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Corpus:Katten til Simon (Vega-dialekt)

Source information
Source recording
Author/Creator/Speaker(s) Thomas R. Hansen
Title Kattn tell Simonn
Original language Norwegian
Date/Place 7.01.2013 Phonetics laboratory - ISK Dragvoll (Trondheim - Norway)
Type narration
Annotator Thomas R. Hansen
Contributor Thomas R. Hansen
Link to the annotated dataset Kattn tell Simonn

Ja, då sk'e sjå på kattn tell Simonn.
Yes, then shall I watch on the cat of Simon.

Her e vi i ei stuæ.
Here are we in a living room.

E ræknæ me dæ e Simonn såmm sett i lænestorn me kattn på fange, såmm plussle ser ei flogæ såmm hannj bynnj å jag på.
I reckon with it is Simon who sits in the armchair with the cat on the lap, which suddenly sees a fly which he starts to chase on.

Hannj driv å mjøuæ ætte flogå mænns dennj sett på lampesjærmen.
He is doing meowing after the fly while it sits on the lamp shade.

Mænn dennj rikkæ'kke på se, så hannj hoppæ på lampesjærmen såmm ras i gåLLve i lag me anndre knusste ting.
But it moves not on itself, so he jumps on the lamp shade which crashes into the floor along with other broken things.

No e flogå fløttæ se på gardinå, såmm kattn ikke'a oppdagæ fø'rno.
Now is the fly moved itself on the curtain, which the cat not has discovered until now.

Åsså hopp'an ætter dennj.
And then jumps he after it.

Mænn hannj får ikke tak i'n, å ødlægg gardinå i stedn.
But he gets not ahold of it, and destroys the curtain instead.

No må'n no grei å få tak i dennj flogå.
Now must he now manage to get ahold of that fly.

Der dokk'an fram bak storn, å tok ikke flogå no heller.
There turned he up behind the chair, and took not the fly now either.

Hannj hoppæ runnjt å runnjt, mænn får ikke tak i'o.
He jumps around and around, but gets not ahold of her.

Hannj bære riv sunnj storn.
He just rips asunder the chair.

Der fækk'en flogå.
There got he the fly.

No e'o døu.
Now is she dead.

Ja, ennjdele.
Yes, finally.

Næi, ho e ikke døu, ho e ikke døu.
No, she is not dead, she is not dead.

Å næi, kattn bi litt reddj så hannj gjømm se bakom storn å unnjer avisa.
Oh no, the cat becomes a little afraid so he hides himself behind the chair and under the newspaper.

No ska vi ta'o.
Now shall we take her.

Kåmm ijænn no.
Come on now.

No e dæ'kke liv i'o meir.
Now is there not life in her anymore.

Sjå då, e drap'o.
Look then, I killed her.

Hm, vess e lægg'en der, så karnsj'annj mærkæ dæ.
Hm, if I put it there, then maybe he notices it.

Næi, å, sjå da.
No, oh, look already.

No må du jo mærk att ...
Now must you notice that ...

No mærk'an dæ.
Now notices he it.

Åh, hæsjns katt.
Oh, darned cat.

Å mat vell ha'n åg.
And food wants to have he too.


To prevent loss of dialect specific information (which would occur if transcribed with regular Norwegian Bokmål orthography), the orthography was made restrictive in the following manner:

<e> represents /e/ or /ɛ/ when preceding, respectively, one or two consonants, never /æ/
<o> always represents /u/
<å> represents /o/ or /ɔ/ when preceding, respectively, one or two consonants

<dj> represents a voiced palatal plosive /ɟ/
<L> represents a retroflex flap /ɽ/
<ng> represents a velar nasal /ŋ/
<nj> represents a palatal nasal /ɲ/
<rd> represents a voiced retroflex plosive /ɖ/
<rn> represents a retroflex nasal /ɳ/
<sj> represents a voiceless post-alveolar fricative /ʃ/