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Classroom:LING2208 - The dog and his reflection

Revision as of 13:59, 14 January 2014 by Dorothee Beermann (Talk | contribs)

Transcribing narratives

A transcription exercise

one day dog was wondering around looking for food. He spied a butcher's shop and went quickly in and stole a nice fat juicy bone from the shelf. Happily munching on the bone he went into the forest he soon came across a bridge as he crossed the bridge he looked down into the river and lo and behold what did he see he saw another dog exactly like him holding a bone in his mouth. The greedy dog decided that he wanted that bone too So he growled hoping that the other dog would drop the bone out of fear he would then grab the other bone and run away with two bones. As he gave out a loud snarl to scare off the other dog the bone fell from his mouth lost forever The dog in his greed has taken his own reflection in the river for another dog carrying a bone. he realized his folly too late and walked away hungry and sad but perhaps a little wiser.