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Line 145: Line 145:
|(21)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21511/ 他只装不知道]<br>
|(21)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21511/ 他只装不知道]<br>
tā  zhĭ  zhuāng  bù  zhīdào <br>
3sg only pretend not know <br>
3sg only pretend not know <br>
He's only pretending not to know.
He's only pretending not to know.
|(22)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21512/ 我盼望你快一点毕业] <br>
|(22)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21512/ 我盼望你快一点毕业] <br>
I hope you soon a:little graduate <br>
wŏ pànwàng  nĭ  kuài yīdiăn  bìyè <br>
I hope   you soon a:little graduate <br>
I hope you'll graduate a bit sooner.
I hope you'll graduate a bit sooner.
|(23)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21513/ 我恐怕你来不及]<br>
|(23)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21513/ 我恐怕你来不及]<br>
I fear you can't:make:it:in:time <br>
wŏ kŏngpà  nĭ  láibùjí <br>
I fear   you can't:make:it:in:time <br>
I'm afraid you can't make it in time.
I'm afraid you can't make it in time.
|(24)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21514/ 我以为你姓侯] <br>
|(24)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21514/ 我以为你姓侯] <br>
wŏ  yĭwéi      nĭ  xìng    Hòu <br>
I mistakenly:thought you surname Hou <br>
I mistakenly:thought you surname Hou <br>
I mistakenly thought your surname was Hou.
I mistakenly thought your surname was Hou.
|(25)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21515/ 我没想到你住在南京] <br>
|(25)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21515/ 我没想到你住在南京] <br>
I not think-arrive you live at Nanjing <br>
wŏ méi xiăng-dào    nĭ  zhù  zài nánjīng <br>
I not think-arrive you live at Nanjing <br>
I didn't realize you lived in Nanjing.
I didn't realize you lived in Nanjing.
|(26)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21516/ 我坚持我没犯法]<br>
|(26)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21516/ 我坚持我没犯法]<br>
I insist I not violate-law <br>
wŏ jiānchí wŏ méi  fàn-fă <br>
I insist I not violate-law <br>
I insist that I didn't violate any law.
I insist that I didn't violate any law.
|(27)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21517/ 我习惯早点吃得非常少]<br>
|(27)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21517/ 我习惯早点吃得非常少]<br>
I be:accustomed breakfast eat CSC extremely little <br>
wŏ  xíguàn  zăodiăn  chī  de  fēicháng  shăo <br>
I be:accustomed breakfast eat CSC   extremely little <br>
I'm used to eating very little for breakfast.
I'm used to eating very little for breakfast.
|(28)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21518/ 他梦想做英雄] <br>
|(28)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21518/ 他梦想做英雄] <br>
3sg dream serve:as hero <br>
tā  mèngxiăng  zuò  yīngxióng <br>
3sg dream     serve:as   hero <br>
He dreamed that he would be a hero.
He dreamed that he would be a hero.
|(29)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21519/ 她很讲究穿衣服]<br>
|(29)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21519/ 她很讲究穿衣服]<br>
3sg very particular wear clothes <br>
tā  hĕn  jiăngjiū  chuān yīfú <br>
3sg very particular wear clothes <br>
She's very particular about her clothes.
She's very particular about her clothes.
|(30)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21520/ 我们禁止抽烟]<br>
|(30)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21520/ 我们禁止抽烟]<br>
we prohibit extract-smoke <br>
wŏmen  jìnzhĭ  chōu-yān <br>
we   prohibit extract-smoke <br>
We prohibit smoking.
We prohibit smoking.
|(31)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21521/ 我感到很惭愧]<br>
|(31)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21521/ 我感到很惭愧]<br>
I feel very embarrassed <br>
wŏ găndào  hĕn  cánkuì <br>
I feel   very embarrassed <br>
I feel very embarrassed.
I feel very embarrassed.
|(33a)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21522/ 我觉得你不应该去]<br>
|(33a)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21522/ 我觉得你不应该去]<br>
I feel you not should go <br>
wŏ  juédé  nĭ  bù  yīnggāi  qù <br>
I   feel   you not should   go <br>
I think you shouldn't go.
I think you shouldn't go.
|(33b)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21523/ *我感到你不应该去] <br>
|(33b)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21523/ *我感到你不应该去] <br>
I feel you not should go  
wŏ găndào  nĭ  bù  yīnggāi  qù <br>
I feel   you not should   go <br>
|(35)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21524/ 他提议我们都去吃饺子] <br>
|(35)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21524/ 他提议我们都去吃饺子] <br>
3sg suggest we all go eat dumplings <br>
tā  tíyì  wŏmen dōu  qù chī  jiăozi <br>
3sg suggest we   all   go eat dumplings <br>
He suggested that we all go eat dumplings.
He suggested that we all go eat dumplings.
|(36)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21525/ 他没想到我们都去吃饺子]<br>
|(36)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1442/21525/ 他没想到我们都去吃饺子]<br>

