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Difference between revisions of "SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Li 1986, Yeh & Lee 1992, Zheng 1994)"

Line 195: Line 195:
'''Li & Thompson 11 sentences'''
'''Li & Thompson (1981)7 sentences'''
{| style="color:green; background-color:#ffffcc;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0"
{| style="color:green; background-color:#ffffcc;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0"
|(11)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1438/21421/ 我们开会考虑那个问题。]. <br>
|(11)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1438/21421/ 我们开会考虑那个问题。]. <br>
Line 214: Line 214:
3sg tell  I  you head ache <br>
3sg tell  I  you head ache <br>
S/He told me that you has a headache. <br>
S/He told me that you has a headache. <br>
|. <br>
|(42)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1438/21440/ 大声念课文可以帮助发音。]. <br>
dà  shēng  niàn  kèwén  kĕyĭ  bāngzhù  fāyīn <br>
|. <br>
big voice  read  lesson can      help  pronunciation <br>
Reading the lesson aloud can help one's pronunciation. <br>
|(61)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1438/21427/ 我劝他念医。]. <br>
wŏ  quàn    tā  niàn  yī <br>
I  advise  3sg  study  medicine <br>
I advise him/her to study medicine. <br>
|. <br>
|(76)[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1438/21428/ 我碰到了一个外国人会说中国话。]. <br>
wŏ  pèng-dào-le    yī-gè  wàiguó-rén      huì      shuō  zhōngguó-huà <br>
|. <br>
I  meet-arrive-PFV one-CL  foreign-person  know:how  speak China-speech <br>
I met a foreigner who can speak Chinese. <br>
|. <br>
|. <br>
|. <br>

Revision as of 10:21, 27 July 2011

SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Li 1986, Yeh & Lee 1992, Zheng 1994)  
Type conference article
Author(s) Jung-hsing Chang
Publication title Linking semantics and syntax in Mandarin Serial Verbs: A role and reference grammar account
Publisher Language and linguistics
ISBN 2007-0-008-001-000042-1
Annotator Miaomiao Zhang
Corpus Link SVC in Mandarin Chinese 2
Framework role and reference grammar
SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Li 1986, Yeh & Lee 1992, Zheng 1994)  
Type book
Author(s) Yuenren Chao
Publication title A grammar of spoken Chinese
Publisher University of California Press
Annotator Miaomiao Zhang
Corpus Link SVC in Mandarin Chinese 2
SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Li 1986, Yeh & Lee 1992, Zheng 1994)  
Type book
Author(s) Linding Li
Publication title Xiandai Hanyu Juxing (Sentence patterns in modern Mandarin)
Publisher Shang Wu Yinshu Guan
Annotator Miaomiao Zhang
Corpus Link SVC in Mandarin Chinese 2
SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Li 1986, Yeh & Lee 1992, Zheng 1994)  
Type book
Author(s) C. Li & S. Thompson
Publication title Serial constructions in Mandarin Chinese: Subordination or coordination?
Publisher Chichago Linguistic Society
Annotator Miaomiao Zhang
Corpus Link SVC in Mandarin Chinese 2
SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Li 1986, Yeh & Lee 1992, Zheng 1994)  
Type book
Author(s) C. Li & S. Thompson
Publication title Mandarin Chinese. A functional reference grammar
Publisher University of California Press
Annotator Miaomiao Zhang
Corpus Link SVC in Mandarin Chinese 2
Framework functional reference grammar
SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Li 1986, Yeh & Lee 1992, Zheng 1994)  
Type conference paper
Author(s) Waltraud Paul
Publication title The "Serial verb construction in Chinese: The Gordian knot
Publisher The Linguistics Review
Annotator Miaomiao Zhang
Corpus Link SVC in Mandarin Chinese 2
SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Li 1986, Yeh & Lee 1992, Zheng 1994)  
Type conference article
Author(s) Ching-Long Yeh & Hsi-Jian Lee
Publication title A lexical-driven analysis of Chinese serial verb constructions
Publisher Rocling V Computational Linguistics Conference V. O92-1006
Annotator Miaomiao Zhang
Corpus Link SVC in Mandarin Chinese 2
SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Li 1986, Yeh & Lee 1992, Zheng 1994)  
Type conference article
Author(s) Hui Yin
Publication title Serial Verb Constructions in English and Chinese
Publisher The 2007 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association
Annotator Miaomiao Zhang
Corpus Link SVC in Mandarin Chinese 2
SVC in Mandarin Chinese (Li 1986, Yeh & Lee 1992, Zheng 1994)  
Type Master thesis
Author(s) Lijun Zheng
Publication title An Elementary Generative Syntax of Verbal Constructions in Chinese
Publisher University of Trondheim (now NTNU)
Annotator Miaomiao Zhang
Corpus Link SVC in Mandarin Chinese 2
Framework generative syntax, LFG, X-bar

General Information

This article belongs to the TC Category Interlinear Glossed Text from Linguistic Research.

