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Corpus:The Fox and the Grapes

Revision as of 17:20, 5 November 2010 by Pavel Mihaylov (Talk | contribs)

Source information
Source {{{source}}}
Author/Creator/Speaker(s) Aesop
Editor/Recorded by/Broadcaster Pavel Mihaylov
Title {{{title}}}
Original language {{{Olanguage}}}
Date/Place {{{date/place}}}
Publisher http://mythfolklore.net/
Translator Dorothee Beermann
Type fable
Annotator {{{annotator}}}
Contributor {{{contributor}}}
Corpus translator {{{corpustranslator}}}
Link to the annotated dataset {{{link}}}

An hungry Fox with fierce attack
Sprang on a Vine, but tumbled back,
Nor could attain the point in view,
So near the sky the bunches grew.
As he went off, "They're scurvy stuff,"
Says he, "and not half ripe enough--
And I 've more rev'rence for my tripes
Than to torment them with the gripes."
For those this tale is very pat
Who lessen what they can't come at.