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(I lost a link... the search did not feel waisted when I did this work... Kristin)
(I lost a link... the search did not feel waisted when I did this work... Kristin)
[http://www.infonuorra.no/article.php?articleID=10669 Miellagiddis jahke Edinburgh:an (2007-05-22)]
[http://www.infonuorra.no/article.php?articleID=6668 Temábiejvve (2006-02-27)]
[http://www.infonuorra.no/article.php?articleID=1554 Jahke Tysklándan (2004-09-13)]
[http://www.infonuorra.no/article.php?articleID=7509 Dán máno sábme - biehtsemáno (2006-06-03)]
[http://www.infonuorra.no/article.php?articleID=9979 Sámenuora Sálton (2007-02-24)]
[http://www.infonuorra.no/article.php?articleID=11402 - Ájnas ahte nuoraj jiedna gullu (2008-01-18)]
[http://www.infonuorra.no/article.php?articleID=11402 - Ájnas ahte nuoraj jiedna gullu (2008-01-18)]

Revision as of 10:52, 10 January 2009

      • Collection of texts that may be used in TC

(I lost a link... the search did not feel waisted when I did this work... Kristin)

Miellagiddis jahke Edinburgh:an (2007-05-22)

Temábiejvve (2006-02-27)

Jahke Tysklándan (2004-09-13)

Dán máno sábme - biehtsemáno (2006-06-03)

Sámenuora Sálton (2007-02-24)

- Ájnas ahte nuoraj jiedna gullu (2008-01-18)

Sáme álmmukbiejvve (2006-02-09)

Giessebarggo Sáme Rádioan (2004-07-20)

-Ælla miján gássjelisvuoda mobijlajn (2005-10-04)

Jåhkåmåhkes Ájluoktaj (2005-06-07)

Databerustibme (2004-12-20)

Hellmocuppa 2005 (2005-07-25)

Æjvvalimsadje sáme nuorajda (2008-09-03)

Ungáralasj sihta sábmen sjaddat (2007-02-23)

Doajmmel biebmujn ja spellamijn (2005-04-28)

Miriram sámedikken (2005-10-26)

Hellmocuhppa (2007-08-28)

Gåktu lij nuoraj konferánssa Bådådjon? (2007-08-15)

Hellmocuppa 2006 (2006-07-24)

Norlánda fylka sámekoferánssa 2004 (2004-11-17)

Vuossamanne (2004-04-23)

Kretsrájddo Sálton 2004 (2004-05-24)

Klássamanno Stockhoalmmaj (2004-06-22)

Sáme Cup 2004 (2004-07-13)

Galggá lávllot kråvnnåprinssaj (2004-08-03)

Russeájgge l boahtám! (2006-05-03)

Birgit Cup 2006 (2006-07-13)

Dán máno sábme – gålgådismánno (2004-10-04)

Kråvnnåprinssa Árranin bårggemáno 24. biejve (2004-08-30)

Roandem, goalmát biejve (2006-01-24)

Nuorra ja vájmmel (2005-04-12)

Divtasvuonas ådå tjiektje Sáme rijkkajuohkusij (2005-05-26)

Ådå skåvllåjahke (2005-08-29)

DálvveLAN (2005-02-21)

Inga Karlsen demenssabálkáv oadtju (2008-10-29)

Ánndaris – julevsáme lestadianasárnnediddje (2008-10-26)

Dán máno sábme - snjilltjamánno (2004-07-05)

Gåktu lij nuoraj konferánssa Bådådjon?

Sáme giellaåhpadusstipænnda ja Doarjja dåjmajda ma giellaanov måvtåstuhtti Nordlándan

Dán máno sábme - snjuktjamánno

Sámij álmmukbiejvve-ávvudallam 2008 Bådådjon

Åhpadusfálaldahka - media ja guládallam

Sidá gus dån sáme oahpestiddjen liehket?

Sidá gus CD'av viddnit?

Marita sáme rijkatjiektjamjuohkusin (2007-02-19)

Sidá gus ålggorijkan studerit?

Gáppte, internæhtta ja Caffe latte


Sámegiella gållegiella

      • We need more derivational tags!
"In Finnish grammar, the momentane is a verb aspect indicating that an occurrence is sudden 
and short-lived. [...] Verbs with momentane markers are considered independent words, 
and native speakers rarely analyze them, but do synthesize them. Often the parent verb 
is not in use, leaving only the derived forms such as the momentane."

These words cover Sami, too. (Kristin 21:41, 9 January 2009 (CET))<br.>

Låjdåstijma gállasjvuohttaj Buda girkkon bårggemánon 30. bv. 2008.
“We got married (entered matrimony) in Bodø church August 30 2008 ”
  • Here we have: baje-di-htte: up Nspat > V rise (Kristin 16:57, 9 January 2009 (CET)) <br.>
bajedihtte / åjvijdihtte / ja bigodihtte / sliehpájdihtte
“rise / your heads / and discover / your cheast cloths”
up 2pDUIMP
      • Context for poem bajedihtte

Does this look ok? I have copied the TEXT in the Text editor:

Stig Gælok Urheim

tsåhke ja vájmmo <br.> (page 86)

