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Exceptions to the Norwegian Passive

Exceptions to the Norwegian passive: Unaccusativity, aspect and thematic roles  
Type in-book
Author(s) Helge Lødrup
Journal Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift
Pages 37-54
Volume 1, 2000
Country Norway
Annotator Isak Askheim
Corpus Link Exceptions to the Norwegian Passive
Language Norwegian Bokmål

By Isak Askheim

General Information

This article belongs to the TC Category Interlinear Glossed Text from Linguistic Research.

In this category we collect TCwiki pages that feature Interlinear Glossed Text (IGT) from linguistic publications.

IGT are normally demarcated through indenting, numbering and a space above and under the example. One line of text is followed by one line of glosses and a line with free translation completes the pattern. IGTs from linguistic publications are of particular interest, since they represent a unique alignment of language data and linguistic theory. Example sentences from seminal articles are not rarely quoted in linguistic publications for decades which is another good reason why they need our attention.

In an effort to make IGT more accessible to linguistic research, we try to extract original IGT from linguistic publications and in same cases we provide additional linguistic glosses through a subsequent layer of annotation using the TypeCraft Glosser. In this way we hope to contribute to the re-usability of this data.

On each of the our pages that feature IGT from secondary sources, we also provide a short annotated bibliography, sometimes combined with a list of key-terms which can help to gain a perspective on the research questions raised in the original article. The 'Infobox' may contain further information about the linguistic framework used in the original article, as well as additional classifications of the phenomena treated, whenever that is possible.


morphological passive, periphrastic passive, unaccusative verbs, perfectivity, thematic role hierarchy

Original Interlinear Glossed Text

(1) The morphological passive with the -s-suffix:

Kaken stekes i ovnen.
The-cake bake-PASSIVE in the-oven

(2) The periphrastic passive with the auxiliary bli 'become' and the passive participle:

Kaken blir stekt i ovnen
The-cake becomes baked in the-oven


*Dette redskapet blir behøvd
This tool becomes needed


Salaten ble smakt på
The salad became tasted on


Hvitløken smakes ikke i det hele tatt
The garlic taste-PASSIVE not at all


*Hvitløken blir ikke smakt i det hele tatt
The garlic becomes not tasted at all


Kaken blir stekt i ovnen
The-cake becomes baked in the-oven
'The cake is being baked in the oven'


Kaken er stekt i ovnen
The-cake is baked in the-oven
'The cake has been baked in the oven'


Kongen blir elsket av alle
The-king becomes loved by everybody
'The king is loved by everybody'


Kongen er elsket av alle
The-king is loved by everybody
'The king is loved by everybody'