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Corpus:Simons katt, Volding dialect

Source information
Source recording
Title A narration of Simon's Cat
Date/Place 07.01.13. NTNU Dragvoll
Type narration
Annotator Sindre Hunnes
Contributor Sindre Hunnes
Corpus translator Sindre Hunnes
Link to the annotated dataset http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/2135/

== Transcription: ==

filmen bjynde me at, [eeh], der sitte en fyr i en stol atme kattn sin.
movie start with that [hesitation], there sit a guy in a chair next-to cat his.

der e avise, bor, ei lampe, å ei gadin.
there be news-paper, table, a lamp, and a curtain.

kattn ser ei floge å følla ette dn.
cat see a fly and follow after it.

an velta en kåpp me vattn eller kaffe eller nåke sånt.
he knock-over a cup with water or coffee or something that.

så kasta an vekk avisa, å han velta lampa å bore.
then throw he away news-paper, and he knock-over lamp and table.

an *klara [..] klora opp, [eeh], stoln mens han leita etter floga vidare åå soo, [heh] går an vidare til gadina.
he *scrutches [hesitation] scratch up, [hesitation], chair while he look after fly further and then [laughter] go he further to curtain.

an rive den i stykke, [heh].
he tear it in piece, [laughter].

åå soo, [eh], fåttcette an å håppe ront påå stoln der, [eh], fyrn sitte, da. fyrn søve, å an merka ingenting.
and then, [hesitation], continue he to jump around on chair where, [hesitation] guy sit, then. guy sleep, and he notice nothing.

[eh], kattn håppa ront å ront å ront å ront å ront å ront, åå soo, til slutt så greie an å fange floga.
[hesitation], cat jump around and around and around and around and around and around, and then, to end then manage he to catch fly.

an leika me dn, å såå, ja, de ser nestn ut som an drepe an, men an slår an vel berre bevistlaus.
he play with it and then, yes, it look almost out like he kill he, but he hit he well just uncouscious.

straks floga slutta å bevege sej, så, [eh], bestemma an sej for å, [heh], [eh], jømme sej får dn.
as-soon-as fly stop to move it, then, [hesitation], decide he he for to, [laughter], [hesitation], hide he for it.

[eh], å soo, [em], prøva an å sjå på eigern, eller fyrn å sei, sjå her, ej tok floga, sjå då, sei an.
[hesitation], and then, [hesitation], try he to look on owner, or guy and say, look here, I took fly, look then, say he.

[eh], eigern våknatce, så kattn teke an opp å legge dn på bryste til eigern, å ser stålt ut.
[hesitation], owner wake-not, so cat take he up and put it on chest to owner, and look proud out.

eigern våknatce, så daa, prøva an å vekke eigern, men [eh], de sertce ut som at de funka.
owner wake-not, så then, try he to wake owner, but [hesitation], it look-not out like that it work.

så då putta an floga i monn på eigern å då våkna floga, tydelivis, å, [eh], eigern våkna okså, å hosta og svelga, *SVELge floga.
so then put he fly in mouth on owner and then awake fly, apparently, and ,[hesitation], owner awake also, and cough and *swallow, SWALLow fly.

åå, so, [heh], ser kattn veldi stålt ut.
and then, [laughter], look cat very proud out.

eigern ser ittce så veldi gla ut.
owner look not so very happy out.

å, de e de heile.
and, that be the whole.


== Info on the transcription: ==

The movie that is being narrated:

Transcription format:
- One line of transcription, followed by one line of very rough word-by-word translation into English.

- Elements in square brackets, [], are extra-linguistic elements, such as hesitation, stuttering and so forth. The translation in square brackets then indicate the type of extra-linguistic element, and not the meaning.

- * indicates a speech error.

- Capital letters indicate stress, or forceful pronunciation.

- A doubling of a consonant indicates a long consonant. Thus, "mon" is different from "monn".

- The letters roughly follow the pronunciation of the IPA, with the following exceptions:
a - open, mid, unrounded vowel.
å - approximately cardinal 6.
o - approximately cardinal 8.
u - approximately cardinal 18.

r - tap, not a trill.
sh - an unvoiced post-alveolar fricative.
kj - affricate, similar to that in English <church>. Can be "kj" or "kkj"