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(Original Interlinear Glossed Text)
(Original Interlinear Glossed Text)
(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 23: Line 23:
a. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20864/ Jon ble forsøkt skutt]<br>
a. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20864/ Jon ble forsøkt skutt]<br>
Line 103: Line 103:
Jon is-assumed/ is-feared/ is-promised/ is-asserted killed
Jon is-assumed/ is-feared/ is-promised/ is-asserted killed
b. Vi *antok/ ??fryktet/ ?*lovet/ *påstod Jon drept<br>
b. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20945/ Vi *antok]/ [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20947/ ??fryktet]/ [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20949/ ?*lovet]/ [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20951/ *påstod Jon drept]<br>
we assumed/ feared/ promised/ asserted Jon killed
we assumed/ feared/ promised/ asserted Jon killed
a. Vi advarte mot å forfremme Jon<br>
a. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20954/ Vi advarte mot å forfremme Jon]<br>
we warned against to promote Jon<br>
we warned against to promote Jon<br>
'we warned against promoting Jon'
'we warned against promoting Jon'
b. *Jon ble advart mot forfremmet<br>
b. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20958/ *Jon ble advart mot forfremmet]<br>
Jon was warned against promoted
Jon was warned against promoted
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Det ble lovet Marit forsøkt overlatt et stort ansvar
[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20960/ *Det ble lovet Marit forsøkt overlatt et stort ansvar]
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Det ble lovet forsøkt Marit overlatt et stort ansvar
[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20961/ *Det ble lovet forsøkt Marit overlatt et stort ansvar]
a. De forespeilte oss at Jon ville bli forfremmet<br>
a. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20963/ De forespeilte oss at Jon ville bli forfremmet]<br>
they 'make-expect'ed us that Jon would be promoted<br>
they 'make-expect'ed us that Jon would be promoted<br>
'they gave us reason to believe that Jon would be promoted'
'they gave us reason to believe that Jon would be promoted'
b. Jon ble forespeilt oss forfremmet
b. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20967/ Jon ble forespeilt oss forfremmet]
c. De lovet oss at Jon ville bli forfremmet<br>
c. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20969/ De lovet oss at Jon ville bli forfremmet]<br>
they promised us that Jon would be promoted
they promised us that Jon would be promoted
d. Jon ble lovet oss forfremmet<br>
d. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20972/ Jon ble lovet oss forfremmet]<br>
Jon was promised us promoted
Jon was promised us promoted
Jon ble lovet forfremmet<br>
[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20974/ Jon ble lovet forfremmet]<br>
Jon was promised promoted<br>
Jon was promised promoted<br>
'it was promised that Jon would be promoted'
'it was promised that Jon would be promoted'
a. *Jon fryktes lest boken<br>
a. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20978/ *Jon fryktes lest boken]<br>
Jon is-feared read(act) the book<br>
Jon is-feared read(act) the book<br>
'it is feared that Jon has read the book'
'it is feared that Jon has read the book'
b. *Jon fryktes mottatt gaven<br>
b. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20982/ *Jon fryktes mottatt gaven]<br>
Jon is-feared received the gift<br>
Jon is-feared received the gift<br>
'it is feared that Jon has received the gift'
'it is feared that Jon has received the gift'
a. *Jon ble fryktet løpt<br>
a. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20986/ *Jon ble fryktet løpt]<br>
Jon was feared run<br>
Jon was feared run<br>
‘it was feared that Jon had run’
‘it was feared that Jon had run’
b. Jon ble fryktet løpt bort<br>
b. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20990/ Jon ble fryktet løpt bort]<br>
Jon was feared run away<br>
Jon was feared run away<br>
‘it was feared that Jon had run away’
‘it was feared that Jon had run away’
c. *en løpt hare<br>
c. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20994/ *en løpt hare]<br>
a run hare<br>
a run hare<br>
‘a hare that has run’
‘a hare that has run’
d. en bortløpt hare<br>
d. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/20998/ en bortløpt hare]<br>
an away-run hare
an away-run hare
‘a hare that has run away’
‘a hare that has run away’
a. Jon fryktes å ha lest boken<br>
a. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21002/ Jon fryktes å ha lest boken]<br>
Jon is-feared to have read the book<br>
Jon is-feared to have read the book<br>
'it is feared that Jon has read the book'
'it is feared that Jon has read the book'
b. Jon fryktes å ha mottatt gaven<br>
b. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21006/ Jon fryktes å ha mottatt gaven]<br>
Jon is-feared to have received the gift<br>
Jon is-feared to have received the gift<br>
'it is feared that Jon has received the gift'
'it is feared that Jon has received the gift'
c. Jon fryktes å ha løpt<br>
c. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21010/ Jon fryktes å ha løpt]<br>
Jon is-feared to have run<br>
Jon is-feared to have run<br>
‘it is feared that Jon has run’
‘it is feared that Jon has run’
a. *Jon ble forsøkt å bli skutt<br>
a. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21014/ *Jon ble forsøkt å bli skutt]<br>
Jon was tried to be shot
Jon was tried to be shot
b. [*]Jon ble lovet å bli skutt<br>
b. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21017/ <nowiki>[*]</nowiki>Jon ble lovet å bli skutt]<br>
Jon was promised to be shot<br>
Jon was promised to be shot<br>
1. ‘(someone) promised Jon that he (Jon) would be shot’<br>
1. ‘(someone) promised Jon that he (Jon) would be shot’<br>
Line 183: Line 183:
a. Jon lovet meg å ytre seg<br>
a. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21024/ Jon lovet meg å ytre seg]<br>
Jon promised me to ‘utter’ himself
Jon promised me to ‘utter’ himself
b. *Jeg ble lovet (av Jon) å ytre seg
b. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21029/ *Jeg ble lovet å ytre seg]<br>
I was promised to ‘utter’ himself<br>
[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21027/ *Jeg ble lovet av Jon å ytre seg]<br>
I was promised by Jon to ‘utter’ himself
I was promised by Jon to ‘utter’ himself
c. *Jon lovet meg å ytre meg
c. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21032/ *Jon lovet meg å ytre meg]<br>
Jon promised me to ‘utter’ himself
Jon promised me to ‘utter’ himself
d. *Jeg ble lovet (av Jon) å ytre meg
d. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21037/ *Jeg ble lovet å ytre meg]<br>
I was promised to ‘utter’ myself<br>
[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21035/ *Jeg ble lovet av Jon å ytre meg]<br>
I was promised by Jon to ‘utter’ myself
I was promised by Jon to ‘utter’ myself
e. Jon anmodet meg om å ytre meg
e. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21040/ Jon anmodet meg om å ytre meg]<br>
Jon asked me to ‘utter’ myself
Jon asked me to ‘utter’ myself
f. Jeg ble anmodet (av Jon) om å ytre meg
f. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21045/ Jeg ble anmodet om å ytre meg]<br>
I was asked to ‘utter’ myself<br>
[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21043/ Jeg ble anmodet av Jon om å ytre meg]<br>
I was asked by Jon to ‘utter’ myself
I was asked by Jon to ‘utter’ myself
a. Jon har lest boken<br>
a. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21063/ Jon har lest boken]<br>
Jon has read the book
Jon has read the book
b. Jon fryktes å ha lest boken<br>
b. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21066/ Jon fryktes å ha lest boken]<br>
Jon is feared to have read the book
Jon is feared to have read the book
a. Jon påstås å være fryktet omkommet<br>
a. [http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21069/ Jon påstås å være fryktet omkommet]<br>
Jon is-claimed to be feared perished<br>
Jon is-claimed to be feared perished<br>
'it is claimed that it is feared that Jon has perished'
'it is claimed that it is feared that Jon has perished'
b. Jon påstås fryktet å være omkommet<br>
b. [[http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/1434/21073/ Jon påstås fryktet å være omkommet]<br>
Jon is-claimed feared to be perished<br>
Jon is-claimed feared to be perished<br>
'it is claimed that it is feared that Jon has perished'
'it is claimed that it is feared that Jon has perished'

