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===TypeCraft in-depth annotation of representative texts in Lule Sami===
[[Category: Projects]]
'''NTNU project - 2009'''
  Project participants:  [[User: Kristin Lindbach| Kristin Lindbach]], [[User: Svenn Egil Knutsen| Svenn Egil Knutsen]]
  Project leader: [[User:  Dorothee Beermann|Dorothee Beermann]]
The in-depth annotation of Lule Sami texts is a pilot study financed by the [http://www.ntnu.no/english/ Norwegian Universtiy of Science and Technology ].
The in-depth annotation of Lule Sami texts is a pilot study financed by the [http://www.ntnu.no/english/ Norwegian Universtiy of Science and Technology ].
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[[Category: funded Projects]]

Latest revision as of 20:02, 18 February 2016

NTNU project - 2009

 Project participants:   Kristin Lindbach,  Svenn Egil Knutsen
 Project leader: Dorothee Beermann

The in-depth annotation of Lule Sami texts is a pilot study financed by the Norwegian Universtiy of Science and Technology . The project uses the TypeCraft database to store and retrieve linguistically annotated texts. Here and on the related pages Documenting Lule Sami and About Lule Sami, we report about the project. While the present page gives a general overview, Documenting Lule Sami deals with issues concerning the morpho-syntactic annotation of Lule Sami. About Lule Sami informs about the Lule Sami people and their language, as it is spoken on the Norwegian side of the Kjølen mountains. Under Lule Sami Online you find links to other sites related to the Lule Sami people, their language and their culture. A reference list can be found under Lule Sami Reference List.


According to the Norwegian Sami Parliament, sáme is to be written Sami in English. The Árran Lule Sami Centre, which we consulted, follows this norm and so will we.

Who are we

The annotation project was led by Dorothee Beermann, associate professor at the Institute for Languages and Communication Studies at NTNU. Dorothee is a linguist and works mainly with formal syntax and lexical semantics. She planned and organized the project, customized the TypeCraft tag sets and worked throughout the project with the TypeCraft wiki. More about Dorothee's work can be found here .

The two annotators for the project, Kristin Lindbach and Svenn-Egil Knutsen live in the North of Norway while Dorothee lives in Trondheim in Mid-Norway. At the beginning it felt more natural for us to communicate by e-mail, sms and telephone, but in the course of the project, we started to use more and more the TCwiki to communicate. Parts of our discussion, for example about tags and annotation standards, you can find on the Documenting Lule Sami page and on the related discussion page. Interesting is also the discussion page for the article About Lule Sami, since also between us, some issues concerning the language and the Lule Sami people are still under discussion.

Both Kristin and Svenn-Egil have worked on securing the publication rights for the corpus of Lule Sami texts that this project has created on TypeCraft.

Svenn-Egil has worked mainly on the About Lule Sami page and on the unique graphical design of our pages. In a Lule Sami voice recording he talks about his life and growing-up as a Sami in Norway. [The recording will soon be available here (Dorothee 20:45, 13 December 2008 (CET))].

Kristin is responsible for the annotation of the texts. In-depth manual annotation is a time-consuming job, and she has spent many hours finding the appropriate glosses to describe the intricate properties of the Lule Sami morphology.

This annotation project is a pilot study, which gave us limited time and limited resources. Yet, we all feel that we made a good start.

In-depth annotation

The TypeCraft pilot study on Lule Sami has been financed by The Faculty of Humanities at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The project started in Mai 2008 and ended in December 2008. Its goal has been to create a small but representative corpus of Lule Sami texts, and to annotate these texts manually. Given the short duration of the study we will not be able to cover all of the texts that we selected for annotation. However, for some of the texts we have provided rich annotations on several tiers. Although construction level annotation is possible in TypeCraft, we have mainly restricted the annotation to the morphological level.

Although a small corpus, we have tried to cover a wide spectre of genres and a representative collection of cultural areas.

Available Lule Sami texts in TypeCraft is listed below, including both partially annotated and not yet annotated texts.

