;;; -*- Mode: tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; - NorSource - ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) NorSource 1.0 ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim ;;; ;;; ;;; predsort.tdl ;;; ;;; Definitions of semantic types for spatio-temporal prepositions and adverbs ;;; ;;; Created by Dorothee Beermann and Lars Hellan ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; predsort.tdl is a package of lexical semantic constraints on ;; relational types. ROLE sorts are introduced to ;; formulate restrictions in terms of thematic information. ;; CLASS information introduces conceptual information ;; for all main predicates, covering verb class information, qualia information ;; and spatial and temporal classes for prepositions and adverbs. ;;; (For description of the system, see [Hellan and Beermann 2005-SIGSEM-ACL], and Hellan and Beermann 2009.) ;;; This version has type definitions suited for going directly together with a standard Matrix 1.0 version. The version called predsort.tdl is suited for going with the matrix.tdl file already used in norsource, which is a somewhat customized version 0.6 matrix.tdl. ; Instantiating lexical specifications based on predsort.tdl, using English entry names. ;to := prep-le & ; [ STEM < "to" >, ; SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL end-of-path-rel & [PRED "_to_p_rel"], ; SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL to-endpoint-simple-rel]. ; ;from := prep-le & ; [ STEM < "from" >, ; SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL beginning-of-path-rel & [PRED "_from_p_rel"], ; SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL from-startpoint-rel]. ; ;via := prep-le & ; [ STEM < "via" >, ; SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL via-path-rel & [PRED "_via_p_rel"], ; SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL via-viapoint-rel]. ; ; 'end up behind': ;behind:= prep-le & ; [ STEM < "under" >, ; SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED "_behind_p_rel", ; SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL to-endpoint-cum-external-locative-rel ]. ; ;under := prep-le & ; [ STEM < "under" >, ; SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED "_under_p_rel", ; SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL downside-vertical-rel ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ROLE & CLASS PACKAGE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ROLE-SPECIFICATIONS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; individual :+ [ ROLE role ]. event :+ [ PATH-TELIC bool, SIT-TYPE semsort ]. orientsort := avm. orient := orientsort. ;; relation-types ;super-event := event-or-ref-index. ;event := super-event. ;ad-event := super-event. ;orient-event := ad-event & ; [ ORIENT orient ]. ;;event := super-event & ; [ E tam ]. orient-event := event & [ ORIENT orient ]. ;ARG0 ad-event ad-rel := arg0-relation & [ ARG0 event]. orient-rel := ad-rel & [ ARG0 orient-event]. orient-adv-rel := orient-rel & arg1-relation & [ ARG0.ORIENT orient ]. iarg-orient-adv-relation := iarg-relation & orient-adv-rel. loc-rel := ad-rel. adv-mod-relation := arg1-relation & loc-rel. ;prep-mod-relation := loc-rel & arg12-relation. prep-mod-relation := loc-rel & arg12-ev-relation. ;LH310315, to match types in Burger prep-line-rel := loc-rel & arg12-ev-relation.;;LH310315, to match types in Burger ;prep-line-rel := loc-rel & arg12-relation. prep-fixpoint-line-rel := prep-line-rel. prep-nonfixpoint-line-rel := prep-line-rel. ; this ARG0 specification makes visible both for adverbs like "hit" and ; PPs like "til skogen" that they have a property inducing telicity. end-of-path-rel := prep-fixpoint-line-rel. beginning-of-path-rel := prep-fixpoint-line-rel. via-path-rel := prep-fixpoint-line-rel. along-path-rel := prep-nonfixpoint-line-rel. role := avm. line := role. xdim := role. spatial := role. temporal := role. timespan := line & temporal. oriented-obj := line & spatial. entity := xdim. time-entity := entity & temporal. spatial-entity := entity & spatial. purely-oriented-obj := oriented-obj & non-initiator. mileage-obj := oriented-obj. path-obj := mileage-obj & non-initiator. locomotion-instance := mileage-obj. locomotor-sup := locomotion-instance. ;locomotor := locomotor-sup. noninit-locomotor := locomotor-sup & non-initiator. locomotion-event := locomotion-instance & non-initiator. endpnt-of-line := spatial-entity. startpnt-of-line := spatial-entity. viapnt-of-line := spatial-entity. targetpnt-of-line := spatial-entity. endtime-of-line := time-entity. starttime-of-line := time-entity. viatime-of-line := time-entity. targettime-of-line := time-entity. ; not obvious that we need features. #| participant := role & [ INITIATOR bool, CONSCIENT bool ]. initiator-sup := participant & [ INITIATOR + ]. initiator := initiator-sup. init-locomotor := initiator-sup & locomotor-sup. undergoer := participant & [ INITIATOR -, CONSCIENT - ]. dativerole := participant & [ INITIATOR -, CONSCIENT + ]. |# ; normal initiators and experiencers go as event-fronts. Only initiators partake interestingly in locomotion. But the type system is slightly schewed: event-front and non-initiators are currently the top opposition under 'participant' participant := role. event-front := participant. initiator-sup := event-front. initiator := initiator-sup. init-locomotor := initiator-sup & locomotor-sup. experiencer := event-front. non-initiator := participant. undergoer := non-initiator. dativerole := non-initiator. