Corpus:Simonova mačka (2)
Revision as of 16:16, 12 March 2013 by Jana Kocjan (Talk | contribs)
Source | recording |
Author/Creator/Speaker(s) | Jana Kocjan |
Editor/Recorded by/Broadcaster | TC Editor |
Title | Simonova mačka |
Original language | Slovenian |
Date/Place | 7.1.2013 Phonetic Laboratory ISK Dragvoll (Trondheim - Norway) |
Type | other |
Annotator | Jana Kocjan |
Contributor | Jana Kocjan |
Corpus translator | Jana Kocjan |
Link to the annotated dataset | |
* Size of the records: 2.8 MB
* Duration of the records: 00:02:20
* Recording conditions: sound-treated studio; high-quality microphone Shure KSM44; recording on hard disk
Mačka in Simon sedita na kavču.
Cat and Simon seat on sofa
Mačka opazi muho, ki leta naokrog in jo zlo nervira, zato skoči, najprej na mizo in prevrne skodelico, potem začne skakat okrog Simona po kavču.
Cat notices fly that flies around and her very makes.nerveous therefore jumps first on table and turns.over cup then starts jump around Simon on sofa
Prevrne luč, eee, skoči nazaj na kavč.
Turns.over lamp, eeh, jumps back on sofa
Simon se malo zbudi, ampak se nee zbudi čisto.
Simon himself a.bit wakes.up but himself noot wakes.up completely
Mačka še vedno išče muho, ki je zdaj na zavesi.
Cat still always searches fly that is now on curtain
Medtem je razpraskala nekaj stola.
Meanwhile is tore some chair
Potem skoči na zaveso za muho in zaveso raztrga na košče.
Then jumps on curtain after fly and curtain tears on pieces
Muha je seveda pobegnila in zdaj je spet na kavču.
Fly is of.course ran.away and now is again on sofa
Mačka se skriva za kavčem, zato da je muha ne bi opazla.
Cat herself hides behind sofa because so is fly not would notice
In zdaj jo poči.
And now her hits
Ampak muha spet pobegne.
But fly again runs.away
Potem leta naokrog Simona in čisto raztrga kavč, ee ee...
Then flies around Simon and completely tears sofa eeh eeh
Mačka, ee... pardon, muha pade na tla, mačka jo naenkrat zgrabi in in zdaj jo ma v svojih šapah.
Cat eeh sorry fly falls on floor cat her suddenly and now her has in her paws
Zdaj jo potapka in zgleda, da je muha umrla.
Now her gropes and seems that is fly died.
In mačka si oddahne.
And cat herself relieve
Malo še poskusi, pošlata, če je muha res mrtva in zgleda, da je, ampak muha kr naenkrat spet skoči in tud mačka skoči, kr to je, to jo je pa res znerviralo.
A.bit again tries touches if is fly really dead and seems that is but fly suddenly again jumps and also cat jumps because this is this her is really makes.nerveous
Zgleda, da je mačko zdaj to pravzaprav prestrašlo in se skrije pod časopis.
Seems that is cat now this actually frightened and herself hides under newspaper
Potem spet skoči na muho, da bi jo res ee do konca ubila.
Then again jumps on fly so.that would her really eeh until end killed
Zgleda, da je muha zdaj res mrtva.
Seems that is fly now really dead
Zdaj pokaže Simonu, da, poglej, Simon, muha je mrtva, ampak Simon še kr naprej spi.
Now shows Simon that look Simon fly is dead but Simon still still sleeps
Potem vzame muho in jo nese Simonu in jo da v naročje.
Then takes fly and her carries Simon and her puts in lap
Simon se ne zbudi.
Simon himself not wakes.up
Mačka mu spet pokaže, da je muha umrla, Simon, Simon samo malo zajamra.
Cat him again shows that is fly died Simon Simon just a.bit moans
Zdaj da mačka Simonu muho v usta.
Now puts cat Simon fly into mouth
Simon se zbudi, zato ker se, zato ker muha očitno še vedno živi in se je skoraj zadušil, zato je muho pogoltno in zdaj je vse v redu.
Simon himself wakes.up because because himself because fly obviously still always lives and himself is almost suffocated therefore is fly swallowed and now is everything in order
Mačka mu veselo pove, da je Simon muho pojedu.
Cat him happily tells that is Simon fly eaten
Ko muha spet zamiga, Simonu postane slabo.
When fly again moves Simon becomes sick