Th. Blaasværs Forlag 1994 <br.> © Stig Riemmbe Gælok

bajedihtte <br.> åjvijgihtte <br.> ja bigodihtte <br.> sliehpájdihtte <br.>

Translation__________________________Kristin Lindbach

rise <br.> your heads <br.> and discover <br.> your chest cloths* <br.>

  • "sliehppa" is a part of the traditional costume, a chest cloth covering the opening in the front.<br.> See photo at <br.>

http://www.typecraft.org/tc2wiki/User:Svennegil (Kristin 11:17, 9 January 2009 (CET))

      • IMPORTANT: Adequacy of the following poem

"Vuonak": vuonaga li nievres ulmutja

  • Svenn Egil: DETTE DIKTET SYNES JEG IKKE PASSER PÅ TC. Det er en del personangrep mot en spesiell slekt i Sverige. Anbefaler derfor at diktet strykes fra denne listen.
  • Yes, that sounds like a good reason to take this poem out of the list. Could you please briefly talk with Kristin

about this. (Dorothee 13:25, 27 November 2008 (CET))

  • I do not agree<br.>

The poem goes:

the fjordlanders are bad people <br.> they explained <br.> their life was so much better <br.> they believed

old people's thoughts <br.> and theirs who live <br.> on the other side of the wound <br.> the iron breasts have cut <br.> into our mountains

a fjordlander am I <br.> raised on mutton <br.> and pollock

a fjordlander

This poem says something about the feelings a fjordlander gets when Samis on the other side of the border - the inlanders - are debasing his way of life - because it is strange for them.

This poem shows a part of the Sami culture that is the reality for many Samis, not only the fjordlanders in Tysfjord.

The poem says nothing about a particular family.

The poem carries a universal theme that everyone can understand.

What is not so easy to understand, is the iron breasts. I believe it is the railway from Narvik to Kiruna he is thinking about. (Kristin 12:30, 9 January 2009 (CET))

      • "Niellja álmmuksubttsasa: Giehttjit áddjá goaden

[Nordic folk tale] Translated material used in Bruce Morén’s project in phonology"

  • Denne delen tar ikke Bruce ansvar for. Han har bare digitalisert teksten fra en bok gitt ut gjennom et forlag sørpå. Jeg tror ikke vi har noen rettigheter. (Svenn-Egil)
  • Ok, good to know. I think we should asked Bruce which kind of permission was needed for him. As far a I know one also needs to get a permission from the publisher

when one digitalizes text from a book. (Dorothee 10:46, 26 November 2008 (CET))

  • Tillatelsene skulle vel være i orden nå for det skriftlige materialet? (Kristin 12:40, 9 January 2009 (CET))

      • Please look that he following entry repeated below:
"Bájkkeávijssa NuorttaSállto, from the local newspaper"
  • I assume that Bájkkeávijssa NuorttaSállto is the name of the newspaper. Hm... It would be good

to say in which town or 'kommune' the newspaper is published. Lokalavis for Hamarøy, Steigen og Tysfjord

Also in the following entry we mention a 'local' newspaper, but again it would be better to say where the newspaper is published Lokalavis for Hamarøy, Steigen og Tysfjord

  • Lokalavisa NordSalten/Bájkkeávijssa NuorttaSállto is the name of the weekly paper. We could add that it covers the area North Salten, which is the municipalities Hamarøy, Tysfjord and Steigen. (Kristin 12:40, 9 January 2009 (CET))

      • Låjdåstibme Marriage -- Advertisement in a local newspaper by Kirsti Guvsám
  • ? Finner ikke teksten
  • uups! - I will fix it! (Kristin 12:50, 9 January 2009 (CET))

      • See also the following entry below:
  • Is Life and Time really the translation of "Viessom" ? as in:

Viessom: Bivddo stuorra nuorreiellijs "Life and Time": The catching of large sea mammals Exibition text from the Arran Lule Sami Centre Museum, www.arran.no

  • Ja, jeg mener det. Viessom betyr: liv, livsstil, livsførsel; levetid; tilværelse; livsform, levemåte, jf. iellem

      • I found in one of the entries the following:

nom > jákta, gen > jávta, = jekt (seilfartøy) jacht convoy

  • I am not so sure what is meant with jacht convoy something having to do with hunting perhaps?
  • Jekt (seilfartøy) i denne sammenhengen beskrives utstillingen, når datidens fiskebåter (seilfartøy) seilet sammet, som en slags konvoi, ut mot havet. Dette må vel kanskje oversettes til fiskebåt eller seilbåt. Det er i allefall flere fiskefartøyer med seil det er snakk om her.
    • Dette er ikke riktig. Ei jekt er et transportskip. Jektene ble brukt til å føre tørrfisk til Bergen og andre nødvendighetsvarer nordover. (Kristin 22:01, 9 January 2009 (CET))
  • A jekt is not possible to translate into English. We can compare it with the cog Photo og a cog 1 Photo of a cog 2 [ Bremen Cog model ship] used by the Hanseatic tradesmen, but there are many differences. (Kristin 12:59, 9 January 2009 (CET))

      • I never heard of a

Vet ikke helt hva det menes ? Finner ikke teksten.

Fishing pollock
  • what is that?  :o

(Dorothee 11:17, 26 November 2008 (CET))

  • It is called sei in Norwegian pollack It is also called saithe pollock (Kristin 12:50, 9 January 2009 (CET))