List of Lule Sami Texts known to TypeCraft
Text title Title Translation Short Description Source Annotations
Áhttje mijá Our Father The Lord's prayer

From The Holy Bible<br.> Matthew 6.9-13

8 of 8


Ájluovta skåvlå <br.>buosjes oahppe vas<br.> Svierigis vádtsin Energetic Pupils from Drag School Went Again on a Hike from Sweden Report by the 3Sami pupils at Ájluovta skåvllå/Drag skole in the weekly paper for Hamarøy, Steigen and Tysfjord. Archive files 16.09.2008

Upper Secondary/Junior High School students write about their hike from Rijtsem in Sweden over the border to the Hellemobotn in Tysfjord at school start in the autumn.

Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeávijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet

Home Page

3 of 25


Aktisasjbargo <br.>Gárjjela væpssárij Collaboration with the Vepsians of Karelia Announcement from 02.09.2008 on Árran Lule Sami Center's website. <br.>Copied 23.10.2008 Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag

Home Page

0 of 7


Árran - julevsáme guovdásj/lulesamisk senter Árran - Lule Sami Center Information on the center's website. Copied 05.10.2008. Árran - julevsáme guovdásj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 1 of 4


Árran máhtudakásadussan Árran as an Institution of Competence Project presentation on the Lule Sami center's website. <br.>Copied 23.10.2008.

About a project on developing Árran into an institution of high competence in knowledge, renewal, and value creation.

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 8


Árran Mánnágárdde stuoret Árran Kindergarten Expanding Report by Kitty Skapalen in the weekly paper for Hamarøy, Steigen and Tysfjord. Translation Divte Media AS. <br.>Archive file 11.09.2008 Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeávijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet

Home Page

0 of 12


Avtadássásasj giela <br.>lága milta Languages of Equal Standing under the Law Report published by Gro Eli Sørensen on the Sami websites of Nordland County. <br.>Archive file 03.04.2008

Conference discussing consequences following the entrance of Tysfjord municipality into the Sami language area defined by the Sami Law.

Nordland fylkeskommune/ Nordlánda fylkkasuohkan, Bodø

Home Page

0 of 17


bajedihtte / rise / A poem from the poetry book tsåhke ja vájmmo ['the double heart'] by Stig Riemmbe Gælok. Bágo AS 1994 Stig Riemmbe Gælok 1 of 1


Berraha Relatives Family relationship terms 14 of 78


Biejve Days Names of the days 7 of 7


Dan ájge ulmusj<br.>

waiting for <br.>permission<br.> to publish

A Child of One's Age Kaia Kalstad is relating the story of her school days and her life as teacher to Svein Lund. From Sámij Skåvllåhiståvrrå 2 ['Sami School History 2'].<br.> Davvi Girji 2007 Davvi Girji, Karasjok

Home Page

0 of 267


Dán máno sábme <br.>- snjuktjamánno The Sami of this Month - March Website on the public information channel on Internet for Sami youth in Norway, Infonuorra Sápmi. <br.>Archive file 01.03.2007

Presentation of a Sami youth from the Lule Sami area.

Nordland fylkeskommune/ Nordlánda fylkkasuohkan, Bodø

Home Page

0 of 38


Duodje Dragstunaj Sami Arts and Crafts to the Dragstunet Report by Kitty Skapalen in the weekly paper for Hamarøy, Steigen and Tysfjord. Translated by Idar Kintel. <br.>Archive file 10.06.2008

The home for elderly people is receiving Sami handicraft products.

Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeávijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet

Home Page

0 of 25


Duojijn árbbedáhpen <br.>- ja kultuvrraguodde <br.>sáme sebrudagán Sami Arts and Crafts as Tradition and Culture Bearer Report by Kitty Skapalen in the weekly paper for Hamarøy, Steigen and Tysfjord. Translation Divte Media AS. <br.>Archive file 17.10.08 Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeávijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet 0 of 36


duv lahkusav ájnna / this only / being close to you A poem from the poetry book tsåhke ja vájmmo ['the double heart'] by Stig Riemmbe Gælok. Bágo AS 1994 Stig Riemmbe Gælok 0 of 2


Gállomihttim jåvsåj <br.>gitta skåvllådåhpåj !! Report by Sander Andersen in the weekly paper for Hamarøy, Steigen and Tysfjord. Archive file 02.12.2005

Phrenologists meassuring skulls visiting Tysfjord in 1915 and 1921.

Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeávijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet

Home Page

0 of 35


Giehttjit áddjá goaden The Seventh Father of the House From Niellja álmmuksubttsasa ['Four Folk Tales']. Traditional Norwegian tale written down by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe. Translated to Lule Sami by Anders Kintel and Adele Nystø Rahka. Samedigge 2002. Sámedigge - <br.>The Sami Parliament, Karasjok<br.>Home Page 0 of 62


Giella, åhpadusa ja mánnágárdde Language, Education and Kindergarten Information on Árran Lule Sami Center's website. <br.> Copied 23.10.2008 Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag

Home Page

0 of 15


Goalmát lågos 3 Third Lesson 3 Lesson 3 of the Lule Sami language course Sámásta 2 ['Speak Sami 2'] by Anders Nystø and Sigmund Johnsen. <br.>Báhko forlag 2001

About slaughtering of reindeer, reinherders, dogs, and cooking.

Báhko forlag, Drag<br.>Anders Nystø and Sigmund Johnsen 50 of 50


Gudát lågos 6 Sixth Lesson 6 Lesson 6 of the Lule Sami language course Sámásta 2 ['Speak Sami 2'] by Anders Nystø and Sigmund Johnsen. <br.>Báhko forlag 2001

About yesterdays visits and search for a lost shawl.

Báhko forlag, Drag<br.>Anders Nystø and Sigmund Johnsen 0 of 39


Gulá muv råhkålvisájt Hear My Prayers Psalm written by Inga Karlsen.

The melody is composed by the author. Her psalm was printed in the Lule Sami psalm book in 2005

Inga Karlsen 3 of 6


Gurák Ánndaris <br.>- julevsáme lestadiana-sárnnediddje Anders Gurak - Lule Sami Laestadian Preacher Announcement from 30.09.2008 on Árran Lule Sami Center's website for a lecture at the museum, also presenting the lecturer. Copied 23.10.2008 Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag

Home Page

0 of 15


Gålmmå hábrrá The Three Billy Goats Gruff From Niellja álmmuksubttsasa ['Four Folk Tales']. Traditional Norwegian tale written down by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe. Translated to Lule Sami by Anders Kintel and Adele Nystø Rahka. Sámedigge 2002. Sámedigge - <br.>The Sami Parliament, Karasjok<br.>Home Page 0 of 39


Gålmmå prinsessa Alek Bávten The Three Princesses in the Mountain-in-the-Blue From Niellja álmmuksubttsasa ['Four Folk Tales']. Traditional Norwegian tale written down by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe. Translated to Lule Sami by Anders Kintel and Adele Nystø Ráhka. Sámedigge 2002. Sámedigge - <br.> The Sami Parliament,<br.> Karasjok 0 of 133


Háŋŋá The Long-tailed Duck Traditional Lule Sami folk song.

The husband returns home and finds the animals and the infant crying. The wife is nowhere, but a Long-tailed Duck is swimming back and forth along the shore...

3 of 3


Identitehtta (02) Identity (02) Exhibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

Montage on a map over the Lule Sami language area.<br.> Who are the Samis...

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag

Home Page

0 of 28


Identitehtta (03) Identity (03) Exhibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

Different Sami voices expresses what it means to be a Sami.

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 9 of 15


Identitehtta (05) Identity (05) Exibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

The Samis seen through the eyes of the outsiders.

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 6


Identitehtta (06) Identity (06) Exibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

Symbols the Samis use when presenting their culture.

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 4


Identitehtta (07) Identity (07) Exibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

The traditional costume

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 5


Identitehtta (08) Identity (08) Exibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.


Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 1 of 3


Identitehtta (10) Identity (10) Exibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

Political milestones

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 21


Identitehtta (11) Identity (11) Exibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

Early political organizing

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 3


Identitehtta (12) Identity (12) Exibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

Political reorganizing after World War II

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 3


Identitehtta (13) Identity (13) Exibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

The Election 1955 for Council of The Municipality - a Sami election

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 4


Identitehtta (14) Identity (14) Exibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

The Sami Parliament

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 4


Identitehtta (15) Identity (15) Exibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

Sami name for Tysfjord municipality?

