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{{Source|source=|author=Francis Benle|editor=Francis Benle|title=Kɛdɛba nee Ɛnwɔnra|date/place=28/5/2013|volume/pages=|Olanguage=Nzema|ISBN=|publisher=|translanguage=English|translator=Francis Benle|onlinedistribution=|type=fable|annotator=Francis Benle|contributor=Francis Benle|corpustranslator=Francis Benle|link=|article=Kɛdɛba nee Ɛnwɔnra<br>Spider and Turtle<br><br>kenle  ko  bie  kɛdɛba  vale  elue  kɛlɛma  bie  wɔ  ye  suanzi    ɛya  ne  anu.<br>day    one some  spider  picked  yam  nice  some  at  its  backyard  farm  the in.<br><br>ɔdondonle  elue  ne  kɛlɛma  kpalɛ  naa  ɔwiele      naa  ɔyɛle    ye    adwenlekɛ    ɔdi    la awie    bɔle    ye  alenkɛ  ne  anu.<br>it roasted  yam  the  nice    good  and  he finished  and  he made  his     mindthat it eat    someone  knocked  his   door    the  in.<br><br><br><br>Angomedi     ti      ɔkunlu      dele      ye    ɔluakɛ   ɔze       ahenle bali      ye    elue    ne    bie.<br>selfishness  because  it stomach shook    it    because  he kwows  that  one<br>will eat its   yam   the   some.  }}
{{Source|source=|author=Francis Benle|editor=Francis Benle|title=Kɛdɛba nee Ɛnwɔnra|date/place=28/5/2013|volume/pages=|Olanguage=Nzema|ISBN=|publisher=|translanguage=English|translator=Francis Benle|onlinedistribution=|type=fable|annotator=Francis Benle|contributor=Francis Benle|corpustranslator=Francis Benle|link=http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/2249/#tab1|article=Kɛdɛba nee Ɛnwɔnra<br>Spider and Turtle<br><br>kenle  ko  bie  kɛdɛba  vale  elue  kɛlɛma  bie  wɔ  ye  suanzi    ɛya  ne  anu.<br>day    one some  spider  picked  yam  nice  some  at  its  backyard  farm  the in.<br><br>ɔdondonle  elue  ne  kɛlɛma  kpalɛ  naa  ɔwiele      naa  ɔyɛle    ye    adwenlekɛ    ɔdi    la awie    bɔle    ye  alenkɛ  ne  anu.<br>it roasted  yam  the  nice    good  and  it finished  and  it made  its     mind that it eat    someone  knocked  its   door    the  in.<br><br><br><br>Angomedi         ti      ɔkunlu      dele      ye    ɔluakɛ     ɔze                 ahenle   bali      ye    elue    ne    bie.<br>selfishness  because  it stomach     shook    it    because  he kwows   that      one  will eat    its  yam    the  some.<br><br>ɔbukɛle      ye      alenkɛ      ne la  ɔnwunli  kɛ  ɛnwɔnra ɔ.<br>it opened    its      door      the      it saw  that   spider.<br><br>ɔliele ye naa ɔbizale ye amaneɛ.<br>it welcome it and it asked its mission.<br><br>ɛnwɔnra bɔ ye amaneɛ ne la ɔhanle kɛ me wɔ adendulɛ nu naa mendwule wɔ sua ne anzi la mendele elue bɛtondo evuanlɛ wɔ wɔ  sua ne anu naa ɔluakɛ mevɛ naa ɛhɔne ɛlɛku me la ati a memakyi a.<br>turtle say its mission the it said that I in journey in and I reached your house the back I smelled yam roasted aroma at your house the and because I tired and hunger killing me why I brach.