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The Headedness of NPs in Norwegian

Revision as of 13:47, 21 July 2011 by Lars Isak Alseth Askheim (Talk | contribs) (Original Interlinear Glossed Text)

The Headedness of NPs in Norwegian  
Type in-book
Author(s) Lars Hellan
Editor(s) Peter Muysken and Henk van Riemsdijk
Publication title Features and Projections
Publisher Foris
ISBN 9067651443
Annotator Lars Isak Askheim
Corpus Link The Headedness of NPs
Framework Government and Binding

General Information

This article belongs to the TC Category Interlinear Glossed Text from Linguistic Research.

In this category we collect a series of TCwiki articles which feature example sentences from linguistic publications. In the form of Interlinear Glossed Text (IGT) these examples are the most common type of scientific data used by linguists of all affiliations.

When occurring in a publication, an IGT is standardly demarcated through indenting, numbering and a space above and under the example. One line of text is followed by one line of glosses. A line with free translation completes the pattern. Yet, IGTs come in many different formats and are often flawed. Glosses essential for the understanding of the examples might be missing, or the free translations given might be misleading. IGTs occur in isolation and normally lack any index to where and when they occur or any other information that would identify them as a particular instance of a language. Yet, in spite of many short-comings, IGTs constitute data not just for linguists, but also more generally across Humanities, and as flawed as they might be, they still are an intuitive and easy way to represent the linguistic properties of real language.

Collections of IGTs from linguistic publication are of particular interest, since they represent a unique alignment of language data and linguistic theory. Example sentences from seminal articles are not rarely circulated in linguistic publications for decades.

In an effort to make IGT more accessible to linguistic research, wee have extracting original IGT from linguistic publications and provided in-depth linguistic glosses through a subsequent layer of annotation with the hope to improve the re-usability of the data. Using the TCwiki we make both, the original IGT and the newly annotated IGT available here.

In this article and other articles in this category, original and annotated IGTs stand in the context of a short annotated bibliography. Bibliographic information is combined with a list of key-terms which can help to gain a perspective on the research questions raised in the original article. The 'Infobox' may contain further information about the linguistic framework used in the original article and might give a further classification of the phenomena treated whenever possible.


agreement, government, headedness

Original Interlinear Glossed Text


Huset i haven er gult.
The house (neuter sg.) in the garden is yellow (neuter sg.)


alt dette ølet mitt
all (n.sg.) this (n.sg.) beer (n.sg.) my (n.sg.)
all of this beer of mine


a. Den er best.
That (one) is best

b. De eldste er best
The oldest (ones) are best

c. Gamle lever lengst.
Old (ones) live longest


a. Tran er sunt.
Cod liver oil is healthy

b. Bil er dyrt.
Car is expensive

c. Biler er dyrt.
Cars is expensive


a. Fabrikantene gjorde tran sunt.
The producers made cod liver oil healthy

b. Fabrikantene gjorde bil dyrt.
The producers made car expensive

c. Fabrikantene gjorde biler dyrt.
The producers made cars expensive


a. Tran, det er sunt.
Cod liver oil, that is healthy

b. Bil, det er dyrt.
Car, that is expensive

c. Biler, det er dyrt
Cars, that is expensive


a. Harsk tran er sunt.
Rancid cod liver oil is healthy

b. En bil er dyrt.
A car is expensive

c. *Tranen er sunt.
The cod liver oil is healthy

d. *Denne tranen er sunt.
This cod liver oil is healthy

*Min tran er sunt.
My cod liver oil is healthy

*Slik tran er sunt.
Such cod liver oil is healthy

*All tran er sunt.
All cod liver oil is healthy

*Ingen tran er sunt.
No cod liver oil is healthy


a. Tran er sunt å drikke.
Cod liver oil is healthy to drink

b. Tran, det er sunt å drikke.


a. denne gamle mannen
this old man

b. min gamle sko
my old shoe

c. *gamle katt
old cat

d. *en gamle sko

e. *gamle skoen

f. *gammel skoen


a. *denne gammel sko
this old shoe

b. *min gammel sko
my old shoe

c. ??denne sko


the shoe


skoen min
my shoe


*sko min


denne min utbrukte sko
this my worn-out shoe = this worn out shoe of mine


a. *denne hver sko
this each shoe

b. *denne en sko
this one/a shoe


alt dette gamle ølet
all this old beer


http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1398/20829/ angivelige mordere
] alleged murderers


a. Gamle blir ofte lykkelige.
Old (ones) often become happy.

b. Gammelt er verdifullt.
Old (stuff) is valuable.

c. *Gammel er sunt.
Old is healthy.


*Angivelige blir ofte lykkelige.
Alleged ones . . .


?Tran blir god når den oppbevares tørt og varmt.
c.l.o. gets good when it i kept in a dry and warm place


*Bil er dyr når den kjøpes ny.
car gets expensive when it is bought new


a. ?En bil blir dyr når den kjøpes ny
a car gets expensive when it is bought new

b. Biler er dyre.
Cars are expensive


a. Jon har kjøpt bil.
Jon has bought (a) car

b. Bil, det har Jon kjøpt.
Car, that Jon has bought


a. Frosken hadde vært rumpetroll.
The frog had been a tadpole

b. Rumpetrollet var blitt frosk.
The tadpole had become a frog


a. en sekk erter
a sack peas

b. *denne sekken erter
this sack peas

c. *min/ *hver sekk erter my/each sack peas