Glossing tag | Tag description | Gloss class | GOLD reference |
AGR | agreement - a formal relationship whereby one form of a formative requires a corresponding form in another formative | Agreeement | no match |
PC | pronominal concord | Agreement | no match |
ST | strong | Agreement | no match |
STR | strong | Agreement | no match |
W | weak | Agreement | no match |
CONS | consecutive verb marking | Akan | no match |
ANIM | animate | Animacy | AnimateGender |
HUM | human | Animacy | HumanGender |
INANIM | inanimate | Animacy | InanimateGender |
ADD | additive (also) | Aspect | no match |
ASP | aspect - underspecified | Aspect | AspectProperty |
CESSIVE | cessative=egressive | Aspect | no match |
CMPL | The completive refers to a single event that has been successfully completed. | Aspect | CompletiveAspect |
CON | conative | Aspect | no match |
CONT | continuous | Aspect | ContinuousAspect |
CUST | customary | Aspect | no match |
DISTRIB | distributive | Aspect | DistributiveAspect |
DUR | durative | Aspect | DurativeAspect |
DYN | dynamic | Aspect | no match |
EGR | egressive | Aspect | no match |
FREQ | frequentive | Aspect | FrequentiveAspect |
HAB | habitual | Aspect | HabitualAspect |
INCEP | inceptive | Aspect | InceptiveAspect |
INCH | inchoative | Aspect | no match |
INCOMPL | incomplete=imperfective | Aspect | no match |
INGR | ingressive | Aspect | no match |
INTS | intensive | Aspect | no match |
IPFV | The imperfective is often marked in a perfective-imperfective aspect system. | Aspect | ImperfectiveAspect |
ITER | iterative | Aspect | IterativeAspect |
NCOMPL | non-completive | Aspect | no match |
PFV | The perfective is often marked in a perfective-imperfective aspect system. | Aspect | PerfectiveAspect |
PNCT | punctual | Aspect | no match |
PROG | progressive | Aspect | ProgressiveAspect |
PRSTV | persistive aspect | Aspect | no match |
REP | repetitive | Aspect | Repetitive |
RESLT | resultative | Aspect | no match |
SEMF | semelfactive | Aspect | SemelfactiveAspect |
STAT | stative | Aspect | NonProgressiveAspect |
TEL | telic event | Aspect | no match |
ATEL | atelic event | Aspect | no match |
PRF | perfect | Aspect (Tense) | PerfectTense |
FV | verb-final vowel (Bantu) | Bantu | no match |
IV | initial vowel (Bantu) | Bantu | no match |
ABES | abessive 'without' | Case | AbessiveCase |
ABL | ablative 'from' | Case | AblativeCase |
ABS | absolutive | Case | AbsolutiveCase |
ACC | accusative | Case | AccusativeCase |
ADES | adessive 'at', 'near' | Case | AdessiveCase |
ALL | allative | Case | AllativeCase |
BEN | benefactive | Case | BenefactiveCase |
CASE | case marker - underspecified | Case | CaseProperty |
COMIT | comitative | Case | ComitativeCase |
CONTL | contlative | Case | ContlativeCase |
DAT | dative | Case | DativeCase |
DEL | delative 'down from' | Case | DelativeCase |
DEST | destinative 'to' | Case | no match |
ELAT | elative 'out of' | Case | ElativeCase |
EQT | equative | Case | no match |
ERG | ergative | Case | ErgativeCase |
ESS | essive | Case | no match |
GEN | genitive | Case | GenitiveCase |
ILL | illative 'into' | Case | IllativeCase |
INESS | inessive 'inside' | Case | InessiveCase |
INSTR | instrumental | Case | InstrumentalCase |
LAT | lative | Case | no match |
MALF | malfactive | Case | no match |
NOM | nominative | Case | NominativeCase |
OBL | oblique | Case | ObliqueCase |
ORN | ornative | Case | no match |
PERL | perlative | Case | PerlativeCase |
POSS | possessive | Case | PossessedCase |
PRIV | privative "without", "lacking" - like the abessive indicates the lacking of the noun marked | Case | no match |
PRTV | partitive | Case | PartitiveCase |
TER | terminalis | Case | no match |
VIAL | vialis | Case | no match |
VOC | vocative | Case | VocativeCase |
CLITadv | cliticized adverb | Cliticization | Clitic |
CLITben | benefactive clitic | Cliticization | no match |
CLITcomp | cliticized complementizer | Cliticization | no match |
CLITdet | cliticized determiner | Cliticization | Clitic |
CLITen | enclitic (Bantu) | Cliticization | no match |
CLITloc | locative clitic | Cliticization | no match |
CLITn | cliticized noun | Cliticization | Clitic |