Latest revision as of 11:36, 22 July 2011

Complex Passive Constructions in Norwegian  
Author(s) Lars Hellan
Annotator Lars Isak Askheim
Corpus Link Complex Passive Constructions in Norwegian

General Information

This article belongs to the TC Category Interlinear Glossed Text from Linguistic Research.

In this category we collect TCwiki pages that feature Interlinear Glossed Text (IGT) from linguistic publications.

IGT are normally demarcated through indenting, numbering and a space above and under the example. One line of text is followed by one line of glosses and a line with free translation completes the pattern. IGTs from linguistic publications are of particular interest, since they represent a unique alignment of language data and linguistic theory. Example sentences from seminal articles are not rarely quoted in linguistic publications for decades which is another good reason why they need our attention.

In an effort to make IGT more accessible to linguistic research, we try to extract original IGT from linguistic publications and in same cases we provide additional linguistic glosses through a subsequent layer of annotation using the TypeCraft Glosser. In this way we hope to contribute to the re-usability of this data.

On each of the our pages that feature IGT from secondary sources, we also provide a short annotated bibliography, sometimes combined with a list of key-terms which can help to gain a perspective on the research questions raised in the original article. The 'Infobox' may contain further information about the linguistic framework used in the original article, as well as additional classifications of the phenomena treated, whenever that is possible.


passive, raising, recursive VP-complements, passive participle, perfective participle

