Valence Profile English
Mary Esther Kropp Dakubu
This list is built on the Norwegian list included in SLAVOB 6.3
v-intr│suAg│ACTIVITY the boy jumps v-intr│suAg│SEMELFACTIVE the boy jumps v-intr│suAg│COMPLETEDMONODEVMNT Jack ate v-intr│suSens│PROTR-SENSATION the boy listens v-intr│suTh│PROCESS the ice melts v-intr│suTh│SUSTAINEDPHENOM the rain continued v-intr│suThmover│MOTION the ball rolls v-intr-suAbsGer│suThsit│ASSESS getting money for political favours stinks v-intr-suNrg│PHENOM it rains v-intrAdv│suAg│ACHIEVEMENT he functions well v-intrAdv│suTh│PROPTY the machine functions well v-intrObl│suAg_oblInstr│ACTIVITY Jane wrote with a pen v-intrObl│suAg_oblTrgt│ACTIVITY Jane wrote to John v-intrObl-oblEndpt│suAgmover│MOTIONDIRECTED John walked into the room v-intrObl│suExp_oblCsr│EMOTIONCAUSED they grieved over the death v-intrObl│suTh_oblLoc│PHENOM stars appear in the heavens v-intrObl-oblEqSuGer│suAg_oblContent│ASSESS Jane believes in speaking her mind v-intrObl│suPurelyorient_oblTrgt│ORIENT the arrow points to the north v-intrObl│suPath_oblTrgt│PATHCONSTELLATION the road goes towards the north v-intrAdvPath│suLocomoevent│LOCOMODEVELOPMENT the tour goes northwards v-intrAdvPresent-suExpn│suThmover│MOTIONPRESENTED there goes the ball v-intrComp│suCog_compThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE Kathy thought I would come v-intrComp-compYN│suCog_compThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE Kathy wonders whether I will come v-intrComp-compWH│suCog_compThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE Kathy wonders who will come v-intrExlnk-ExlnkDECL it appears that he will come v-intrExpn-expnAbsinf│ASSESS it helps to sit down v-intrExpn-expnDECL_suNrg│PHENOM it happens that the earth is round v-intrExpn-expnEquat│ASSESS it looks as if he did it v-intrExpn-expnWH_suNrg it is a question who comes v-intrExpn-expnYN it is a question whether he can do it v-intrImplMotion│suPath│CROSSINGPATHS their paths crossed v-intrObRais-suNrg_obRaisInf│obThsit│EXHIBACT he appears to come v-intrObl│suAg_oblAffincrem│NONCOMPLETED_MONODEVMNT she nibbles at the apple v-intrObl│suAg_oblLoc│LOCATION she lives in London v-intrObl│suAg_oblTopic│ACTIVITY-COMMUNICATION I talk about Jane v-intrObl│suAg_oblTrgt│EMISSION he vomited on the tablecloth v-intrObl│suTh_oblLoc│INCHOATIONLOCATED a crack appears in the glass v-intrObl│suTh_oblLoc│LOCATION Boston is in Massachusetts v-intrObl│suTh_oblLoc│LOCATION the town lies in the valley v-intrObl│suTh_oblPoss│POSSESSION the book belongs to Jane v-intrObl_suWH│suThsit_oblTh│DEPEND who comes depends on you v-intrObl-suWH_oblWH│suThsit_oblTh│DEPEND who comes depends on what you do v-intrObl-suYN│suThsit_oblTh│DEPEND whether he comes depends on you v-intrObl-suYN_oblYN│suThsit_oblTh│DEPEND whether he comes depends on whether you come v-intrObl-oblAbsGer│suAg_oblContent│ACTIVITY-ABOUTNESS they talk about travelling to Mars v-intrObl-oblDeclNom│suAg_oblContent│ACTIVITY they talk about it being too late v-intrObl-oblEqSuInf│suAg_oblContent│ACTIVITY-PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE he hopes to come v-intrObl-oblInf│suAg_oblEventcont│CAUSATION we arranged for him to get a visa v-intrOblExpn-suNrg_expnYN it depends on you whether he will win v-intrOblPath│suAgmover_OblEndpt│MOTIONtoENDPT a man runs to here v-intrOblScpr-scSuNrg_scInf│oblCog_scThsit│PERCPT he seems to me to be in a good mood v-intrPrtcl-suNrg│TELIC-PHENOM it clears up v-intrScPr-scPrAdj│suSens│PROTR-EXPER