Sense tag | Tag description |
ANSW | answer |
ASS | assertion |
CAUS | cause |
COM | comparison, grammatical complex |
CONCES | concession |
COND | condition |
CONSQ | consequence |
const:scene | constative frame: relating to scenes |
CONTR | contrast (openly signaled or inferred) |
DIS | disjunction, grammatical complex |
ERROR | error |
FOCUS | operator assigning prominence to its scope |
Frame | operator introducing a Frame |
GEN | generalization |
idiom | |
JUST | justification |
KEYTERM | lexical anchor |
K-linked | linked to keyterm |
LIST | list |
MWE | Multi-word expression |
NAME:inst | |
NAME:landscape | |
NAME:pers | name of a person consisting of several words |
NEG | operator introducing a negation |
OPP | opposition |
percep:expi | perceptual frame which evokes experience as background |
percep:p-expi | perceptual frame which evokes post-experience as background |
PPhrasisCONT | periphrastic continuous aspect |
PPhrasisFUT | periphrastic future |
PRECED | precedence |
psy:cause-effect | psychological frame which establishes a cause-effect relation |
psy:goal | psychological frame which addresses a goal |
psy:need | psychological frame which addresses a need |
PURP | purpose |
QUE | operator introducing a question |
REASON | reason, |
RESP | response |
RESTATE | restatement |
RESULT | result, effect, outcome |
SEQmodal | sequence introducing wishes, necessities or possibilities |
SEQtemporal | sequence temporal, |
setting | a time, place and circumstance in which something happens |
social formula | |
SPEC | specification of facts or details |
SUPP | supplement |
verbcomplex | |