Typecraft v2.5
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Content pages289
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Uploaded files906
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Page edits since TypeCraft was set up17,119
Average edits per page6.33
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Registered users130,938
Active users (list of members)
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Administrators (list of members)5
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View statistics
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(Views to non-existing pages and special pages are not included)
Views per edit1,013.74
Most viewed pages
Main Page1,474,846
Annotation of representative texts from Lule Sami478,628
Classroom:Norwegian Grammar Checking420,429
Current events337,706
Classroom:NTNU, LING1113 (2009) - Motion and Space243,923
Advisory Board236,191
About Lule Sami224,014
In-depth annotation of multi-verb constructions in Èdó205,282
Classroom:Simon's cat - multi-lingual201,270