the boy feels cold v-intrScPr-suBPspec_scPrAdj│suThloc│PARTWHOLEEXPER my back feels cold v-intrScPrExpn-ScPrAdj_ExpnDECL it is essential that he comes v-intrPresnt│presTh there lived a man v-intrPresntLoc│presntAg_advLoc│POSTURELOC there sits a man in the chair v-intrPresnt-suNrg_presntREL│presThsit there comes a time when nothing works v-intrPrtcl│suAg│SUSTAINEDACTIVITY Jack keeps on v-intrPrtcl│suTh│SUSTAINEDPHENOM the rain keeps on v-intrPrtclGer│suAg│SUSTAINEDACTIVITY Jack kept on running v-intrPrtclObl│suAg_obl│SUSTAINEDACTIVITY Jack kept on with his running v-intrScpr-scAdj│suThmover│EXHIBPROPTY the water runs clear (formerly it didn’t) v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scAdj│EXHIBPROPTY the boy seems sick v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scInf he seems to believe it v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scAdj│EXHIBPROPTY the boy seems sensible v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scInf│EXHIBPROPTY the boy seems to be a leader v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scPP│EXHIBPROPTY the boy seems in good shape v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scPredprtcl│EXHIBPROPTY the boy appears as a hero in the report v-intrScpr-scSuArgCsd_scAdv│suTh│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT the coffee boils away v-intrScpr-scSuNrgCsd_scAdv│INCREMRESULT the cup runs over v-intrScpr-scSuNrgCsd_scAdv│INCREMRESULT the shore eroded away v-intrScpr-scSuNrgCsd_scPP│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT the house burned to a cinder v-intrScpr-suNrg_scEquat│RESULT it looks as though he came v-intrScpr-scAdj│suTh│PROPTYDYN the house stands empty v-intrLghtScpr-scSuNrg_scPredprtcl the boy emerged as a suspect v-intrLghtScpr-scSuNrgCsd_scAdj│INCREMRESULT the company goes broke v-intrPrtclScpr-scSuNrg_scAdj│EXHIBPROPTY the boy ended up sick v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scPredprtcl│EXHIBPROPTY the boy sounds like a parrot v-intrObl│suAg_oblTrg│COMPARISON the boy runs like a donkey v-intrWH│PHENOM a time comes when nothing works v-intrAuxmodComp-compEqBareinf│suAg_compThsit Jane can paddle v-intrAuxmodScpr-suDir_scSuNrg_scAdv he must go out
v-tr│suAg_oblAffincrem│MONODEVMNT she eats the apple v-tr│suAg_obAff│CONTACTFORCEFUL Jack beats John v-tr│suAg_obAffincrem│COMPLETED_MONODEVMNT Kathy ate the cake v-tr│suAgmover_obPathobj│MOTIONALONGLINE Kathy follows the path v-tr│suAgmover_obAgmover│MOTIONCROSSPATHS the boy crosses the demonstration parade v-tr│suAgmover_obEndpnt│MOTIONtoENDPT Kathy reaches the top v-tr│suAgmover_obStartpt│MOTIONDIRECTED Kathy left the room v-tr│suAg_obEjct│EJECTION Kathy throws the ball v-tr│suAg_obEjctinobj│EJECTION she shoots plastic bullets v-tr│suAg_obEventcont│ACTIVITY she sang a beautiful song v-tr│suAg_obExp│EMOTIONCAUSED Kathy frightens Jane v-tr│suAgmover_obLengthcont│MOTIONEXTENDING the boy walks two kilometers v-tr│suAg_obTh│REPRESENTING Kathy mentions Jane v-tr│suAg_obThincrem│COMPLETED_MONODEVMNT Kathy read the book v-tr│suAg_obThmover│MOTIONCAUSED Kathy sends the parcel v-tr│suAgmover_obViapnt│MOTIONviaVIAPT Kathy passes the church v-tr│suCog_obTh│COGNITION Kathy knows the answer v-tr│suComitmover_obAgmover│MOTIONPARALLEL the boy accompanies the president v-tr│suExp_obTrgt│EMOTION Jane likes horses v-tr│suOrientedline_obOrientedline│CROSSINGPATHS the stroke cuts the line v-tr│suOrientedline_obOrientedline│PARALLELPATHS the stroke follows the