CLITp | cliticized preposition | Cliticization | Clitic |
CLITpron | cliticized pronoun | Cliticization | Clitic |
CLITprtv | partitive clitic | Cliticization | no match |
CLITv | cliticized verb | Cliticization | Clitic |
OBJappl | applied object | Cliticization | no match |
ATV | activated | Cognitive Status | no match |
FAM | familiar | Cognitive Status | no match |
INFOC | in focus | Cognitive Status | no match |
RFTL | referential | Cognitive Status | no match |
TPID | type identifiable | Cognitive Status | no match |
UNID | uniquely identified | Cognitive Status | no match |
RECP | reciprocal | Co-reference | ReciprocalMiddleVoice |
APPROX | approximate | Deixis | no match |
DIST | distal 'remote' | Deixis | no match |
DIST2 | far distal | Deixis | no match |
DXS | deixis | Deixis | no match |
ITV | itive - verbal deixis - moving away from a location or the speaker | Deixis | no match |
MEDIAL | medial | Deixis | no match |
PROX | proximal | Deixis | no match |
VEN | venitive - verbal deixis - moving towards a location or the speaker | Deixis | no match |
CAT1 | catena 1 - a type of dependency chain | Dependency | no match |
CAT2 | catena 2 - a type of a dependency chain | Dependency | no match |
CAT3 | catena 3 - a type of a dependency chain | Dependency | no match |
OBJv1 | object of V1 | Dependency | no match |
OBJv2 | object of V2 | Dependency | no match |
SBJv1=θOBJv2 | passiv | Dependency | no match |
SBJv1=θSBJv2 | raising | Dependency | no match |
SELCT | selected | Dependency | no match |
SLCT | selected | Dependency | no match |
SUBOR | subordination | Dependency | no match |
θSBJv1=θSBJv2 | control | Dependency | no match |
AD | adverbial-derivational | Derivation | no match |
ADJ>ADV | deadjectival adverb | Derivation | no match |
ADJ>N | deadjectival noun | Derivation | no match |
ADJ>V | deadjectival verb | Derivation | no match |
ADV>ADJ | deadverbial adjective | Derivation | no match |
AUG | augmentative | Derivation | no match |
CARD>N | noun derived from a cardinal number | Derivation | no match |
DIM | diminutive | Derivation | DiminutiveSize |
INCORP | incorporate | Derivation | no match |
KIN | kinship | Derivation | no match |
N>ADJ | denominal adjective | Derivation | no match |
N>ADV | denominal adverb | Derivation | no match |
NMLZ | nominalizer | Derivation | Nominalizer |
N>N | noun derivation | Derivation | DerivationalMorpheme |
NUM>N | noun derived from a numeral | Derivation | Nominalizer |
N>V | denominal verb | Derivation | Verbalizer |
ORD>N | noun derived from an ordinal number | Derivation | no match |
PNpossnoun derived from a possessive pronoun | Derivation | no match | |
PTCP>ADJ | departicipial adjective | Derivation | no match |
QUAL | qualifier | Derivation | no match |
QUANT>N | noun derived from a quantifier | Derivation | no match |
V>ADJ | deverbal adjective | Derivation | no match |
V>ADV | deverbal adverb | Derivation | no match |
vbl | verbal | Derivation | Verbalizer |
>Vitr | intransitivizer | Derivation | Intransitivizer |
V>N | deverbal noun | Derivation | no match |
V>Nagt | deverbal agentive noun | Derivation | no match |
V>Ninstr | deverbal instrumental noun | Derivation | no match |
>Vtr | transitivizer | Derivation | Transitivizer |
ACAUS | anti-causative | Diathesis | AntiCausativeVoice |
APASS | anti-passive | Diathesis | AntiPassiveVoice |
APPL | applicative | Diathesis | ApplicativeVoice |
CAUS | causative | Diathesis | CausativeVoice |
PASS | passive | Diathesis | PassiveVoice |
ASRT | assertive | Force | no match |
DECL | declarative | Force | DeclarativeForce |
DIR-SP | direct speech | Force | no match |
EXCL | exclamative | Force | no match |
IMP | imperative | Force | ImperativeForce |
IMP1 | imperative | Force | ImperativeForce |
IMP2 | imperative | Force | ImperativeForce |
IND-SP | indirect speech | Force | no match |
INT | interrogative | Force | InterrogativeForce |
INTR | interrogative | Force | InterrogativeForce |
MAVM | main clause affirmative | Force | no match |
Q | question | Force | no match |
RPS | reported speech | Force | no match |
RP-SP | reported speech | Force | no match |
COMM | common gender | Gender | no match |
