Toolbox-TypeCraft Workshop Legon 2009

The final workshop of the Legon-Trondheim NUFU-funded Linguistics Project was hosted by the Linguistics Department at the University of Ghana, Legon. The workshop was held from November 16th to November 19th at the Staff Resource Center, Legon, and was dedicated to the use of digital technology in Lexicography and Language Documentation. Lexicographical tools, in particular Toolbox, were demonstrated by Hr. Hannes Hirzel from GILLBT, Tamale, and the documentation tool TypeCraft was demonstrated by Prof. Dorothee Beermann, NTNU, Trondheim, and Mr. Pavel Mihaylov, OntoText, Sofia.
All participants produced annotated examples in TypeCraft, and for most of the languages represented Typological Features Templates were compiled.
The workshop was the 10th in a series of workshops conducted under the auspices of the Legon-Trondheim Linguistics Project, most of them in connection with the colloquia held annually since 1996 and published in the series Studies in the Languages of the Volta Basin. For publications from some of the workshops, see SLAVOB publications.
A pointer to the Legon-Trondheim Linguistics Project will soon come up at this page.