line v-tr│suPathobj_obEndpnt│EXTENSIONtoENDPT the path reaches the top v-tr│suPathobj_obViapnt│EXTENSIONviaVIAPT the path passes the church v-tr│suSens_obTh│SENSATION Kathy sees Jane v-tr│suPoss_obPossd│POSSESSION Jack owns a car v-tr│suTh_obBen│PENDINGSTATE an accident awaits him v-tr│suTh_obExp│EMOTIONCAUSED the book depresses Jane v-tr│suTh_obLengthcont│EXTENDING the track measures 400 meters v-tr│suTh_obSens│SENSATIONCAUSED the stone hurt Jane v-tr│suTh_obTimecont│LASTING the film lasts 5 hours v-tr│suTh_obWeightcont│WEIGHING the stone weighs 5 kg v-trImpltransf│suAg_obRec│RENDERINGinPOSITION he dressed the boy v-trImpltransfObl│suAg_obTh_oblLoc│RENDERINGinPOSITION he spilled water on the tablecloth v-trImpltransfObl-OblRefl│suAg_obTh_oblTrgt│RENDERINGinPOSITION he spilled water on himself v-trImpltransf-obRefl│suAg_obPat│RENDERINGinPOSITION he dressed himself v-tr-suGer│suEffector_obAff│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE getting money for political favours disgusts me v-tr-suAbsger│suThsit_obAff│EXPERIENCECAUSED getting money for political favours disgusts me v-tr-suAbsger│suThsit_obCog│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE building highrises interests Kathy v-tr-suGer│suThsit_obCog│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE my coming astonishes Kathy v-tr-suGer_obDECL│suThsit_obThsit│CAUSATION Jane’s coming entails that you must come v-tr-suGer_obYN│suThsit_obThsit│CAUSATION Jane’s coming determines whether you come v-tr-suWH│suThsit_obCog│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE who comes interests Kathy v-tr-suWH_obWH│suThsit_obThsit│CAUSATION who comes decides who will win v-tr-suYN│suThsit_obCog│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE whether I come interests Kathy v-tr-obAbsger│suAg_obThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE Kathy considers coming v-tr-obDECL│suAg_obEventcont│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGENTITY we arranged that he got a visa v-tr-obDECL│suCog_obThsit│COGNITION Kathy knows that I came v-tr-obDECL│suCog_obThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE I assume that he is qualified v-tr-obDECL│suSens_obThsit│SENSATION Kathy sees that Jane sleeps v-tr-obEqInf│suAg_obThsit│ACTIVITY Kathy tries to come v-tr-obRefl│suAg_obAff│AFFECTING Kathy washes herself v-trExpnSu-expnDECL│obCog_expnThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE it worries me that he hasn’t come v-trExpnSu-expnCOND│obCog_expnThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE it will not surprise me if he comes v-trExpnSu-expnEqInf│obCog_expnSuThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE it pleases me to come v-trExpnSu│obMeas_expnAbsinf││ASSESS it takes two hours to go there v-trExpnOb-expnCOND│suCog_expnThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE I will deplore it if you come v-trExpnOb-expnAbsinf│suAg_expnThsit│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGENTITY we make it impossible to come v-trNrf-obReflExpl│suAgmover│MOTION the boy raised himself v-trNrfPrt_obReflExpl│suAgmover│MOTIONDIRECTED the boy pulled himself up v-trNrfAdv-obReflExpl│suAg│ACTIVITY he behaved himself nicely v-trNrfObl-obReflExpl_oblEqSuGer│suAg_oblThsit Jane resigned herself to waiting v-trNrfPath-obReflExpl│suAgmover│MOTION he pushes himself forward v-trNrfPrtcl-obRefl│suAg│ACTIVITY Kathy messed herself up v-trNrfScpr-obReflExpl_scSuNrg_scAdj│suAg he made himself sick