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Talk:Annotation of representative texts from Lule Sami

Revision as of 10:17, 26 November 2008 by Dorothee Beermann (Talk | contribs)

"Niellja álmmuksubttsasa: Giehttjit áddjá goaden [Nordic folk tale] Translated material used in Bruce Morén’s project in phonology"

Denne delen tar ikke Bruce ansvar for. Han har bare digitalisert teksten fra en bok gitt ut gjennom et forlag sørpå. Jeg tror ikke vi har noen rettigheter.


Ok, good to know. I think we should asked Bruce which kind of permission was needed for him. As far a I know one also needs to get a permission from the publisher when one digitalizes text from a book. (Dorothee 10:46, 26 November 2008 (CET))

Please look that he following entry repeated below:

"Bájkkeávijssa NuorttaSállto, from the local newspaper"

I assume that Bájkkeávijssa NuorttaSálltois is the name of the newspaper. Hm... It would be good to say in which town or 'kommune' the newspaper is published.

Also in the following entry we mention a 'local' newspaper, but again it would be better to say where the newspaper is published

Låjdåstibme Marriage  -- Advertisement in a local newspaper by Kirsti Guvsám

See also the following entry below:

Is Life and Time really the translation of "Viessom" ? as in:

Viessom: Bivddo stuorra nuorreiellijs   
"Life and Time": The catching of large sea mammals
Exibition text from the Arran Lule Sami Centre Museum, www.arran.no

I found in one of the entries the following:

jacht convoy

I am not so sure what is meant with jacht convoy something having to do with hunting perhaps?

(Dorothee 11:17, 26 November 2008 (CET))