FEM | feminine | Gender | FeminineGender |
MASC | masculine | Gender | MasculineGender |
MASCorFEM | common gender | Gender | no match |
MASCorNEUT | common gender | Gender | no match |
NEUT | neuter | Gender | NeuterGender |
COMPL | complement | Grammatical Function | Complement |
DO | direct object | Grammatical Function | directObject |
ICV | inherent complement verb (Akan) | Grammatical Function | no match |
OBJ | object | Grammatical Function | Object |
OBJ2 | second object | Grammatical Function | no match |
objcogn | cognate object | Grammatical Function | no match |
OBJind | indirect object | Grammatical Function | indirectObject |
OM | object marker | Grammatical Function | Object |
SBJ | subject | Grammatical Function | subject |
SC | small clause | Grammatical Function | no match |
SM | subject marker | Grammatical Function | subject |
EMPH | emphatic - a part of the utterance is especially stressed | InformationStructure | no match |
FOC | focus | InformationStructure | no match |
AFFMT | affirmative mood/modality occurs often in contrast to negation | Mood/Modality | no match |
COND | conditional mood may be marked on events that are conditioned | Mood/Modality | ConditionalModality |
CONJ | conjunctive mood occurs in dependent sentences | Mood/Modality | SubjunctiveMood |
CONTP | contemporative is a mood in Greenlandic | Mood/Modality | no match |
EVID | evidential is a realis mood or modality based on what the speaker has experienced | Mood/Modality | no match |
HRT | hortative | Mood/Modality | no match |
IND | indicative is a realis form | Mood/Modality | IndicativeMood |
IRR | The irrealis forms express that something is actually not the case | Mood/Modality | IrrealisMood |
JUSS | jussive mood/modality indicates wishes, desires, intensions; sometimes also purpose | Mood/Modality | no match |
K1 | German subjunctive | Mood/Modality | no match |
K2 | German subjuncitve | Mood/Modality | no match |
MOD | default Mood /Modality tag | Mood/Modality | MoodProperty |
OBLIG | obligatory mood/modalities express an obligation | Mood/Modality | no match |
OPT | optative mood/modality expresses wishes and commands | Mood/Modality | OptativeMood |
PERM | permissive mood/modality expresses that something is allowed | Mood/Modality | no match |
POT | potential mood/modality indicates probability : in the opinion of the speaker the event is considered likely | Mood/Modality | no match |
PROH | prohibitive is a mood/modality similar to a negative imperative | Mood/Modality | ProhibitiveMood |
RLS | realis moods indicate that something is, or is not the case | Mood/Modality | RealisMood |
SBJV | subjunctive occurs in dependent clauses | Mood/Modality | SubjunctiveMood |
ADJstem | adjective stem | MorphForm | no match |
Nstem | noun stem | MorphForm | no match |
PPOSTstem | postposition stem | MorphForm | no match |
REDP | reduplication - root or stem (or part of those) are repeated | MorphForm | no match |
MNR | manner | Motion | no match |
MO | motion | Motion | no match |
1 | Bantu noun class 1 | Noun Class | no match |
10 | Bantu noun class 10 | Noun Class | no match |
11 | Bantu noun class 11 | Noun Class | no match |
12 | Bantu noun class 12 | Noun Class | no match |
13 | Bantu noun class 13 | Noun Class | no match |
14 | Bantu noun class 14 | Noun Class | no match |
15 | Bantu noun class 15 | Noun Class | no match |
16 | Bantu noun class 16 | Noun Class | no match |
17 | Bantu noun class 17 | Noun Class | no match |
18 | Bantu noun class 18 | Noun Class | no match |
2 | Bantu noun class 2 | Noun Class | no match |
20 | Bantu noun class 20 | Noun Class | no match |
21 | Bantu noun class 21 | Noun Class | no match |
22 | Bantu noun class 22 | Noun Class | no match |
23 | Bantu noun class 23 | Noun Class | no match |
3 | Bantu noun class 3 | Noun Class | no match |
4 | Bantu noun class 4 | Noun Class | no match |
5 | Bantu noun class 5 | Noun Class | no match |
6 | Bantu noun class 6 | Noun Class | no match |
7 | Bantu noun class 7 | Noun Class | no match |
8 | Bantu noun class 8 | Noun Class | no match |
9 | Bantu noun class 9 | Noun Class | no match |
CL | Bantu noun class | Noun Class | no match |
