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User:Ayé Clarisse Hager-M'Boua

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Hi, I'm Clarisse Hager. I come from Ivory Coast and live now in Wallisellen/ZH in Switzerland. I have a passion for languages, communication, and my aim is to make Abidji, my first mother tongue - a kwa language in Ivory Coast, a written language. So I've done various studies and research in abidji based on the Principles & Parameters Theory of the Generative Grammar (M'Boua 1998 - Etude phonologique de l'abidji, parler ógbrû de Gomon S/P de Sikensi; M'Boua 1999 - Système aspecto-modal de l'abidji: de la description des marqueurs préverbaux à la structure de la phrase en abidji; Hager 2013 - Structure de la phrase en abidji, langue kwa de Côte d'Ivoire). Since October 2013, in association with my husband and some friends, we've founded a NGO named "Nutrition & Education for Children", in order to help through our actions, abilities and skills for an upward quality in the educational system of Ivory Coast by building up a Primary & Secondary School for children from 4 to 18 years old with a bilingual education (Abidji/French)at the first 4 years of primary school and then (French/English)for the rest 2 years of primary school before the secondary school having then Abidji & French as mother tongue and English, the international language, as first foreign language.

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