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/ lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 3


Ieneplåhko ja unneplåhko vierttiji aktan barggat !! Report by Kitty Skapalen in the local weekly paper for Hamarøy, Steigen and Tysfjord. Translated by Jørgen Kintel. <br.>Archive file 14.10.08 Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeavijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet 0 of 41
Ietjat vuojnno Your Opinion Website on the public information portal for Sami youth in Norway Infonuorra Sapmi. Archive file 19.12.2004 Nordland fylkeskommune/ Nordlánda fylkkasuohkan, Bodø Home Page 0 of 10


Jahke mij la vássám The Year that Went by Summary by Sander Andersen for the year 2005 in the local weekly paper for Hamarøy, Steigen and Tysfjord. <br.>Archive file 05.01.2006. Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeavijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet Home Page 0 of 47


Jávrregátten At the Bank of the Lake A chapter from the narrative <br.>Jåvvå-viellja. Svállátjoajve sinna Austeráliáj ['Brother Jåvvå. In a whale's belly on the way to Australia'] by Inga Karlsen. Oral narrative, recorded and typed by Adele Nystø Rahka. Adapted by <br,> Kurt Tore Andersen.<br.>Davvi Girji 2008 Davvi Girji, Karasjok

Home Page<br.>and <br.>Inga Karlsen

0 of 48


Julevsáme boatsojsujtto - histåvrrå jali ájn máhttelisvuoda? Lule Sami Reindeer Herding - History or Possibility? Report by Børge Strandskog in the local weekly paper for Hamarøy, Steigen and Tysfjord. Translated by Idar Kintel. <br.>Archive file 22.05.2008 Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeavijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet Home Page 0 of 31


Julevsáme girjaga, háme ja bájno tjalmostuvvi Focus on Lule Sami Patterns, Forms and Color Report by Sander Andersen in the local weekly paper for Hamarøy, Steigen and Tysfjord. Archive file 06.10.06 by Gunnar Grytøyr. Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeavijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet 0 of 29


Liet Lavlut 2008 !! Website on the public information portal for Sami youth in Norway Infonuorra Sapmi. Archive file 01.10.2008 Nordland fylkeskommune/ Nordlánda fylkkasuohkan, Bodø Home Page 0 of 23


loattjes nuorre / dead calm sea / A poem from the poetry book "Vuonak". "... fra fjordene" ["Fjordlander"] by Stig Riemmbe Gælok. <br.>Th. Blaasværs Forlag 1986 Stig Riemmbe Gælok 0 of 12


Lågåt lågos 10 Tenth Lesson 10 Lesson 10 of the Lule Sami language course Sámásta 2 ['Speak Sami 2'] by Anders Nystø and Sigmund Johnsen. Báhko forlag 2001


Báhko forlag, Drag<br.> Anders Nystø and Sigmund Johnsen 0 of 49
Låjdåstibme We Got Married Advertisement in the Sami newspaper Ságat nr. 127, 09.09.2008 1 of 2


Máno Months The Sami names of the months 12 of 12


moatten bálen / many times / A poem from the poetry book "- ale desti!". "- ikke mer!" ["- no more!"] by Stig Gælok Urheim. <br.>Th. Blaasværs Forlag 1992 Stig Riemmbe Gælok 3 of 3


Njuovtjam lávlo... Sing, toung... Psalm by Venantius Fortunatusis, 700th c. Translated from Latin by Nils Johan Sundelin (1808-1877). Adapted to modern orthography by Kurt Tore Andersen 1997.

Goes to a Lule Sami folk tone. The psalm was printed in the Lule Sami psalm book in 2005.

0 of 13


Nordlánda sáme álmmuk The Sami People of Nordland Information on the website of Nordland County. <br.>Archive file 11.09.2008.

About Nordland County's work on Sami issues.

Nordland fylkeskommune/ Nordlánda fylkkasuohkan, Bodø<br.>Home Page 0 of 7


nuorre ja báro / sea and waves / A poem from the poetry book "Vuonak". "...fra fjordene" ["Fjordlander"] by Stig Riemmbe Gælok. <br.>Th. Blaasværs Forlag 1986. Stig Riemmbe Gælok 0 of 9


Nuorttabiegga ja biejvve <br.>no Sami text yet The North Wind and the Sun A fable attributed to Aesop.

