Language Processing, Data Annotation
Cloud Computing for Linguists
Dorothee Beermann, Pavel Mihaylow
The Trondheim Workshop in Language Description and Documentation
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim September 6th - 9th, 2010
For more information follow the link above.
- Mini-Workshop on TC, organized by the Relikwa Team,
University of Cocody (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire),
Dates: 14th (10°30'- 15°30') and 15th (9° - 14°) January 2010.
Place: At the "Wireless Place"!
Contact: Joseph BOGNY (ILA, Bureau 4,
- Digital methods for speech and text processing,
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Institute for Language and Communication Studies, Spring Semester 2010.
Dates: Semesterstart: 13th January 2010.
Place: Dragvoll, Building 4,level5, LINGLAB
Contact: Wim van Dommelen and Dorothee Beermann
Short Course Description
This course gives an introduction to the use of digital methods for processing spoken and written speech. As main tools for speech analysis the Praat and Typecraft software will be used. The analysis involves transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), segmentation and annotation of speech recordings. Text material will be analyzed morphologically and words and morphemes will be annotated using several tiers of annotation. The build-up and management of small corpora and develop and understanding of standards for text analysis and their implementation is part of the pensum.
16 - 19 November 2009, Toolbox-TypeCraft workshop at the University of Ghana, Legon, Department of Linguistics. For more information go to the TCwiki page --> Technology for Linguistics.
For details about the recently held Toolbox-TypeCraft workshop, go to Toolbox-TypeCraft_Workshop_Legon_2009.
The workshop consist of a series of separate sessions focusing on computational lexicography and interlinear glossing and digital language documentation on-line.
October 29th - November 1st 2009, Fall developers' meeting in Trondheim, Norway.
Bugs fixed:
- Login expiration -- login shouldn't expire any more unless you are idle for more than an hour.
- File upload -- updating existing uploaded files and deleting uploaded files works now.
- MediaWiki updated to the latest stable version, 1.15.1.
Upcoming goodies:
- New search interface (to use Google Web Toolkit)
- Offline client (downloadable from our wiki)
- Alternative ways of exporting data to MS Word and
- Integration with GOLD
- New online editor (again Google Web Toolkit)
TypeCraft participates in a workshop on a Cyberinfrastructure for Linguistics:
Cyberling 2009: Towards a Cyberinfrastructure for Linguistics
Workshop on linguistic Tools (existing and future "killer apps")
Friday 17 July — Sunday 19 July, Berkeley University, USA.
Small Tools for Cross-Linguistic Research. Workshop at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. June 15th - 16th 2009.
Dorothee Beermann, Pavel Mihaylov. TypeCraft - linguistic data and knowledge sharing. - Open Access in linguistic methodology.
Language Technologies for African Languages, March 31 2009, Athens, Greece.
Workshop at the annual meeting of the European Association for Computational Linguistics
Dorothee Beermann, Pavel Mihaylov Interlinear glossing and its role in theoretical and descriptive studies of African and other lesser-documented languages
TypeCraft at the International Student Festival - ISFITovation in Trondheim, 26 february 2009
When: 26 February 2009, 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm Where: Realfagbygget, R7, Gloshaugen campus, NTNU. Chairman: Arne Sølvberg, Dean, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, NTNU
Typecraft, Software for minority languages Lulesamisk and Edo. Ota Ogie and Ass. prof. Dorothee Beermann, Department of Language and Communication Studies
University of Surrey, Institute of Advanced Studies Creating Infrastructure for Canonical Typology, 9 January 2009 - 10 January 2009
Dorothee Beermann: From interlinear glossing to standard annotation.
23rd Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, October 1, 2008, Uppsala University
Dorothee Beermann and Pavel Mihaylov: TypeCraft: Language annotation for human beings
COLING 2008 Manchester, August 24, 2008
Lars Hellan, NTNU: From Grammar-Independent Construction Enumeration to Lexical Types in Computational Grammars at COLING Workshop Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks 2008 (GEAF 2008).
WALC 2008 - July 28 - August 3, 2008
Mary Esther Kropp Dakubu, University of Ghana. The Construction label project: a tool for typological study.
Completed Projects
Annotation and Documentation of LuleSámi between the Institute for Language and Communication Studies at NTNU, Trondheim Norway and the LuleSámi Center Árran