<br><br>wɔ kɛdɛba suazo ɛyɛvolɛ basokoɛ wɔ a aleɛ biala mɔ ɛlɛ ye la ɛma ye bie ɛhye ati ɔwɔkɛ kɛdɛba ma ɛnwɔnra elue ne bie.<br>at spider hometown visitor visit you food all that you have it you give it some this because must spider give turtle yam the some.<br><br>Angomedi kɛdɛba ɛngulo kɛ ɔbama ɛnwɔnra elue ne bie la ati ɔbɔle kpɔkɛ bie.<br>selfish spider dislike that it will give turtle yam the some because it took plan some.<br><br>kpɔkɛ ne a lɛ kɛ ɔbaha yeahile ɛnwɔnra kɛ ɔhɔwowo ɔ sa anwo naa ɔkara la ɛnee yeli ye elue ne yewie.<br>plan the is that it will say it will tell turtle that it go wash it hand on and it will come then it eaten its yam the finished.<br><br>ɔwiele kpɔkɛ ɛhye bɔ la ɔvɛlɛle ɛnwɔnra kɛ ɔrɛla ɔmaa beli elue ne.<br>it finished plan this take it called turtle that it come it to they eat yam the.<br><br>ɛnwɔnra denlanle aze ala pɛ la yɛɛ kɛdɛba hanle hilɛle ye kɛ ɔ sa anwo ɛyɛ ɛvinle ɛhye ati ɔhɔwowo ɔ sa anwo.<br>turtle sat down immediately and spider said told it that it hand on it make dirty this because it go wash it hand on.<br><br>ɛnwɔnra dwazole ala pɛ yɛɛ kɛdɛba bɔle ɔbo kɛ ɔdi elue ne a naa ɔkara la ɛnee yeli elue ne foanko.<br>turtle rised immediately and spider begun begining to it eat yam the and it before come then it eaten yam the half.<br><br>ɛnwɔnra nwunli ɛhye naa ɔkaha nwolɛ ɛdwɛkɛ la kɛdɛba zɛle ye kɛ ɛnee elue ne ɛlɛdwie ɛhye ati a yeli bie a.<br>turtle saw this and it before say about matter spider told it that was yam the getting cold that because it eaten some.<br><br>ɛnwɔnra eza tenla aze la kɛdɛba hanle hilɛle ye kɛ ɔ sa anwo ɛyɛ ɛvinli bieko ɛhye ati ɔhɔwowo ye bieko.<br>turtle again sit down spider said told it that it hand on it make dirty again this because it go wash it again.<br><br>ɛnwɔnra leanle ɔ sa anwo la ɛnee amgba yeyɛ ɛvinli ɛhye ati ɔziale ɔhɔle azule ne anloa kɛ ɔkawowo ye bieko.<br>turtle looked its hand on was truly it made dirty this because it returned it went river the mouth that it go wash it again.<br><br>mekɛ ɛhye kɛmɔɔ ɔngulo kɛ ɔ sa anwo kɛyɛ evinli bieko la ati ɔluale ndile ne azo. mekɛ ɛhye ɛnee kɛdɛba ɛlɛdi elue ne.<br>time this because dislike that it hand on will make dirty again because it walked grass the on.<br><br>ɛnwɔnra rale la ɛnee kɛdɛba  eli elue ne amuanla.<br>turtle came had spider it eaten yam the all.<br><br>ɛhye yɛle ɛnwɔnra nyane kpole kpalɛ naa ɔyɛle ye adwenle kɛ ɔbayɛ kɛdɛba bie.<br>this made turtle pain big good and it made it mind that it will do spider some.<br><br>ɛhye ati ɔkɔ la ɔhanle ɔhilɛle kɛdɛba kɛ mekɛ biala mɔ ɔbanyia adenle la ɔrɛla ɔmaa beli aleɛ.<br>this because it go it said it told spider that time all that it will get time it come it allow they eat food.<br><br>mekɛ ekyii guale nu la kɛdɛba yɛle ye adwenle kɛ ɔkali aleɛ ne mɔ ɛnwɔnra hanle nwonlɛ ɛdwɛkɛ la.<br>time small pass in spider made its mind that it go eat food the that turtle said something matter.<br><br>ɛhye ati ɔhɔkpɔlale ɛnwɔnra.<br>this because it go visited turtle.