Typecraft v2.5
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You have come to the Category: Languages. It allows you to view TypeCraft articles ordered by the language that they discuss.

Not all languages that are stored in the TypeCraft database are associated with a TCwiki article.

If you own data in the TypeCraft database, you can contribute to a better online representation of your language by creating a TC-wiki page. This also gives you the chance to represent some of your data directly online. How to embed interlinear glosses stored in the TypeCraft database in a TC-wiki page is explained here.

By writing about your language, you can for example share issues related to the annotation of your language (e.g.Annotating_Konkomba) or discuss issues relating to the development of your language (e.g.Telugu_The_Language).

A good start could also be to give an overview over the grammatical properties of your language. This can be done using a Typological Features Template (e.g.Typological_Features_Template_for_Akan). A blueprint for such a template can be found here.

If you wish to search the TypeCraft database for langages go to: Portal of Languages