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Talk:Documenting Lule Sami

Revision as of 14:14, 3 November 2008 by Dorothee Beermann (Talk | contribs)

There is no clear categorial distinction between adjectives and nouns in Lule Saami. (Reference???)

This statement is somewhat dubious: if there would be no distinction between adjectives and nouns, how come we have derivational morphology on an adjective when it appears as a noun? (See example) *Strange* (-dorothee)

Concerning subcategorization of nominalizers you gave a list which looks interesting:

- Betegner selve handlingen: tjállem - the act of writing

- Betegner redskap, midlet til å utføre handlingen med: gåjvun - ??

- Gjenstand for handlingen: gåbtjås ??

- Resultatet (produktet) av handlingen: tjála - text ???

- Vær- og føreforhold, eller stedet hvor handlingen skjer: jådådahka - godt føre ; tjuoladahka - sted hvor en har hugget ved - som heter ? og forkortes ? (Kristin)

Yet, in its present form I cannot quite make sense out of it. It would help if you could indicate the words citation form and the affix, and provide some more context for the Norwegian translations. Thanks - dorothee