<br><br>ɛnwɔnra nwunli kɛdɛba la ɔhanle ye ɔ ti anu kɛ ɔbadua kɛdɛba kakɛ wɔ mɔ ɔyɛle ye la anwo.<br>turtle saw spider it said it it head inside that it will pay spider debt at that it made it on.<br><br>kɛmɔ azule bo a ɛnwɔnra de la ati ɔhanle ɔhilɛle kɛdɛba kɛ ɔhendɛ naa ɔkaziezie aleɛ ne naa ɔwie a ɔbara naa bahɔli.<br>because river under turtle stay because it said it told spider that it wait and it go set food the and it finish it will come and they go eat.<br><br>Amgba ɔhɔle naa ɔwiele la ɔravɛlɛle kɛdɛba.<br>truly it went and it finished it came called spider.<br><br>ɛnwɔnra vuandile ɔnwo dole azule ne anu naa ɔhɔle azule ne abo bieko.<br>turtle threw itself into river the in and it went river the under again.<br><br>kɛdɛba yɛle kɛ ɔdaye noko ɔkɔ noko ɔyɛle biala la ɛnee ɔnrɛyɛ boɛ.<br>spider tried that itself too it go but it tried all was it not make well.<br><br>ɛhye kile kɛ ɔnyɛ ɛlomboɛ mɔ ɔkola ɔnoma a.<br>this shows that it not make heavy that it can it drown.<br><br>ɔyɛle mɔ ɔkɛyɛ boɛ noko ɛnee nzule lua bolɛ nwo.<br>it made that it will make well but was river flow rock on.<br><br>Nzinli ɔvale adwenle.<br>later it took idea.<br><br>Amaa yeayɛ ɛlomboɛ la ɔhɔvale awolɛ ɔwulawulale ye ahodoku ne mɔ anu.<br>so it will make heavy it go took stones it put put its pockets the that in.<br><br>ɔyɛle ɛhye naa ɔvuandile ɔnwo la ɛnee ɔwɔ azule ne abo suludu.<br>it made this and it threw  itself was it at river the under.<br><br>ɛhye yɛle ɛnwɔnra azibɛnwo.<br>this made turtle surprise.<br><br>kɛdɛba ehile ye kɛ ɔze nrɛlɛbɛ kpole kpalɛ.<br>spider it showed it that it know wisdom big good.<br><br>ɛnwɔnra eza vale adwenle fofolɛ mɔ ɔdua zo a ɔbadua kɛdɛba kakɛ bie la.<br>turtle also took idea new that it pass on it will pay spider debt some.<br><br>ɔnwunli kɛ saa kɛdɛba ye ye tɛladeɛ ne mɔ yeva awolɛ yewulawula ye ahodoku ne mɔ anu la a ɔbatulu bieko.<br>it saw that if spider remove it shirt the that it take stones it put put its pockets the in it will float again.<br><br>ɛhye ati ɔzɛle kɛdɛba kɛ wɔ ye suazo bedi aleɛ a benwula tɛladeɛ ɛhye ati ɔye ye tɛladeɛ ne.<br>this because it told spider that at its hometown they eat food they not wear shirt this because it remove its shirt the.<br><br>kɛdɛba  yele  ye tɛladeɛ ne naa ɔnye zo katete ye la ɛnee ɔtulu azule ne anye.<br>spider removed its shirt the and it eye on will open it was it float river the surface.<br><br>ɔbiale ɔhɔle ɛvoleyɛ ne naa ɔnleanle azule ne abo lɔ la ɔnwunli kɛ ɛnwɔnra ɛlɛdi aleɛ ne.<br>it swam it went mouth the and it looked river the under there it saw that turtle it eating food the.<br><br>ɛnwɔnra amgba ɛdua kɛdɛba kakɛ ne bie.<br>turtle truly it paid spider debt the some.<br><br><br>Nzema Folɛ: ɛnwu nrɛlɛbɛ dɔɔnwo  dɔɔnwo a ɛbiza boane ahye.<br>Wise saying in Nzema: you know wisdom more more you ask sheep greeting.<br>Literal meaning: if you try to become extremely wise you end up being a fool.<br> <br><br><br> }}