v-trNrfScpr-obReflExpl_scSuNrg_scAdj│suAg│INCREMENTALRESULT he shouted himself hoarse v-trObl│suAg_obTh_oblIntrloc│COMMUNICATION he told the news to Kathy v-trObl-obRefl│suAg_obTh_oblCom│ACHVMNT he allied himself with the boy v-trObl-obRefl_oblBPob│suAg_obAff_oblThloc│PARTWHOLEAFFECTING Jack scratched himself on the back v-trObl-obReflExpl_oblBPob│suAff_oblThloc│PARTWHOLEAFFECTING Jack cut himself on the knee v-trObl-oblBPob│suAg_obAff_oblThloc│PARTWHOLEAFFECTING I kicked Jack in the leg v-trObl-oblDECL│suAg_obIntrloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT he told Jack that he had come v-trObl-oblPP│suAg_obIntrloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT he told Jack about his coming v-trObl-oblYN│suAg_obIntrloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT he asked Jack whether he came v-trPassinf-EqSuInf│suAg_obIntrloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT he begged me to be allowed to come v-trObl-oblInf│suAg_obInterloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT he begged me to go v-trObl-obRefl_oblEqSuGer│suAg_obTh_oblThsit│COMMITMENT he commits himself to coming v-trObl-oblPP│suAg_obInterloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT we tell the children about building houses v-trOblScpr-scSuNrg_scN│oblCog_scThsit│PERCPT he seems to me an idiot v-trOblScpr-scSuNrg_scInf│oblCog_scThsit│PERCPT he seems to me to be an idiot v-trPath│suAg_obPurelyorient│ORIENT he directs the arrow to the north v-trPath│suAg_obOrientedline│LINESITUATING he draws the line to the left v-trPath│suAgmover_obLocomoevent│LOCOMOCONDUCTION they take the tour to the north v-trPath│suAgmover_obOrientedline│USINGPATH the boy will take the path toward the river v-trPath│suAgmover_obInstrmover│USINGVEHICLE the boy will take the bus to town v-trPrtcl│suExper_obTh│EXHIBATTITUDE Kathy approves of your choice v-trPrtcl│suCog_obTh│COGNITION Kathy found out the answer v-trPrtcl-obDECLcmp│suCog_obThsit│COGNITION Kathy found out that I came v-trPrtcl-obRefl│suAg_obTh│COMPLETEDACTIVITY Kathy cleaned herself up v-trPrtcl-obYN-suCog_obThsit-COGNITION Kathy found out whether they came v-trPrtcl-obWH│suCog_obThsit│COGNITION Kathy found out who came v-trScpr-scBareinf│suSens_obThsit│SENSATION I saw him run v-trScpr-obRefl_scSuNrg_scPassinf│suAg_obTrgt│PERMISSION they let themselves be seen v-trScpr-scGer│suAg_obTime_scThsit│SUSTAINEDACTIVITY we spent a week doing it v-trScpr-scObNrg_scInf│suCog_scThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE I assume him to be qualified v-trScpr-scObNrg_scGer│suSens│SENSATION I saw him running (he was running) v-trScpr-scEqSuGer│suSens_obTh│SENSATION I saw him running (I was running) v-trScpr-scObNrg_obRefl_scGer│suSens_obThsit│SENSATION he felt himself falling v-trScpr-scObNrg_scAdj│suCog│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE she considers Jack qualified v-trScpr-scObNrg_obRefl_scAdj│suCog_obThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE she considers herself qualified v-trScpr-scObNrg_scPredprtcl│suAg_obThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE they perceived him as qualified v-trScpr-scObNrg_scN│suAg_obThsit│REPRESENT she calls Jane a friend v-trScpr-scObNrg_obRefl_scN│suAg_obThsit│REPRESENT she calls herself a friend v-trScpr-scObNrg_scBareinf│suAg│PERMISSION they let the man sing v-trScpr-scObNrg_scPassInf│suAg│PERMISSION they let the song be sung v-trScpr-scObArgConcurr_scAdj│suAg_obAffincrem│CONCURRSTATE he drank the coffee cold