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Ugandan Languages: Vitality, Resources and Capacity Building

''We celebrate 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Language"

To honor the Indigenous languages of Uganda we organize a community week with events, lectures and workshops

MAK-crest.jpg Where: Makerere University, 18 – 22 November 2019

'The following event are planned:

Ugandan Language Fair

The fair will host a poster session and small events presenting the work of invited communities and individuals.

Call for participation

If you would like to present a poster or present an initiative, or work with language development in an academic setting or otherwise, please contact the organizers [1] [2] at Makerere University. We would love to hear from you. If you are a developer of language technology working in Uganda, or on Ugandan languages, please contact us. We would like to promote your work.

Signed up initiatives:

Dorika.jpg Short text describing the project

linguistic technology
Polytext is a small Norwegian software company. It produces linguistic tools and resources for

'especially for lesser- resourced languages.

Workshops and Theme talks

Theme 1

Speech technologies for low resource languages: an introduction

Keynote Speaker: Laurent Besacier

Laurent besacier .jpg

Theme 2

Computational language documentation: an introduction

Keynote speaker: Laurent Besacier

Theme 1 and 2 are accompanied by a Hands-on tutorial on an ASR open source software

Theme 3

Corpus building for less-resourced languages: the creation of African language resources.

Keynote Speaker: Dorothee Beermann

Dorothee beermann-2019.JPG

Theme 3 is accompanied by a Hands-on tutorial on the creation of annotated text corpora

Panel discussion

How do we strengthen Uganda’s local languages?

Participants community members, initiative representatives, companies and developers

  1. asiimwea94ATgmail.com
  2. medadiesATgmail.com