Original Interlinear Glossed Text


a. Jon ble forsøkt skutt
Jon was attempted shot
'it was made an attempt to shoot Jon'

b. Jon ble lovet forsøkt skutt
Jon was promised attempted shot
'it was promised that there would be an attempt to shoot Jon'

c. Jon ble påstått lovet forsøkt skutt
Jon was claimed promised attempted shot
'it was claimed that it would be/was promised that there would be an attempt to shoot Jon'


a. Jon fryktes omkommet
Jon is-feared perished
'it is feared that Jon has perished'

b. Jon påstås fryktet omkommet
Jon is-claimed feared perished
'it is claimed that it is feared that Jon has perished'


a. Det ble forsøkt skutt tre løver
it was attempted shot three lions
'it was made an attempt to shoot three lions'

b. Det ble lovet forsøkt skutt tre løver
it was promised attempted shot three lions
'it was promised that there would be an attempt to shoot three lions'


a. Jon overlot Marit et stort ansvar
Jon ’gave’ Marit a big responsibility

b. Det ble overlatt Marit et stort ansvar
there was given Marit a big responsibility

c. Marit ble overlatt et stort ansvar
Mary was given a big responsibility

d. Et stort ansvar ble overlatt Marit
a big responsibility was given Marit


a. Jon snakket om Marit
Jon talked about Marit

b. Marit ble snakket om
Marit was talked about


a. Vi skiftet bleier på barna
we changed napkins on the children

b. Barna ble skiftet bleier på
the children were changed napkins on


a. Det ble lovet forsøkt overlatt Marit et stort ansvar
it was promised attempted given Marit a big responsibility
'it was promised that there would be an attempt to give Marit a big responsibility '

b. Marit ble lovet forsøkt overlatt et stort ansvar
Marit was promised attempted given a big responsibility
'it was promised that there would be an attempt to give Marit a big responsibility '

c. Et stort ansvar ble lovet forsøkt overlatt Marit
a big responsibility was promised attempted given Marit
'it was promised that there would be an attempt to give Marit a big responsibility '

d. Marit ble lovet forsøkt snakket om
Marit was promised attempted talked about
'it was promised that there would be an attempt to talk about Marit'

e. Barna ble lovet forsøkt skiftet bleier på
the children were promised attempted changed napkins on
'it was promised that there would be an attempt to change napkins on the children’


a. Jon antas/ fryktes/ loves/ påstås drept
Jon is-assumed/ is-feared/ is-promised/ is-asserted killed

b. Vi *antok/ ??fryktet/ ?*lovet/ *påstod Jon drept
we assumed/ feared/ promised/ asserted Jon killed


a. Vi advarte mot å forfremme Jon
we warned against to promote Jon
'we warned against promoting Jon'

b. *Jon ble advart mot forfremmet
Jon was warned against promoted


*Det ble lovet Marit forsøkt overlatt et stort ansvar

*Det ble lovet forsøkt Marit overlatt et stort ansvar


a. De forespeilte oss at Jon ville bli forfremmet
they 'make-expect'ed us that Jon would be promoted
'they gave us reason to believe that Jon would be promoted'

b. Jon ble forespeilt oss forfremmet

c. De lovet oss at Jon ville bli forfremmet
they promised us that Jon would be promoted

d. Jon ble lovet oss forfremmet
Jon was promised us promoted


Jon ble lovet forfremmet
Jon was promised promoted
'it was promised that Jon would be promoted'


a. *Jon fryktes lest boken
Jon is-feared read(act) the book
'it is feared that Jon has read the book'

b. *Jon fryktes mottatt gaven
Jon is-feared received the gift
'it is feared that Jon has received the gift'


a. *Jon ble fryktet løpt
Jon was feared run
‘it was feared that Jon had run’

b. Jon ble fryktet løpt bort
Jon was feared run away
‘it was feared that Jon had run away’

c. *en løpt hare
a run hare
‘a hare that has run’

d. en bortløpt hare
an away-run hare ‘a hare that has run away’


a. Jon fryktes å ha lest boken
Jon is-feared to have read the book
'it is feared that Jon has read the book'

b. Jon fryktes å ha mottatt gaven
Jon is-feared to have received the gift
'it is feared that Jon has received the gift'

c. Jon fryktes å ha løpt
Jon is-feared to have run
‘it is feared that Jon has run’


a. *Jon ble forsøkt å bli skutt
Jon was tried to be shot

b. [*]Jon ble lovet å bli skutt
Jon was promised to be shot
1. ‘(someone) promised Jon that he (Jon) would be shot’
2. * ‘it was promised that Jon would be shot’


a. Jon lovet meg å ytre seg
Jon promised me to ‘utter’ himself

b. *Jeg ble lovet å ytre seg
I was promised to ‘utter’ himself
*Jeg ble lovet av Jon å ytre seg
I was promised by Jon to ‘utter’ himself

c. *Jon lovet meg å ytre meg
Jon promised me to ‘utter’ himself

d. *Jeg ble lovet å ytre meg
I was promised to ‘utter’ myself
*Jeg ble lovet av Jon å ytre meg
I was promised by Jon to ‘utter’ myself

e. Jon anmodet meg om å ytre meg
Jon asked me to ‘utter’ myself

f. Jeg ble anmodet om å ytre meg
I was asked to ‘utter’ myself
Jeg ble anmodet av Jon om å ytre meg
I was asked by Jon to ‘utter’ myself


a. Jon har lest boken
Jon has read the book

b. Jon fryktes å ha lest boken
Jon is feared to have read the book


a. Jon påstås å være fryktet omkommet
Jon is-claimed to be feared perished
'it is claimed that it is feared that Jon has perished'

b. [Jon påstås fryktet å være omkommet
Jon is-claimed feared to be perished
'it is claimed that it is feared that Jon has perished'