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Classroom:Basic Ilocano Lexicon

Revision as of 13:32, 29 August 2013 by Sindre Hunnes (Talk | contribs)

Here we will enter our Ilocano lexicon

Basic Ilocano Lexicon
napintas beautiful
silid room
ásu dog
simrek enter
daga earth, land
naimbag good
da.it sewing
sal.it lightning
aga..árak smelling of rum
balay house
ima hand
nakita see
inisman smile
ama Father
baket old(?)

Note: Glottal stop has been annotated with a dot and no space in the words above.

Proclitic Particles
SG ni ken ni
PL da kada

Note: This is a tentative table. It can be subject to change later.

Enclitics(STR) Enclitics(STR) Full Forms Full Forms
1SG ak ku syak kanyka
1DUAL ta ta data kadata
1PL, incl. tayu tayu datayu kadatayu
1PL, excl. kami mi dakami kadakami
2SG ka mu sika kenka
2PL kayu yu dakayu kadakayu
3SG zero na isu ken kwána
3PL ida da isuda kada kwáda