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Difference between revisions of "About Lule Sami"

(Saami Information & Communication)
(Saami Information & Communication)
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[http://saamiblog.blogspot.com/ '''Saami Blogspot''']
[http://saamiblog.blogspot.com/ '''Saami Blogspot''']
[http://www.eng.samer.se/ Saami Information Centrum]
[http://www.eng.samer.se/ '''Saami Information Centrum''']
[http://www.samitour.no/english/index.html '''Saami Tour Sábme''']
[http://www.samitour.no/english/index.html '''Saami Tour Sábme''']
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[http://www.infonuorra.no/index.php?lang=ls '''Infonuorra''', Saami Youth Information Portal]
[http://www.infonuorra.no/index.php?lang=ls '''Infonuorra''', Saami Youth Information Portal]
[http://www.same.net Same Net, Sámi Communication Platform]
[http://www.same.net '''Same Net''', Sámi Communication Platform]
== Education ==
[http://www.samernas.se/ '''Samernas''' Education Center]
[http://www.samiskhs.no/ '''Sáme Allaskåvllå''', Saami Unieversity College]
[http://www.sami.uit.no/indexen.html '''SESAM''', Centre For Saami Studies at Tromsø University]

Revision as of 22:17, 22 September 2008

Dassko.jpg Annotating and Documenting Lule Saami online

Annotating and documenting LuleSaami is a NTNU pilotstudy using the TypeCraft database. Here we will soon tell you more about which texts we have chosen for linguistic annotation and why, and we will show you examples of our annotations, and tell you why we think it is important to annotate Lule Saami text.

We also would like to tell you about our ideas of community-oriented language documentation, and not least, we would like you to get to know more about the Lule Saami people.

You probably already know that the Saami are an indigenous people living in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia, and that their territory stretches from the Kola peninsula in northwestern Russia to Engerdal in southern Norway and Idre in southern Sweden. This area is called Sápmi in the Northern Saami language. Traditionally, the Sami have lived by reindeer herding, fishing, hunting and farming, but today, the Saami have both traditional and modern jobs. There are many interesting sites about Saami and the Saami people online. For example...

Avve.JPG Lule Saami

(english translation later)

Det lulesamiske bosettingsområdet i Norge ligger i Nordland fylke, og strekker seg fra området rundt Saltenfjorden i sør til Ballangen kommune i nord.

Den lulesamiske bosettingen er mest konsentrert i Nord-Salten-regionen. Tysfjord er den kommunen som har flest samiske innbyggere.

På svensk side ligger det lulesamiske bosettingsområdet mellom Pite-elv i sør og Kaitum-elv i nord. Bosettingen har sin hovedtyngde i Jokkmokk og Gällivare, og i nordre del av Arjeplog kommune.


Samasta - Lule Saami sound and text

Lexin - Lule Saami words with sound and pictures

Lule saami word collection

Analyze and disambiguate Lule Saami text

Generate paradigm for Lule Saami words

Lule Saami word generator

Saami number generator

Lule Saami literature

Periodical literature Publisher, Árran Lule Saami center (Báhko)

Educational materials, Árran Lule Saami center (Báhko)

Popular literature, Árran Lule Saami center (Báhko)

Lule Saami bookmobile

Samisk Læringsnett

IĐUT, Publisher


The Lule Saami language area

Online news

Avisa Nordsalten, local newspaper

Lule Saami Radio News, NRK Saami Radio


Saami Information & Communication

Saami Blogspot

Saami Information Centrum

Saami Tour Sábme

Infonuorra, Saami Youth Information Portal

Same Net, Sámi Communication Platform


Samernas Education Center

Sáme Allaskåvllå, Saami Unieversity College

SESAM, Centre For Saami Studies at Tromsø University