Lule Sami online
We have ordered the links that we find interesting in connection with our work on Lule Saami into several categories. Our list is of course not complete. We might have overlooked some sites that contain interesting information about Lule Saami and the people that speak it. Still, the links below will give you a good start for finding more information about the Lule Saami culture and language.
Sámásta - Lule Saami online language course with sound and text
Lexin - Lule Saami thematic online sound-picture pairings
Lule saami word bank - includes new terminology and some pictures
Giellatekno - A range of online text tools that can analyze and disambiguate Lule Saami text; generate words, paradigms, and numbers
Báhko Forlag - Publisher of Lule Saami related literature, including periodicals, educational materials and popular literature. Located at Árran Lule Saami center
Báldes Almmudahka / Baldusine Forlag - Privat forlag som eies av Stig Reimmbe Gælok, born 1961, is a Saami poet from Tysfjord, who writes his poetry in Lule Sámi. His book of poems "O'Oarjjevuodna" which was published in 1983 was the first book in Lule Saami since Anta Pirak's book "Jåhttee saame viessom" from 1937
Iđut - utgir skjønnlitteratur, barnebøker, læremidler, fagbøker, generell litteratur, musikk og film. Iđut gir også ut ungdomsmagasinet Š. De fleste utgivelsene er på nordsamisk, men har også utgivelser på lulesamisk, sørsamisk, kvensk og norsk
Davvi Girji is a sami publishing house and media company. Besides sami books and teaching materials we offer graphic service, language service (translating, interpretation and texting of TV/VIDEO-shows), WEB-design and CD/CD-R production
Samisk Læringsnett - Sametingets nettside for skoler og barnehager
The Lule Saami language area norweagian text
Avisa Nordsalten - local newspaper
Lule Saami Radio News - NRK Saami Radio
Infonuorra - Saami Youth Information Portal
Same Net - Sámi Communication Platform
Samernas - Education Center in Jåhkåmåhkke / Jokkmokk
Sáme Allaskåvllå - Saami Unieversity College in Guovdageainnu / Kautokeino
SESAM - Centre For Saami Studies in Råmsså Universitehtta / Tromsø University
Ájtte - Saami Museum in Jåhkåmåhkke / Jokkmokk
Árran Museum - in Divtasvuodna / Tysfjord