In this category we collect TCwiki pages that feature Interlinear Glossed Text (IGT) from linguistic publications.

IGT are normally demarcated through indenting, numbering and a space above and under the example. One line of text is followed by one line of glosses and a line with free translation completes the pattern. IGTs from linguistic publications are of particular interest, since they represent a unique alignment of language data and linguistic theory. Example sentences from seminal articles are not rarely quoted in linguistic publications for decades which is another good reason why they need our attention.

In an effort to make IGT more accessible to linguistic research, we try to extract original IGT from linguistic publications and in same cases we provide additional linguistic glosses through a subsequent layer of annotation using the TypeCraft Glosser. In this way we hope to contribute to the re-usability of this data.

On each of the our pages that feature IGT from secondary sources, we also provide a short annotated bibliography, sometimes combined with a list of key-terms which can help to gain a perspective on the research questions raised in the original article. The 'Infobox' may contain further information about the linguistic framework used in the original article, as well as additional classifications of the phenomena treated, whenever that is possible.


Serial Verb Construction, multiple predicates

Original Interlinear Glossed Text

Jung-hsing Chang 7 sentences


(4)RVC in which arg. of V1=arg. of V2
Zhangsan ku xing le.
Zhangsan cry awake LE.
'Zhangsan was awake from crying.'


(5)RVC in which arg. of V1 ≠ arg. of V2
Zhangsan ku xing le Lisi.
Zhangsan cry awake LE Lisi.
'Lisi was awake from Zhangsan's crying.'


(12)Verb-copying construction
Zhangsan he jiu he zui le.
Zhangsan drink wine drink drunk LE
'Zhangsan was drunk from drinking wine.'


(14) RVC with no identical arguments
Zhangsan chang ge chang ya le sangzi
Zhangsan sing song sing hoarse LE throat
'Zhangsan sang songs and his throat became hoarse as a result.'


(39) SVC in which 1st arg. of V1= 1st arg. of V2; 2nd arg. of V1 =2nd arg. of V2
Ta dao jiu gei women he.
he pour wine GEI women drink
'He poured wine for us to drink.'


(40) SVC in which 1st arg. of V1 = 1st arg. of V2; 1st arg. of V1 ≠ 1st arg. of V2
Ta tuo wazi xi jiao.
he take off socks wash feet
'He took off his socks to wash his feet.'


(41) SVC with no idetical arguments
Ta tuo wazi gei women xi jiao.
he take off socks GEI we wash feet
'He took off his socks for us to wash his feet.'

Yuenren Chao 5 sentences


Deeng i.hoel chiuh! (P 326)
'Wait a while (before you) go!'


Chiuh deeng i.hoel! (P 326)
'Go and wait a while!'


na-bii shiee-tzyh (P 326)
'take pen write characters, -write characters with a pen'


Woo mae fell lii song ren. (P 327)
'I buy a gift to give to someone.'


Ta kai-che tzoou le. (P 327)
'He drove the car and left.'

Linding Li 1 sentence


Tā dă diànhuà jiào chē
3SG beat phone call car

Li & Thompson (1981)7 sentences


wŏmen kāi-huì tăolùn nèi-gè wèntí
we hold-meeting consier that-CL problem
We'll hold a meeting to consider that problem.


tā tiān-tiān chàng-gē xiĕ-xìn
3sg day-day sing-sing write-letter
Everyday s/he sings songs and writes letters


tā fŏurèn tā zuò-cuò le
3sg deny 3sg do-wrong CRS
S/He denies that s/he was wrong.


tā gàosù wŏ nĭ tóu téng
3sg tell I you head ache
S/He told me that you has a headache.


dà shēng niàn kèwén kĕyĭ bāngzhù fāyīn
big voice read lesson can help pronunciation
Reading the lesson aloud can help one's pronunciation.


wŏ quàn tā niàn yī
I advise 3sg study medicine
I advise him/her to study medicine.


wŏ pèng-dào-le yī-gè wàiguó-rén huì shuō zhōngguó-huà
I meet-arrive-PFV one-CL foreign-person know:how speak China-speech
I met a foreigner who can speak Chinese.

Waltraud Paul 33 sentences





































Ching-Long Yeh & Hsi-Jian Lee 7 sentences










Hui Yin 12 sentences













Lijun Zheng 2 sentences

