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2nd Trondheim Workshop in Language Description and Documentation

Revision as of 21:27, 1 May 2012 by Dorothee Beermann (Talk | contribs) (Meals and Workshop Dinner)

NTNU eng.png

September 10th - 13th 2012

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Classroom1.jpg Dragvoll2.jpg© Jørn Adde

© Dorothee Beermann

The focus of this years workshop is Grammar writing and Tools. We will have a special lecture on Linguistic anthropology.


September 10th-13th Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

with coffee break

9:30 - 10:00 arrival and coffee

10:00-10:10 Opening of the Workshop by the Dean for the Humanities Kathrine Skretting

10:10 - 12:00

Documentary and Descriptive linguistics

Ulrike Mosel and Dorothee Beermann

room tba

9:30 - 12:00

Grammar Writing

Ulrike Mosel

room tba


Tool for linguists - Regular Expressios

Pavel Mihaylov

room tba


Grammar Writing

Ulrike Mosel

room tba

13:15 - 15:30

with coffee break


Han Slotjes

room tba

Linguistic Anthropolgy

Ingjerd Hoëm

room tba

Collaborative Corpora Online

Dorothee Beermann

room tba

Round Table


17:15-19:00 Round Table

room tba


ELAN & TypeCraft

Language Lab


ELAN & TypeCraft

Language Lab

sponsored Workshop Dinner

Trondheim LDD-Workshop: Background Literature

Please follow the above title-link to get to the Background Literature page.

On that page you find several links for TextExcerts.

TextExcerpts can only be opened with a special password which you will receive in your workshop-folder.

Reaching Trondheim from the airport

After arrival in Trondheim you will find an airport bus called 'flybus', waiting in from of the terminal building. All flights are connected to buses that take you directly to Trondheim where they stop at several central locations.

The prize of the bus ticket is NOK 90,00.

For those booked in the Fru Schøller hotel, please ask the driver to stop at Dronningensgata.

For those booked in the Youth Hostel, please ask the driver to stop at Lademoen kirke ( Lademoen church).

The google map under STUDENT ACCOMMODATION shows you how to get from the Lademoen-kirke busstop to the Youth Hostel.

Meals and Workshop Dinner



Welcome Evening - Sunday 9th

We have reserved a table from 18:00 on for a welcome meeting at the pub Den Gode Nabo. The pub has the biggest selection of beer in Trondheim and serves small meals in the Pizza-Hamburger category.

Hope to see you on Sunday for a welcome drink!

Conference Dinner

We hope that the workshop dinner can again take place at the Trondheim Festning.


The Trondheim Youth Hostel

...Reviews of the Youth Hostel

If you prefer to book a room in one of the many hotels in Trondheim you find more information at Trondheim's Offical Website

The way from the flight busstop: Lademoen kirke to the Youth Hostel (vandrerhjem):

<googlemap version="0.9" lat="63.436618" lon="10.428085" type="map" zoom="15" width="400" height="300" > 63.433913, 10.424083, Trondheim vandrerhjem AS Weidemanns vei 41 Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag 6#B2758BC5 63.436489, 10.428097 Flightbus: Stop Lademoen kirke 63.436565, 10.431187 63.433364, 10.427497 63.433863, 10.424149 </googlemap>


Text Annotation Online

Dorothee Beermann is an assoc. professor at NTNU. Her fields of research are syntax and lexical semantics. She has specialised in the use of online data basing for Language Description and Language Documentation


Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Dragvoll campus

The LDD workshop is located at Dragvoll the campus of the Humanities (Det humanistiske fakultet (HF)) and the Faculty of Samfunnsvitenskap and Teknologiledelse (SVT) of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.

At the Dragvoll campus you find next to the University library also a book store, a kiosk with a post service, a Mensa, and a coffee shop.

Find workshop rooms

rooms to be announced

Campus plan: media:DragvollCampus.pdf