Revision as of 09:17, 21 August 2011

SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Li & Thompson 1989)  
Type book
Author(s) Charles N. Li & Sandra A. Thompson
Publication title Mandarin Chinese. A functional reference grammar (1989)
Publisher University of California Press
Pages 594-620
ISBN 0-520-06610-3
Annotator Miaomiao Zhang
Corpus Link SVC in Mandarin Chinese 4
Framework functional reference grammar

General Information

This article belongs to the TC Category Interlinear Glossed Text from Linguistic Research.

In this category we collect TCwiki pages that feature Interlinear Glossed Text (IGT) from linguistic publications.

IGT are normally demarcated through indenting, numbering and a space above and under the example. One line of text is followed by one line of glosses and a line with free translation completes the pattern. IGTs from linguistic publications are of particular interest, since they represent a unique alignment of language data and linguistic theory. Example sentences from seminal articles are not rarely quoted in linguistic publications for decades which is another good reason why they need our attention.

In an effort to make IGT more accessible to linguistic research, we try to extract original IGT from linguistic publications and in same cases we provide additional linguistic glosses through a subsequent layer of annotation using the TypeCraft Glosser. In this way we hope to contribute to the re-usability of this data.

On each of the our pages that feature IGT from secondary sources, we also provide a short annotated bibliography, sometimes combined with a list of key-terms which can help to gain a perspective on the research questions raised in the original article. The 'Infobox' may contain further information about the linguistic framework used in the original article, as well as additional classifications of the phenomena treated, whenever that is possible.


According to Li & Thompson, SVC can be divided into four groups:

1. Two or more separate events

2. One verb phrase or clause serving as the subject or direct object of another verb

3. Pivotal constructions

4. Descriptive clauses

Among them, the first group is then divided into four sub-categories:

(i) Consecutive

(ii) Purpose

(iii) Alternating

(iv) Circumstance

Original Interlinear Glossed Text


wŏ măi piào jìn- qù
I buy ticket enter-go
I bought a ticket and went in.(i)


tā/tā tiān-tiān chàng- gē xiĕ- xìn
3sg day-day sing-sing write-letter
Everyday s/he sings songs and writes letters.([i],[iii])


hē diăn jiŭ zhuàng-zhuàng dănzi
drink a:little wine strengthen-strengthen gall:bladder
Drink a little wine, and it will give you courage.(i)


wŏ dìdì kāi-chē chū-shì le
I younger:brother drive-car exit-affair PFV/CRS
My younger brother had an accident while driving.([i],[iv])


wŏ zhù zài zhèi gēn tāmen dă-jiāodào
I live at here with they hit-interaction
I live here and have contact with them.([i],[iv])


tā qí mă chōu-yān
3sg ride horse extract-smoke
S/He rode a horse and smoked.([i],[iii])


wŏ măi piào jìn- qù
I buy ticket enter-go
I bought a ticket to go in.(ii)


tā shàng-lóu shuìj-iào
3sg ascend-stairs sleep-sleep
S/He's going upstairs to sleep.(ii)


hē diăn jiŭ zhuàng-zhuàng dănzi
drink a:little wine strengthen-strengthen gall:bladder
Drink a little wine to give yourself courage.(ii)


wŏmen yīnggāi xiăoxīn bù shēng-bìng
we should be:careful not produce-sickness
We should be careful not to get sick.([ii],[iv])


wŏ zhù zài zhèi gēn tāmen dă-jiāodào
I live at here with they hit-interaction
I live here in order to have contact with them.(ii)


wŏmen zuò huŏchē qù hăo ba?
we sit train go good SA
Let's go by train, shall we? ([ii],[iv])


tā qí mă chōu-yān
3sg ride horse extract-smoke
S/He rode a horse in order to smoke.(ii)


wŏmen kāi-huì kăolǜ nèi-gè wèntí
we hold-meeting consider that-CL problem
We'll hold a meeting to consider that problem. ([ii],[iv])