v-trScpr-scObArgConcurr_scPP│suAg_obThvehcl│CONCURRSTATE he drove the car in good condition v-trScpr-scObArgConcurr_scPredprtcl│suAg_obThvehcl│CONCURRSTATE he drove the car as an airport limousine v-trScpr-scObArgRes_scAdj│suCsr_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGENTITY she pounded the soil flat v-trScpr-scObNrgRes_scPP│suCsr_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGENTITY she put the house into good condition v-trScpr-scObNrgRes_scPP│suCsr_scCsd│PLACEMENT she put the shoes behind the door v-trScpr-scObArgCsd_scAdv│suAg_obAff_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT he kicked the ball away v-trScpr-scObNrgCsd_scAdj│suAg_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT they drank the house dry v-trScpr-scObNrgCsd_obRefl_scAdj│suAg_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT she ran herself ragged v-trScprShft-scObArgCsd_scAdv│suAg_obAff_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT he pushed away the branches v-trScpr-obDir_obRefl_scObNrgCsd_scAdv│suAg_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT he gets himself away v-trScpr-obPossp_scObNrgCsd_scAdv│suAg_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT he sang his sorrows away v-trScprShft-obPossp_scObNrgCsd_scAdv│suAg_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT she wiped away her tears
I gave him the book I give-PAST him DEF book
he owes her a book PRON.3SG owe-3SG.PRES DET book
the job took us all day
taking walks gives you strength take-GER walks give-3SG.PRES PRON.2 strength
his singing gives Kathy a headache PRON.POSS.3SG sing-GER give-3SG.PRES K DET headache
whether he comes first will give us our plan of attack whether PRON.3SG come-3SG.PRES first FUT show PRON.1PL plan of attack
what happens last gives us the plan of attack WH happen-3SG.PRES last give-3SG.PRES PRON.1PL DEF plan of attack
Jack supplied fruit to the store
he gave himself time he give-PAST REFL time
Kathy allowed herself three cakes K allow-PAST REFL three cakes
Kathy tells me that he often comes K tell-3SG.PRES PRON.1SG COMP PRON.3SG often come-PRES
Kathy allows him to come K. allow-3SG.PRES PRON.3SG INF come
Kathy promises him to come K. promise-3SG.PRES PRON.3SG INF come
Jack supplied us with fruits
he tells me who comes PRON.3SG tell-3SG.PRES PRON.1SG WH come-3SG.PRES
he tells me whether they come PRON.3SG tell-3SG.PRES PRON.1PL whether they come
Kathy allowed herself to come K. allow-3SG.PRES REFL INF come
Kathy bade him come K bid-3SG.PAST PRON.3SG come
Kathy let him come K let PRON.3SG come
who comes first does not show us who comes last WH come-3SG.PRES first do-NEG show PRON.1PL WH come-3SG.PRES last
whether he comes first will show us whether they have a plan YN PRON.3SG come-3SG.PRES FUT show PRON.1PL WH PRON.3PL have DET plan
v-ditrComp-cmpDECL│suAg_iobC omit_obTh│CONDITIONALTRANSFER
I bet you fifty cents he won’t come PRON.1SG bet-PRES fifty cents PRON.3SG FUT.NEG come
it took me two hours to get there PRON.EXPL take-PAST PRON.1SG two hours INF get there
The book cost me ten dollars
Jack sold me the car for fifty dollars J sell-PAST PRON.1SG DEF car for 50 dollars
Jack paid Jane fifty dollars for the car
Jack sold the car to Jane for fifty dollars J sell-PAST DEF car to J for fifty dollars
Jack paid fifty dollars to Jane for the car
Jane is startled
Jane be.SG.PRES startled v-copAdj│suTh│PROPTY
he is kind he be-PRES kind
