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Augmentation in Luganda

Revision as of 11:09, 12 January 2011 by Medadi Erisa Ssentanda (Talk | contribs) (Introduction)

by Medadi Erisa Ssentanda



Augmentation is the opposite of diminution. In Luganda, augmentatino is denoted by noun class prefixes including Class 5eli; cl 7eki; cl 11olu; cl 20ogu and cl 22aga. All classes that denote augmentation are also pejorative, especially for the non-inherent nouns.

Class 5eli; cl 7eki and cl 11olu have inherent nouns but classes 20ogu and cl 22aga do not have inherent nouns. The semantic meaning derived here indicates intensity of size, derogatoriness and other attributes that are pejorative in nature.

Nouns inherent to cl5 eli. See the table below:

Nouns inherent to cl5 English translation
eliiso eye
elinnyo tooth
eliggwa thorn
ettama chick
eddungu desert
eppaapaali pawpaw
ekkundi ambilical cord
ekkelenda tablet

The basic prefix for class5 is LI but this undergoes intricate phonological changes of assimilation.

Class 7 Eki Examples of nouns inherent to this class include;

Nouns inherent to cl7 English translation
ekikopo cup
ekibiina class
ekyoto fireplace
ekisumuluzo key
ekisenge bedromm