tā qí mă chōu-yān
3sg ride horse extract-smoke
s/He rode a horse while smoking.(iv)


tā zŏu-lái zŏu-qù
3sg walk-come walk-go
S/He walked back and forth.(iii)


hē diăn jiŭ zhuàng-zhuàng dănzi
drink a:little wine strengthen-strengthen gall:bladder
Get some courage by drinking a little wine.(iv)


tāmen yòng shŏu chī fàn
they use hand eat-food
They eat with their hands.(iv)


wŏ yī-gè rén wănshàng chū-qù hĕn hàipà
I one-CL person evening exit-go very scared
I'm scared to go out alone at night. (iv)


tā niàn-shū xīn hĕn zhuān
3sg study-book heart very engrossed
When he's studying, he's very engrossed. (iv)


nèigè lăoshī shuō-huà ài zhuăn-wén
that-CL teacher say-word love overuse:literary:words
That teacher loves to flaunt literary words when s/he talks. (iv)


wŏ yào tā guò lái
I want 3sg cross-come
I want him/her to comee over here.


tā fŏurèn tā zuò cuò le
3sg deny 3sg do-wrong CRS
He denies that he was wrong.


tā qíngyuàn tā-de háizi niàn-shū
3sg prefer 3sg-GEN child study-book
He prefers his children to study.


tā zhĭ zhuāng bù zhīdào
3sg only pretend not know
He's only pretending not to know.


wŏ pànwàng nĭ kuài yīdiăn bìyè
I hope you soon a:little graduate
I hope you'll graduate a bit sooner.


wŏ kŏngpà nĭ láibùjí
I fear you can't:make:it:in:time
I'm afraid you can't make it in time.


wŏ yĭwéi nĭ xìng Hòu
I mistakenly:thought you surname Hou
I mistakenly thought your surname was Hou.


wŏ méi xiăng-dào nĭ zhù zài nánjīng
I not think-arrive you live at Nanjing
I didn't realize you lived in Nanjing.


wŏ jiānchí wŏ méi fàn-fă
I insist I not violate-law
I insist that I didn't violate any law.


wŏ xíguàn zăodiăn chī de fēicháng shăo
I be:accustomed breakfast eat CSC extremely little
I'm used to eating very little for breakfast.


tā mèngxiăng zuò yīngxióng
3sg dream serve:as hero
He dreamed that he would be a hero.


tā hĕn jiăngjiū chuān yīfú
3sg very particular wear clothes
She's very particular about her clothes.


wŏmen jìnzhĭ chōu-yān
we prohibit extract-smoke
We prohibit smoking.


wŏ găndào hĕn cánkuì
I feel very embarrassed
I feel very embarrassed.


wŏ juédé nĭ bù yīnggāi qù
I feel you not should go
I think you shouldn't go.


wŏ găndào nĭ bù yīnggāi qù
I feel you not should go


tā tíyì wŏmen dōu qù chī jiăozi
3sg suggest we all go eat dumplings
He suggested that we all go eat dumplings.


tā méi xiăng-dào wŏmen dōu qù chī jiăozi
3sg not think-arrive we all go eat dumplings
He didn't realize that we'd all gone to eat dumplings.


tā gàosù wŏ shuō nĭ tóu téng
3sg tell I say you head ache
He told me that you had a headache.


tā shuō (*shuō) tā méi zuò gōngkè
3sg say *say 3sg not do homework
He said he hadn't done his homework.


zhèi-jiàn shìqíng shĭ/jiào/ràng wŏ hĕn nánguò
this-CL matter cause I very sad 
This matter makes me very sad.


zài zhèilĭ tíng chē fàn-fă
at here stop vehicle violate-law
It is against the law to park here.


zuò zhōngguó cài tài máfán le make China dish too troublesome CRS
Chinese cooking is too much trouble.


nĭ niàn-shū hĕn yŏu-chéngjiù ba?
you study-book very exist-accomplishment SA
Your studying is going well, right?


tā bù chī xīguā tài kĕxī le
3sg not eat watermelon too sad CRS
It's too bad s/he doesn't eat watermelon.


wŏmen jiàn-miàn hĕn nán-dé
we meet- face very hard- obtain
It is rare that we see each other.


wŏmen hĕn nándé jiàn-miàn
we very hard- obtain meet- face
It's rare that we see each other.


tā sòng nĭ dōngxī bìng bù biăoshì tā ài nĭ
3sg give you thing on:the:contrary not express 3sg love you.
His/Her giving you things does not indicate that s/he loves you.