Classroom:Norwegian Grammar Checking
Norwegian Grammar Checking
This gadget is designed to provide grammaticality feedback for sentences of your choice.
Please click on the Troll picture to get to the Grammar Sparrer.
In the window that comes up, write a sentence into the open mask, and push the button 'Analyze'.
If the string you wrote is grammatically wellformed, you will get the response:
A wellformed Norwegian sentence
If the string is not grammatically wellformed, there are two possibilities:
Error diagnosis
The first possibility is that the system tells you what is wrong about the string. For instance, for the ungrammatical string
Jeg liker du.
where the subject form "du" is used as an object, you will get the response:
The word "du" is marked with the wrong case, try using "deg" instead.
Accompanying such an error message, there is a small square with a number inside. By clicking on this number, you can get a new window showing a recommended version of the intended sentence, in the present case:
Jeg liker deg.
(To write a new sentence for feedback, return to the previous window.)
Next to the square with a number, there is also a button saying More description, which takes you to a brief description of the relevant part of Norwegian grammar.
Ungrammaticality report
The second possibility is that the grammar recognizes a string as ungrammatical, but no specific message has been designed for the error type. The interface will then simply report:
Ungrammatical in Norwegian.
You can in principle use sentences of any length, but for the purpose of getting rapid feedback and precise advice about what (if anything) is wrong, short sentences are recommended. However, they should be grammatically full sentences. Moreover, the following constraints are currently imposed:
- Imperative verb forms are not accepted.
- Interjections (like "yes", "hi!", and so) are not accepted.
- The array of verbs and adjectives that can be used is virtually unlimited, but for nouns, we recommend that you for the time being stay within the following set:
mann, dame, jente, gutt, katt, ball, hus, fjell, mat, ....
If the lexicon of the parser does not contain a certain word used in the input string, the response will inform you that this is so.
Usage of the grammar checker
For use of the system in a language learning context, see A Norwegian Grammar Sparrer.
Phenomena for which you can get feedback, and possible feedback messages
For an overview of phenomena for which you can get articulated error feedback, please go to the following page: Grammar sparring phenomena
For an overview of feedback messages available, go to Feedback messages.
--Lars Hellan 21:14, 11 September 2011 (UTC)