Latest revision as of 05:13, 3 June 2013

Source information
Author/Creator/Speaker(s) Francis Benle
Editor/Recorded by/Broadcaster Francis Benle
Title Kɛdɛba nee Ɛnwɔnra
Original language Nzema
Date/Place 28/5/2013
Translation language English
Translator Francis Benle
Type fable
Annotator Francis Benle
Contributor Francis Benle
Corpus translator Francis Benle
Link to the annotated dataset http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/2249/#tab1

Kɛdɛba nee Ɛnwɔnra
Spider and Turtle

kenle ko bie kɛdɛba vale elue kɛlɛma bie wɔ ye suanzi ɛya ne anu.
day one some spider picked yam nice some at its backyard farm the in.

ɔdondonle elue ne kɛlɛma kpalɛ naa ɔwiele naa ɔyɛle ye adwenlekɛ ɔdi la awie bɔle ye alenkɛ ne anu.
it roasted yam the nice good and it finished and it made its mind that it eat someone knocked its door the in.

Angomedi ti ɔkunlu dele ye ɔluakɛ ɔze kɛ ahenle bali ye elue ne bie.
selfishness because it stomach shook it because he kwows that one will eat its yam the some.

ɔbukɛle ye alenkɛ ne la ɔnwunli kɛ ɛnwɔnra ɔ.
it opened its door the it saw that spider.

ɔliele ye naa ɔbizale ye amaneɛ.
it welcome it and it asked its mission.

ɛnwɔnra bɔ ye amaneɛ ne la ɔhanle kɛ me wɔ adendulɛ nu naa mendwule wɔ sua ne anzi la mendele elue bɛtondo evuanlɛ wɔ wɔ sua ne anu naa ɔluakɛ mevɛ naa ɛhɔne ɛlɛku me la ati a memakyi a.
turtle say its mission the it said that I in journey in and I reached your house the back I smelled yam roasted aroma at your house the and because I tired and hunger killing me why I brach.

wɔ kɛdɛba suazo ɛyɛvolɛ basokoɛ wɔ a aleɛ biala mɔ ɛlɛ ye la ɛma ye bie ɛhye ati ɔwɔkɛ kɛdɛba ma ɛnwɔnra elue ne bie.
at spider hometown visitor visit you food all that you have it you give it some this because must spider give turtle yam the some.

Angomedi kɛdɛba ɛngulo kɛ ɔbama ɛnwɔnra elue ne bie la ati ɔbɔle kpɔkɛ bie.
selfish spider dislike that it will give turtle yam the some because it took plan some.

kpɔkɛ ne a lɛ kɛ ɔbaha yeahile ɛnwɔnra kɛ ɔhɔwowo ɔ sa anwo naa ɔkara la ɛnee yeli ye elue ne yewie.
plan the is that it will say it will tell turtle that it go wash it hand on and it will come then it eaten its yam the finished.

ɔwiele kpɔkɛ ɛhye bɔ la ɔvɛlɛle ɛnwɔnra kɛ ɔrɛla ɔmaa beli elue ne.
it finished plan this take it called turtle that it come it to they eat yam the.

ɛnwɔnra denlanle aze ala pɛ la yɛɛ kɛdɛba hanle hilɛle ye kɛ ɔ sa anwo ɛyɛ ɛvinle ɛhye ati ɔhɔwowo ɔ sa anwo.
turtle sat down immediately and spider said told it that it hand on it make dirty this because it go wash it hand on.

ɛnwɔnra dwazole ala pɛ yɛɛ kɛdɛba bɔle ɔbo kɛ ɔdi elue ne a naa ɔkara la ɛnee yeli elue ne foanko.
turtle rised immediately and spider begun begining to it eat yam the and it before come then it eaten yam the half.

ɛnwɔnra nwunli ɛhye naa ɔkaha nwolɛ ɛdwɛkɛ la kɛdɛba zɛle ye kɛ ɛnee elue ne ɛlɛdwie ɛhye ati a yeli bie a.
turtle saw this and it before say about matter spider told it that was yam the getting cold that because it eaten some.

ɛnwɔnra eza tenla aze la kɛdɛba hanle hilɛle ye kɛ ɔ sa anwo ɛyɛ ɛvinli bieko ɛhye ati ɔhɔwowo ye bieko.
turtle again sit down spider said told it that it hand on it make dirty again this because it go wash it again.

ɛnwɔnra leanle ɔ sa anwo la ɛnee amgba yeyɛ ɛvinli ɛhye ati ɔziale ɔhɔle azule ne anloa kɛ ɔkawowo ye bieko.
turtle looked its hand on was truly it made dirty this because it returned it went river the mouth that it go wash it again.

mekɛ ɛhye kɛmɔɔ ɔngulo kɛ ɔ sa anwo kɛyɛ evinli bieko la ati ɔluale ndile ne azo. mekɛ ɛhye ɛnee kɛdɛba ɛlɛdi elue ne.
time this because dislike that it hand on will make dirty again because it walked grass the on.

ɛnwɔnra rale la ɛnee kɛdɛba eli elue ne amuanla.
turtle came had spider it eaten yam the all.

ɛhye yɛle ɛnwɔnra nyane kpole kpalɛ naa ɔyɛle ye adwenle kɛ ɔbayɛ kɛdɛba bie.
this made turtle pain big good and it made it mind that it will do spider some.