Used in phonetic descriptions of languages as a parallel text in comparative linguistics, providing a more natural language than the Lord's Prayer.

Nælját lågos 4 Fourth Lesson 4 Lesson 4 of the Lule Sami language course Sámásta 2 ['Speak Sami 2'] by Anders Nystø and Sigmund Johnsen. Báhko forlag 2001


Báhko forlag, Drag<br.> Anders Nystø and Sigmund Johnsen 0 of 53


Oahppogárvvidus iemeálmmugij birra nuorttaguovlovuojnojn Development of a Curriculum for Studies of Indigenous Peoples in an Arctic Perspective Information <br.>by Sven-Roald Nystø <br.>on the website of Árran - <br.>Lule Sami Center <br.>03.09.2008. Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag

Home Page

0 of 4


Psykologiddja l nuppij sáhkadit Psychology Is to Talk with Someone Else Report by Sander Andersen in the local weekly paper for Hamarøy, Steigen and Tysfjord. Published by Gunnar Grytøyr. Archive files 02.12.05 Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeavijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet Home Page 0 of 15


Rabás tjåhkanime sáme luonndoadnema birra Open Meeting on Sami Use of Nature Announcement on Nordland County's website. Published by Gro Eli Sørensen 20.08.2008 Nordland fylkeskommune/ Nordlánda fylkkasuohkan, Bodø<br.>Home Page 0 of 9


Rádnastallamiehket Árranin Friendship Evening at Árran Announcement on the website of Árran Lule Sami Center 01.10.2008<br.>Arrangement by the museum at the center. Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag

Home Page

0 of 16


rijtes gadnjala / bitter tears / A poem from the poetry book "Vuonak". "...fra fjordene" ["Fjordlander"] by Stig Riemmbe Gælok. <br.>Th. Blaasværs Forlag 1986 Stig Riemmbe Gælok 0 of 3


Sajdde-bivddo <br.>(Gå Ánders lij <br.>nuoren) Fishing Pollock (When Ánders Was at Sea) From Gålmmå giehto ['Three stories'], by Mikal Urheim. <br.>Th. Blaasværs Forlag 1988

Ánders is out at sea, fishing pollock with his uncle Ievár.<br.>For children.

Stig Riemmbe Gælok<br.>

and <br.>Mikal Urheim

1-10 of 169


Sáme dåjma Árktisin Sami Tasks in the Arctic Information on Árran - Lule Sami center's website about a Seminar arranged by The Nordic Council. Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag

Home Page

0 of 6


Sámegielav tjierrot To Beweep the Sami Language Column by Stig Riemmbe Gælok in Ávvir Sami Newspaper 99/1 13.09.2008, commenting actual topics in the Lule Sami area. Stig Riemmbe Gælok 1-2, 28 of 28


Sámegiella gållegiella Sami Language - The Golden Language Information, website on the public information portal for Sami youth in Norway Infonuorra Sapmi. Archive file 08.09.2008 Nordland fylkeskommune/ Nordlánda fylkkasuohkan, Bodø Home Page 0 of 16


Sánni bæ Sanni Baa From Gålmmå giehto ['Three Stories'], by Mikal Urheim. <br.>Th. Blaasværs Forlag 1988

Story about Iván and the sheep Sánni. For small children.

Stig Riemmbe Gælok<br.>

and <br.>Mikal Urheim

1-10 of 53


Sihtin nuppe oahppij oahpástuvvat They Wanted to Meet Other Students Report by Sandra Nystø Ráhka, Eskil Mikkelsen and Idar Kintel in the local weekly paper for Hamarøy, Tysfjord and Steigen. Published on the website by Gunnar Grytøyr. <br.>Archive file 02.12.2005 Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeavijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet Home Page 0 of 12


Skåvllåsysteman la vihke The School System Is Wrong Report by Sander Andersen in the local weekly paper for Hamarøy, Tysfjord and Steigen. Published on the website by Gunnar Grytøyr. <br.>Archive file 08.12.2005

Interview with Arnhild K. Lindbach about learning Sami.

Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeavijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet Home Page 0 of 16


Soria Moria ladne Soria Moria Castle From Niellja álmmuksubttsasa ['Four Folk Tales']. Traditional Norwegian tale written down by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe. Translated to Lule Sami by Anders Kintel and Adele Nystø Rahka. Sámedigge 2002. Sámedigge - <br.>The Sami Parliament, Karasjok<br.>Home Page 0 of 118


Subtsastiddje ja kultuvrraguodde Inga Vuodnabadás Storyteller and Culture Bearer Inga from Hellemobotn Report by Kitty Skapalen in the local weekly paper for Hamarøy, Tysfjord and Steigen. Translated by Idar Kintel. Published on the website by Gunnar Grytøyr. Archive file 24.06.2008. Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeavijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet Home Page 0 of 41


Såbadibme l prosæssa Reconciliation Is a Prosess Report by Sander Andersen in the local weekly paper for Hamarøy, Tysfjord and Steigen. Published on the website by Gunnar Grytøyr. <br.>Archive file 02.12.2005. Lokalavisa NordSalten/ Bájkkeavijssa NuorttaSállto, Innhavet Home Page 0 of 37


Tálla Numbers Names of the numbers 1 of 15


"Typisk norsk"? "Typical Norwegian?" [report] 0 of 13 phrases
Ukrainaj vádtsemin Walking to the Ukraine A chapter from the narrative Jåvvå-viellja. Mannulahka Ukrainaj ['Brother Jåvvå. Journey to the Ukraine'] by Inga Karlsen. Oral narrative, recorded and typed by Adele Nystø Rahka. Adapted by <br,> Kurt Tore Andersen. <br.>Davvi Girji 2004 Davvi Girji, Karasjok<br.> Home Page

and Inga Karlsen

0 of 246


Viellde Power Column by Stig Riemmbe Gælok in Ávvir Sami Newspaper 122/1 16.10.2008, commenting actual topics in the Lule Sami area. Stig Riemmbe Gælok 0 of 25


Viessom - <br.>Bivddo stuorra nuorreiellijs Life and Time - <br.>The Catching of Large Sea Mammals Exhibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre. Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/ lulesamisk senter, Drag

Home Page

0 of 9


Viessom -<br.> Luofåhtan Life and Time - <br.>At the Lofoten Exhibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre. Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 2 of 7


Viessom -<br.> Mannulagá jávtaj Life and Time - <br.>Shipping Goods Exhibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre. Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 9


Viessom -<br.> Motåvrrå boahtá Life and Time - <br.>The Arrival of Boat Motors Exhibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre.

Technological changees in the fisheries when the diesel engine was introduced

Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 10


Viessom -<br.> Oasesguollim Life and time -<br.>Commercial Fishing Exhibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre. Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 15


Viessom -<br.> Oasestibme Biergunin Life and Time - <br.>The Trade with Bergen Exhibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre. Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 21


Viessom - <br.>Sáme vanntsabiggárin Life and Time - <br.>Sami Boat Building Exhibition text from the museum at Árran - Lule Sami Centre. Árran - julevsáme guovdasj/lulesamisk senter, Drag 0 of 10


vuonaga li nievres ulmutja / the fjordlanders are bad people / A poem from the poetry book "Vuonak". "...fra fjordene" ["Fjordlander"] by Stig Riemmbe Gælok. <br.> Th. Blaasværs Forlag 1996 Stig Riemmbe Gælok 0 of 6
Æjvvalimsadje sáme nuorajda Meeting Place for Sami Youth Presentation of the public information portal for Sami youth in Norway Infonuorra Sapmi. Archive file 03.09.2008 Nordland fylkeskommune/ Nordlánda fylkkasuohkan, Bodø<br.>Home Page 0 of 18


Ådåsa News From NRK text-tv Sámi Rádio Ådåsa julevsámegiellaj, page 194, 22.09.2008

About Musken school; lobster production; a project to document Sami life.

The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation <br.> Home Page <br.>NRK Sámi Rádio<br.> Website 1 of 21
