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Category:Community Portal

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Welcome to TypeCraft

Multi-lingual database online

Just like you, we are linguists and other professionals working on the description and analysis of language.

We use this site to share annotated language paradigms, and knowledge about languages, and language theory. We want TypeCraft because we want a simple electronic tool that helps us perform two of the most elementary linguistic tasks; the storage and the retrieval of natural language data. Accessibility of data is valuable for our own, and the research of others. It is important for research groups to represent ongoing work - TypeCraft can help with this task.

TypeCraft is a online database for Interlinear Glossed Texts which we have augmented by tools useful to the linguists. Check out our onliine linguistic editor, our importer which allows you to load Toolbox (Elan) data to TypeCraft and our export facilities.

Our Editor

  • it features automatic sentence break-up and helps you prepare your text for text annotation
  • it has drop-down-style reference lists, composed of widely used linguistic symbols for word and construction level annotation to facilitate the annotation process
  • Check it out; you find it on the TypeCraft navigation bar to the left of your screen.

The TypeCraft wiki

The TypeCraft wiki is a TypeCraft-internal knowledge sharing tool, designed to allow exchange of information between users, individuals as well as projects, and an easy access to background information. Some of the important features are:

  • safe-guarding of private data in several different work spaces.
  • easy integration of database information into the wiki
  • export of annotated natural language data to standard text editors as well as export of XML for further processing

TypeCraft is a research tool under constant development. For the group developing TypeCraft About TypeCraft it is very important to get feed-back. Please help us by posting one the talk page of this Community Portal.

Pages in category "Community Portal"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.