getting money for political favours is disgusting get-GER money PREP political favours be-PRES disgusting running is healthy run-GER be-3SG.PRES healthy
that he came at all is surprising COMP PRON.3SG at all be-3SG.PRES surprising
to err is human INF err be-3SG.PRES human
who will comes is uncertain WH FUT come be-3SG.PRES uncertain
whether he comes is uncertain WH PRON.3SG come-3SG.PRES be-3SG.PRES uncertain
Jane is busy (these days) with writing Jane busy PREP write-GER
he is a fool PRON.3SG be-3SG.PRES fool
seeing him was a pleasure see-GER PRON.3SG be-3SG.PAST DET pleasure
that he came was a shock COMP PRON.3SG come-PAST be-PAST DET shock
who should go is the question WH AUX go be-3SG.PRES DEF question
whether he will come is a question YN PRON.3SG FUT come be-3SG.PAST DET question
the performance was beyond belief DEF performance be-3SG.PAST beyond belief
The performance is in progress DEF performance be.3SG.PRES in progress
that he came was beyond our expectations COMP PRON.3SG come-PAST be.3SG.PAST PRON.POSS.1PL expectations
who may perform is under consideration WH AUX perform be.3SG.PRES under consideration
whether he may perform is under discussion YN PRON.3SG AUX perform be.3SG.PRES under discussion
The man is like a god DEF man be.3SG.PRES like DET god The result was as desired DEF result be.3SG.PAST as desired
to be there was like a dream INF be there was like a dream
being there was like a dream be-GER there be.3SG.PAST like DET dream
what he said was off the mark WH PRON.3SG say-PAST be.3SG.PAST off DEF mark
it is sad that he leaves PRON.EXPL be.3SG.PRES sad COMP PRON.3SG leaves
it is great to be healthy it is great INF be healthy
it is uncertain whether he comes PRON.EXPL is uncertain whether he comes
it is uncertain who came PRON.EXPL is uncertain who come-PAST
It is a chore to chop wood PRON.EXPL be.3SG.PRES DET chore INF chop wood
it was a disappointment that he failed PRON.EXPL be.PAST DET disappointment COMP PRON.3SG fail-PAST
it is a question who will come PRON.EXPL be DET question WH FUT come
it is a question whether he will come PRON.EXPL be.3SG.PRES DET question YN PRON.3SG FUT come
there is an art to eating spaghetti PRON.EXPL be.3SG.PRES DET art to eat-GER spaghetti
it was in the third round that he lost PRON.EXPL be.PAST in DEF third round COMP PRON.3SG lose-PAST
It is out of the question that he comes PRON.EXPL be.PAST out of DEF question COMP PRON.3SG come-3SG.PRES
it is as well that he knows PRON.EXPL be as well COMP he knows
It is nice here PRON.EXPL be.PRES nice here
It is nice in Trondheim PRON.EXPL be.PRES nice in T
this is the man PRON.DEICT is DEF man
the task is to finish it DEF task be INF finish it
the problem is that he likes herring DEF problem is COMP he likes herring
the problem is who gets it DEF problem is WH gets it
the problem is whether he eats meat DEF problem is YN he eat-PRES meat
that he picks up the letter is the signal COMP PRON.3SG picks up DEF letter be.3SG.PRES DEF signal
eating it is the last step eat-GER it be.PRES DEF last step
to eat hot dogs is to support the global economy INF eat hot dogs be.3SG.PRES is INF support DEF global economy
Eating local food is supporting local culture Eat-GER local fo od be.3SG.PAST support-GER local culture
Auxiliary verbs:
he can come As a ‘root’ modal, this construction can also be represented as v-intrAuxmodComp-compEqBareinf-suAg_compThsit, and as an ‘epistemic’ modal, as v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scBareinf (see above)
he has come 3SG have.PRES come.PRFPART
the boy is running