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Krio pronomina

Revision as of 13:38, 10 September 2016 by Dorothee Beermann (Talk | contribs)

In the following we present the Krio pronomina system as reflected by our Krio corpus. You can access the corpus from the TypeCraft Portal of Language In the list of Krio texts you find texts owned by Beatrice Owusua Nyampong and by the TypeCraft project. The latter corpus is a further development of the Nyampong corpus. You can access the individual corpora by following the link to the Nyampong or TypeCraft user page.

The distribution of nouns and pronouns

Krio pronouns.png

Pronouns, Possessive pronouns and Reflexive pronouns

Person/Number Pronoun possessive Pronoun reflexive Pronouns
1SG a, mi mi misɛf*
2SG yu yu yusɛf
3SG i, am im, in insɛf
1PL wi wi
2PL unu, una unu, una
3pl dem dem, dɛn

Demonstrative Pronouns

PLURAL dis  ?

Relative Pronoun

Hier scheint etwas unklar. Sicher, dass 'wetin' ein Relativepronomen ist? |- ! colspan=2|PNrel || |- |who, whom, which || we |- |what || wetin |}