Npref | noun prefix | Noun Class | no match |
landmark | proper nouns indicating landmarks | Noun Ontology | no match |
DU | dual | Number | DualNumber |
PL | plural | Number | PluralNumber |
SG | singular | Number | SingularNumber |
x | multiply by (used in number systems) | Number | no match |
1excl | 1st person exclusive | Person Number | FirstPersonExclusive |
1incl | 1st person inclusive | Person Number | FirstPersonInclusive |
1P | 1st person | Person Number | FirstPerson |
1PL | 1st person plural | Person Number | no match |
1SG | 1st person singular | Person Number | FirstPerson |
2p | 2nd person | Person Number | SecondPerson |
2PL | 2nd person plural - a mixed category | Person Number | no match |
2SG | 2nd person singularsecond person, singular - this is a mixed category | Person Number | no match |
3B | 3rd person b-marked | Person Number | no match |
3P | 3rd person | Person Number | ThirdPerson |
3PL | 3rd person plural - a mixed category | Person Number | no match |
3Pobv | 3 person obviative | Person Number | no match |
3Pprox | 3 person proximative | Person Number | no match |
3SG | 3rd person singular | Person Number | ThirdPerson |
3Y | 3rd person y-marked | Person Number | no match |
4P | 4th person | Person Number | no match |
AREAL | areal | Person Number | no match |
PLassc | plural associative | Person Numbern | no match |
FT | foot | PhonemeProperty | Foot |
!H | downstep high | PhonemeProperty | no match |
H | high tone | PhonemeProperty | Toneme |
L | low tone | PhonemeProperty | Toneme |
MT | mid tone | PhonemeProperty | Toneme |
RT | relative tone | PhonemeProperty | Toneme |
NEGPOL | negative polarity | Polarity | NegativePolarity |
POSPOL | positive polarity | Polarity | PositivePolarity |
DEF | definite-the referent of an expression is identifiable | Reference | no match |
DEM | demonstrative - used to indicate the referents spatial, temporal or discourse location | Reference | no match |
INDEF | indefinite-the referent of the expression is said to be not identifiable | Reference | no match |
SGbare | bare singular (e.g. used in Norwegian) | Reference | no match |
SPECF | specific | Reference | no match |
PART | part-of | Relation | no match |
2HML | addressee-humble | Respect | no match |
2HON | addressee-honorific | Respect | no match |
HON | honorific | Respect | no match |
TTL | title (Mr., Dr.) | Respect | no match |
A | agent like argument of a canonical transitive verb | Semantic Role | no match |
AGT | agent | Semantic Role | agent |
ASSR | assigner | Semantic Role | no match |
ATTBT | attributor | Semantic Role | no match |
BENE | beneficiary | Semantic Role | no match |
BHV | behaver | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
CLT | client | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
CRR | carrier | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
EXP | experiencer | Semantic Role | no match |
EXST | existent | Semantic Role | no match |
GOAL | goal | Semantic Role | goal |
IDNF | identified | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
IDNFR | indentifier | Semantic Role | no match |
INDC | inducer | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
MED | medium | Semantic Role | no match |
oBEN | other person benefactive | Semantic Role | no match |
PSSEE | possessee | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
PSSOR | possessor | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
PT | patient | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
RCPNT | recipient | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
RCVR | receiver | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
RG | range | Semantic Role | no match |
sBEN | self benefactive | Semantic Role | no match |
SRC | source | Semantic Role | no match |
SSR | senser | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
SYR | sayer | Semantic Role | SematicAssignmentSystem |
TGT | target | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
TH | theme | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
TKN | token | Semantic Role | no match |
VAL | value | Semantic Role | no match |
VBG | verbiage | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
