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Difference between revisions of "Spellchecker for Luganda - Pilot"

(Created page with "A pilot for a spellchecker for Luganda can be found at https://app.spellchecker.polytext.io/lexicon/TGV4aWNvbk5vZGU6Mg==/spellcheck? You print (or paste) a word or sequence...")
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Revision as of 16:19, 3 March 2019

A pilot for a spellchecker for Luganda can be found at https://app.spellchecker.polytext.io/lexicon/TGV4aWNvbk5vZGU6Mg==/spellcheck?

You print (or paste) a word or sequence of words into the open line area, and get a response in the larger field. If the expression was correctly spelled, just the expression is shown. If any word is misspelled, the word is shown with a red line underneath, and with suggestions for how it may be correctly spelled.

Note that the system is for word spelling only, not for syntax. Thus the sentence

Ku lunaku Kaweesi lwe yattibwa, obujulizi bulaga nga bofiisa baayogera n ’ abagambibwa okuba abatemu era obujurizi bulaga nga beekubira emirundi 31

(meaning: )

is both grammatically correct and with correct spelling of each word, and comes in the response field as unmarked. However, a scrambling of the words but retaining the spelling of each word will in effect also comes in the response field as unmarked for mistakes. Thus, the system only looks at word internal spelling.