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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 71: Line 71:
* [Dàshēng niàn bù  niàn kèwén] kĕyĭ bāngzhù fāyīn ? <br>
* [Dàshēng niàn bù  niàn kèwén] kĕyĭ bāngzhù fāyīn ? <br>
loud    read NEG read lesson can  help  pronunciation <br>
loud    read NEG read lesson can  help  pronunciation <br>
|(25a)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1438/21444/ *他否认了他做错了这件事。]. <br>
|(25a)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1438/23586/ *他否认了他做错了这件事。]. <br>
* Tā [''vP'' fŏurèn -le [''TP'' tā zuò-cuò-le    zhèi-jiàn shì] <br>
* Tā [''vP'' fŏurèn -le [''TP'' tā zuò-cuò-le    zhèi-jiàn shì] <br>
3SG        deny -PERF        3SG do -err -PERF this-CL  matter <br>
3SG        deny -PERF        3SG do -err -PERF this-CL  matter <br>
Line 139: Line 139:
(‘He wants to prepare/prepared a particularly delicious dish.’) <br>
(‘He wants to prepare/prepared a particularly delicious dish.’) <br>
|(40)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1438/21473/ 他跪下来求我。].<br>
|(40)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1438/22016/ 他跪下来求我。].<br>
Tā  guìxiàlái  qiú  wŏ <br>
Tā  guìxiàlái  qiú  wŏ <br>
3SG  kneel:down  beg  1SG <br>
3SG  kneel:down  beg  1SG <br>

Latest revision as of 13:03, 20 August 2011

SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Paul 2008)  
Type conference paper
Author(s) Waltraud Paul
Publication title The "Serial verb construction in Chinese: The Gordian knot
Publisher The Linguistics Review
Annotator Miaomiao Zhang
Corpus Link SVC in Mandarin Chinese 2

General Information

This article belongs to the TC Category Interlinear Glossed Text from Linguistic Research.

In this category we collect TCwiki pages that feature Interlinear Glossed Text (IGT) from linguistic publications.

IGT are normally demarcated through indenting, numbering and a space above and under the example. One line of text is followed by one line of glosses and a line with free translation completes the pattern. IGTs from linguistic publications are of particular interest, since they represent a unique alignment of language data and linguistic theory. Example sentences from seminal articles are not rarely quoted in linguistic publications for decades which is another good reason why they need our attention.

In an effort to make IGT more accessible to linguistic research, we try to extract original IGT from linguistic publications and in same cases we provide additional linguistic glosses through a subsequent layer of annotation using the TypeCraft Glosser. In this way we hope to contribute to the re-usability of this data.

On each of the our pages that feature IGT from secondary sources, we also provide a short annotated bibliography, sometimes combined with a list of key-terms which can help to gain a perspective on the research questions raised in the original article. The 'Infobox' may contain further information about the linguistic framework used in the original article, as well as additional classifications of the phenomena treated, whenever that is possible.


Serial Verb Construction, multiple predicates

Original Interlinear Glossed Text


Wŏmen i [vP [adjunct clause PRO i kāi huì ] [vP tăolùn -le nèi -ge wèntí ]].
1PL hold meeting discuss-PERF that-CL problem
'We have discussed that problem holding a meeting'


Wŏmeni [vP kāi -le san-ci huì [CP PROi tăolùn nèi -ge wèntí ]].
1PL hold-PERF 3 -time meeting discuss that-CL problem
‘We held three meetings to discuss that problem.’


Tā [vP [adjunct clause PROi dă diànhuà ] [vP jiào-le chē ]] yĭhòu
3SG strike phone call-PERF car after
hái dĕng-le èrshí-fēnzhōng
still wait-PERF 20 - minute
‘After she had called a taxi by phone, she still waited for twenty minutes.’


i [vP dă -le yī-cì diànhuà ] [CP PROi jiào chē ]]
3SG beat-PERF 1-time phone call car
‘He made a phone call to order a taxi.’


Wŏmen [vP [vP kāi huì ] , [vP tăolùn nèi -ge wèntí ]]
1PL hold meeting discuss that-CL problem
‘We hold a meeting and discuss that problem.'


Tā yī -miàn pāi shŏu yī-miàn xiào
3SG one-side clap hand one-side laugh
‘He is clapping hands and laughing simultaneously.’

(17b)*他拍手笑。 .
  • Tā [vP [vP pāi shŏu ] [vP xiào]]

3SG clap hand laugh
(Intended meaning: ‘He claps his hands and laughs.’)


