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Classroom:LING2208 - Annotating Krio


In Krio, an agreement feature can be found in persons. In the example discussed below, the value is the third person.

Example: I si anoda dog we fiba am, ehn i bak ohl bon na i moht.

In this example, the third person pronoun 'I' (he) controls the third person object pronoun 'am' (him). Again 'i' in the second clause also controls the third person possessive pronoun 'i' (his) - both subject pronoun and possessive pronoun have the same form. The subject pronouns in the clauses are the controllers and their targets are the object pronoun and the possessive pronoun respectively.

Clause Linkage

The complex clause below is a case of parataxis.

Example: I ron go insai di forehst, gladi wit di bon I de chamcham.

The second clause is not embedded in the first clause (which is also the main clause). Therefore, both clauses are coordinated without evidence of explicit linkage. The first clause is an independent clause, but the second clause is uncertain since it does not begin with a subject, however, it has a subject and it carries tense.