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The MaLex Project

Revision as of 16:35, 22 February 2010 by Lars Hellan (Talk | contribs)

University of Malawi
NTNU-Dragvoll, Trondheim Norway

The MaLex project is a cooperation between the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) at the University of Malawi, Zomba, Malawi, and the Department of Language and Communication Studies (ISK) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. The project is financed by NUFU. Prof. Lars Hellan, NTNU, is the Norwegian coordinator and Prof. Pascal Kishindo, University of Malawi, is the coordinator in Malawi.

The "Lex" in MaLex stands for "lexicon", and lexica will be among the main results of the project. For reporting on this, see [1].

Another area of MaLex is typologically oriented in-depth annotation of representative texts of languages of Malawi, starting with Chichewa and Citumbuka. See annotation of representative text fragments from Chichewa, Ciyawo and Citumbuka. Within this overall goal, the annotation of technological terms used in the medical campaign against HIV and AIDS was given special importance in the text selection and annotation for Chichewa..

MaLex supports at present one graduate student from Malawi, and has had visits at NTNU by two students from Malawi, one in the spring semester 2008 (see follow this link.), and one in the Fall 2008 ([[2]]).