ɛhye ati ɔkɔ la ɔhanle ɔhilɛle kɛdɛba kɛ mekɛ biala mɔ ɔbanyia adenle la ɔrɛla ɔmaa beli aleɛ.
this because it go it said it told spider that time all that it will get time it come it allow they eat food.

mekɛ ekyii guale nu la kɛdɛba yɛle ye adwenle kɛ ɔkali aleɛ ne mɔ ɛnwɔnra hanle nwonlɛ ɛdwɛkɛ la.
time small pass in spider made its mind that it go eat food the that turtle said something matter.

ɛhye ati ɔhɔkpɔlale ɛnwɔnra.
this because it go visited turtle.

ɛnwɔnra nwunli kɛdɛba la ɔhanle ye ɔ ti anu kɛ ɔbadua kɛdɛba kakɛ wɔ mɔ ɔyɛle ye la anwo.
turtle saw spider it said it it head inside that it will pay spider debt at that it made it on.

kɛmɔ azule bo a ɛnwɔnra de la ati ɔhanle ɔhilɛle kɛdɛba kɛ ɔhendɛ naa ɔkaziezie aleɛ ne naa ɔwie a ɔbara naa bahɔli.
because river under turtle stay because it said it told spider that it wait and it go set food the and it finish it will come and they go eat.

Amgba ɔhɔle naa ɔwiele la ɔravɛlɛle kɛdɛba.
truly it went and it finished it came called spider.

ɛnwɔnra vuandile ɔnwo dole azule ne anu naa ɔhɔle azule ne abo bieko.
turtle threw itself into river the in and it went river the under again.

kɛdɛba yɛle kɛ ɔdaye noko ɔkɔ noko ɔyɛle biala la ɛnee ɔnrɛyɛ boɛ.
spider tried that itself too it go but it tried all was it not make well.

ɛhye kile kɛ ɔnyɛ ɛlomboɛ mɔ ɔkola ɔnoma a.
this shows that it not make heavy that it can it drown.

ɔyɛle mɔ ɔkɛyɛ boɛ noko ɛnee nzule lua bolɛ nwo.
it made that it will make well but was river flow rock on.

Nzinli ɔvale adwenle.
later it took idea.

Amaa yeayɛ ɛlomboɛ la ɔhɔvale awolɛ ɔwulawulale ye ahodoku ne mɔ anu.
so it will make heavy it go took stones it put put its pockets the that in.

ɔyɛle ɛhye naa ɔvuandile ɔnwo la ɛnee ɔwɔ azule ne abo suludu.
it made this and it threw itself was it at river the under.

ɛhye yɛle ɛnwɔnra azibɛnwo.
this made turtle surprise.

kɛdɛba ehile ye kɛ ɔze nrɛlɛbɛ kpole kpalɛ.
spider it showed it that it know wisdom big good.

ɛnwɔnra eza vale adwenle fofolɛ mɔ ɔdua zo a ɔbadua kɛdɛba kakɛ bie la.
turtle also took idea new that it pass on it will pay spider debt some.

ɔnwunli kɛ saa kɛdɛba ye ye tɛladeɛ ne mɔ yeva awolɛ yewulawula ye ahodoku ne mɔ anu la a ɔbatulu bieko.
it saw that if spider remove it shirt the that it take stones it put put its pockets the in it will float again.

ɛhye ati ɔzɛle kɛdɛba kɛ wɔ ye suazo bedi aleɛ a benwula tɛladeɛ ɛhye ati ɔye ye tɛladeɛ ne.
this because it told spider that at its hometown they eat food they not wear shirt this because it remove its shirt the.

kɛdɛba yele ye tɛladeɛ ne naa ɔnye zo katete ye la ɛnee ɔtulu azule ne anye.
spider removed its shirt the and it eye on will open it was it float river the surface.

ɔbiale ɔhɔle ɛvoleyɛ ne naa ɔnleanle azule ne abo lɔ la ɔnwunli kɛ ɛnwɔnra ɛlɛdi aleɛ ne.
it swam it went mouth the and it looked river the under there it saw that turtle it eating food the.

ɛnwɔnra amgba ɛdua kɛdɛba kakɛ ne bie.
turtle truly it paid spider debt the some.

Nzema Folɛ: ɛnwu nrɛlɛbɛ dɔɔnwo dɔɔnwo a ɛbiza boane ahye.
Wise saying in Nzema: you know wisdom more more you ask sheep greeting.
Literal meaning: if you try to become extremely wise you end up being a fool.