ACT | actor | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
ATTR | attribute | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
INI | initiator | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
PHMN | phenomenon | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
SCP | scope | Semantic Role | SemanticAssignmentSystem |
CIRCM | circumscribe | Space | no match |
CTed | contained | Space | no match |
DIR | directional | Space | no match |
DST | distance | Space | no match |
ENDPNT | endpoint | Space | no match |
EXT | exterior | Space | no match |
INTER | interior | Space | no match |
LINE | line | Space | no match |
LOC | locative | Space | LocativeCase |
PATH | path | Space | no match |
PLC | place | Space | no match |
PRL | perlative (through, along) | Space | no match |
SPTL | spatial | Space | no match |
STARTPNT | startpoint | Space | no match |
VIAPNT | viapoint | Space | no match |
DM | discourse marker | Speech | no match |
MU | marked use | Speech | no match |
PS | pause | Speech | no match |
ANT | anterior | Tense | no match |
AOR | aorist is a verb form that renders as situation as being simple and undevided (attested for Ancient Greek) | Tense | no match |
AUX | auxiliary(morpheme) | Tense | Auxiliary |
FUT | future | Tense | FutureTense |
FUTclose | close future | Tense | CloseFutureTense |
FUTim | immediate future | Tense | ImmediateFutureTense |
FUTnear | near future | Tense | NearFutureTense |
FUTrel | relative future | Tense | RelativeFutureTense |
FUTrm | remote future | Tense | RemoteFutureTense |
NF | non-future | Tense | NonFutureTense |
NFUT | non-future | Tense | NonFutureTense |
NPAST | non-past | Tense | NonPastTense |
PAST | past perceived as a whole | Tense | PastTense |
PASThst | hesternal past: yesterday or earlier but not remote | Tense | no match |
PASTim | very recent, in the last minute or so | Tense | no match |
PASTpast | past in the past | Tense | no match |
PASTrel | relative past | Tense | no match |
PASTrm | remote past | Tense | no match |
PRES | present | Tense | PresentTense |
PRET | preterite - simple past tense with no additional marking of aspect or mood | Tense | no match |
COM | comment | Theme Rheme | no match |
TOP | topic | Theme Rheme | no match |
CNJ | conjugation | Verb Class | no match |
CLF | classifier | Verb Class | no match |
CV | converb | Verb Form | Converb |
GER | gerund | Verb Form | Gerund |
GERDV | gerundive | Verb Form | no match |
INF | infinitive - is a verb form that occurs without inflectional categories such as agreement or tense, aspect, mood | Verb Form | no match |
itr | intransitive | Verb Form | IntransitiveVerb |
PRED | predicative | Verb Form | Predicator |
PTCP | participle | Verb Form | Participle |
SUPN | supinum 'infinitival verb form | Verb Form | no match |
Vstem | verbal stem | Verb Form | no match |
ACTV | active voice | Voice | ActiveVoice |
? | annotator uncertainty | | no match |
ABB | abbreviation | | no match |
ABSTR | increase in abstractness | | no match |
ANTIP | antipassive | | no match |
ASS | associativity: x and a group of people | | no match |
ASSOC | associative (connective in Bantu also called genitive or connexive)
| | no match |
ATT | attributive | | no match |
CMPR | comparative | | no match |
CO-EV | co-event | | no match |
CONSEC | consecutive | | no match |
CONTR | contrastive | | no match |
COP | copular | | Copula |
DEG | degree | | no match |
EXPLET | expletive - an element that is added without changing the sense of the expression | | Expletive |
GNR | generic | | no match |
INFIX | infix | | no match |
INTSde | intensiver (decrease) | | no match |
INTSin | intensiver (increase) | | no match |
LOCREL | attached to a place | | no match |
MASS | mass (nouns, adjectives ...) | | no match |
MEAS | measure | | no match |
NEG | negation | | NegationOperator |
PURP | purpose | | no match |
QUOT | quotation - It is signaled that someone else is the source of a statement | | no match |
REFL | reflexive | | no match |
REL | relative | | no match |
RLN | relational | | no match |
S-OP | sentence operator | | no match |
SUP | superlative | | no match |