Typecraft v2.5
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Revision as of 15:05, 19 November 2010 by Dorothee Beermann (Talk | contribs) (How to start a TCwiki-page)

Help with the TypeCraft annotation tool - Links to other help-pages on this wiki

TypeCraft Help Pages
How to start annotating in TypeCraft- Quick Start

How to embed annotations inside wiki articles

download Firefox TypeCraft only runs in Mozilla

For New Users

How to start a TCwiki-page

There several ways to start a new page in the TCwiki.

Help with editing in the TC wiki

  • Quick help Reference Sheet You can enlarge the text by clicking on it!
  • The TCwiki is a mediawiki. Help with editing a wiki page can be found here User's Guide

How to find things in the TC-database

How to find things in the TC wiki