Tāi [vP [adjunct clause PROi pāi (-zhe) shŏu ] [vP xiào ]]
3SG clap -DUR hand laugh
‘He laughs (while) clapping his hands.’


Wŏ méi dă diànhua zhēngqiú Lĭsì de yìjiàn.
1SG NEG strike phone solicit Lisi SUB opinion
‘I haven’t solicited Lisi’s opinion by phone.’


[Dàshēng niàn kèwén] kĕyĭ bù kĕyĭ bāngzhù fāyīn ?
loud read lesson can NEG can help pronunciation
‘Can reading the lesson aloud help one's pronunciation?’

  • [Dàshēng niàn bù niàn kèwén] kĕyĭ bāngzhù fāyīn ?

loud read NEG read lesson can help pronunciation

  • Tā [vP fŏurèn -le [TP tā zuò-cuò-le zhèi-jiàn shì]

3SG deny -PERF 3SG do -err -PERF this-CL matter
‘S/he denied that s/he handled this matter wrongly.’


Tā fŏurèn -le [DP zhèi-ge cuòwù ]
3SG deny -PERF this-CL mistake
‘S/he denied this error.’


Tā méi gàosu wŏ [ nĭ yĕ cānjiā huìyì]
3SG NEG tell 1SG 2SG also attend meeting
‘He didn’t tell me that you, too, attended the meeting.’


Tā gàosu wŏ [ nĭ méi cānjiā huìyì]
3SG tell 1SG 2SG NEG attend meeting
‘He told me that you didn’t attend the meeting.’


Tā méi gàosu wŏ [ nĭ yĕ méi cānjiā huìyì]
3SG NEG tell 1SG 2SG also NEG attend meeting
‘He didn’t tell me that you, too, didn’t attend the meeting.’

  • Wŏ quàn tāi [nĭ xué yīxué]

1SG advise 3SG 2SG study medicine
‘I advised her that you should study medicine.’

  • Wŏ quàn -le tāi [ PROi xué yīxué ]

1SG advise -PERF 3SG study medicine
‘I advised her to study medicine.’


Wŏ quàn tā bù yào xī dú
1SG advise 3SG NEG want inhale drug
‘I advised her not to take drugs.’


Wŏ dāying Lĭsì bù bă mìmì gàosu biérén
1SG promise Lisi NEG BA secret tell somebody
‘I promised Lisi not to divulge his secret.’

  • Wŏ dă diànhuà bù zhēngqiú Lĭsì de yìjiàn

1SG strike phone NEG solicit Lisi SUB opinion
(intended meaning: ‘I phoned, but not in order to solicit Lisi’s opinion.’)


Wŏ jiāo -guo jĭ -ge xuéshēng hĕn yònggōng
1SG teach-EXP several-CL student very diligent
‘I have taught several students who are very diligent.’

  • Wŏ zài jiāo jĭ -ge xuéshēng hĕn yònggōng

1SG DUR teach several-CL student very diligent
(I’m teaching several students who are very diligent.’)


Wŏ jiāo -guo / zai jiāo [DP (jĭ -ge) hĕn yònggōng de xuéshēng]
1SG teach-EXP / DUR teach several-CL very diligent SUB student
‘I taught/am teaching several students who are very diligent.’

  • Tā xiăng chăo yī-ge cài tèbié hăochī.

1SG want fry 1 -CL dish especially delicious
(‘He wants to prepare a dish which is particularly delicious.’)


Tā xiăng chăo/ chăo-le [DP yī-ge tèbié hăochī de cài ]
1SG want fry / fry -PERF 1 -CL dish especially SUB delicious
(‘He wants to prepare/prepared a particularly delicious dish.’)


Tā guìxiàlái qiú wŏ
3SG kneel:down beg 1SG
(i) 'He knelt down in order to beg me.'
(ii) 'He knelt down and then begged me.'
(iii) 'He knelt down begging me.'
(iv) 'He knelt down and he begged me.'


Tā zuì hăo bă [vP[vP Ākiū jièshào gĕi Lĭsì] [vP Wángwŭ jièshào gĕi Lăolĭ]]
1SG most good BA Akiu introduce to Lisi Wangwu introduce to Laoli
‘He’d better introduce Zhangsan to Lisi and Wangwu to Laoli.’


Nĭ bă zhèi-bĕn cídiăn [vP zài [vP jiègĕi wŏ sān-tiān ]]
2SG BA this-CL dictionary again lend 1SG 3 -day
‘Lend me this dictionary for another three days.’