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;CLASS SPECIFICATIONSs;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; class := avm. ;;;;;;;;;;;;CLASS SPECIFICATIONS FOR SITUATIONS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; situation := class. ;I.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ASPECT SPECIFICATIONS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; semsort -> sort -- situation & aktionsart := aspect & [ DYNAMIC bool, PROTRACTED bool, COMPLETED bool ]. dynamic := aktionsart & [ DYNAMIC + ]. stative := aktionsart & [ DYNAMIC - ]. telic := aktionsart & [ COMPLETED +]. atelic := aktionsart & [ COMPLETED -]. protracted := aktionsart & [ PROTRACTED +]. instantaneous := aktionsart & [ PROTRACTED -]. activity := dynamic & protracted & atelic. semelfactive := dynamic & instantaneous & telic. accomplishment := dynamic & protracted & telic. achievement := dynamic & instantaneous & telic. state := stative. spatial-rel := avm. ;II.;;;;;;;;;;;;SPECIFICATIONS FOR VERBS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sachverhalt := situation. non-oriented-svh := sachverhalt. posture-svh := non-oriented-svh. ;lh-pref: i-sachverhalt := situation. i-non-oriented-svh := i-sachverhalt. i-posture-svh := i-non-oriented-svh. i-oriented-svh := i-sachverhalt & [ i-PATH-CONSUMPTION bool]. ; as in "pilen peker mot nord" i-pure-orientation-svh := i-oriented-svh & [ i-PATH-CONSUMPTION -]. i-path-consumption-svh := i-oriented-svh & [ i-PATH-CONSUMPTION +]. ; as in "veien går mot nord" i-path-constellation-svh := state & i-path-consumption-svh. ; as in "turen går mot nord" i-locomo-development-svh := dynamic & i-path-consumption-svh. i-locomotion-svh-sup := dynamic & i-path-consumption-svh. ; as in "han løper mot nord" i-locomotion-svh := i-locomotion-svh-sup. i-arg12-oriented-svh := i-oriented-svh & [ ARG2-PATH-CONSUMPTION bool]. ; as in "rette pilen mot nord" i-arg12-pure-orientation-svh := state & i-arg12-oriented-svh & [ ARG2-PATH-CONSUMPTION -]. i-arg12-path-consumption-svh := i-arg12-oriented-svh & [ ARG2-PATH-CONSUMPTION +]. ; as in "tegne linjen mot venstre" i-arg12-path-constellation-svh := state & i-arg12-path-consumption-svh. ; as in "legge turen mot nord" i-arg12-locomo-conduction-svh := dynamic & i-arg12-path-consumption-svh. ; ejection: i-arg12-locomotion-svh := dynamic & i-arg12-path-consumption-svh. i-arg12-doubleoriented-svh := i-arg12-oriented-svh. ;NO SUCH as in "rette pilen mot nord" ; NO SUCH arg12-pure-doubleorientation-svh := state & arg12-ddoubleoriented-svh & ;[ ARG2-PATH-CONSUMPTION -]. i-arg12-double-path-consumption-svh := i-arg12-doubleoriented-svh & [ i-PATH-CONSUMPTION +, ARG2-PATH-CONSUMPTION +]. i-arg12-parallel-double-path-consumption-svh := i-arg12-double-path-consumption-svh. i-arg12-nonparallel-double-path-consumption-svh := i-arg12-double-path-consumption-svh. ; as in "streken følger linjen" i-arg12-parallel-double-path-constellation-svh := state & i-arg12-parallel-double-path-consumption-svh. ; as in "streken skjærer linjen" i-arg12-nonparallel-double-path-constellation-svh := state & i-arg12-nonparallel-double-path-consumption-svh. ; as in "gutten ledsager presidenten" i-arg12-parallel-double-locomotion-svh := dynamic & i-arg12-parallel-double-path-consumption-svh. ; as in "gutten krysser demonstrasjonstoget" i-arg12-nonparallel-double-locomotion-svh := dynamic & i-arg12-parallel-double-path-consumption-svh. ; as in "gestikulere mot publikum" ; as in "smile mot publikum" init-svh-sup := i-sachverhalt. ; as in "scream" (on one construal) init-svh := init-svh-sup. ; as in "kick" (on one construal) init-und-svh := i-sachverhalt. ; as in "help" (on one construal) init-dat-svh := i-sachverhalt. ; as in "give" (on one construal) init-und-dat-svh := i-sachverhalt. ; as in "melt" (on one construal) und-svh := i-sachverhalt. ; as in "please" (on one construal) und-dat-svh := i-sachverhalt. ; as in "doubt" (on one construal) dat-svh := i-sachverhalt. initlocomotion-svh := init-svh-sup & i-locomotion-svh-sup. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; i-arg1-svh-rel := arg1-ev-relation & Iarg-relation. i-arg12-svh-rel := arg12-ev-relation & Iarg-relation. i-arg123-svh-rel := arg123-ev-relation & Iarg-relation. i-non-oriented-svh-rel := i-arg1-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS i-non-oriented-svh ]. ; lh 27.03.05 to get "mennene sitter langs stranden", I think ; ARG0.ROLE xdim should be removed - as in new type below ;i-posture-svh-rel := i-arg1-svh-rel & ; [ IARG.CLASS i-posture-svh, ; ARG0.ROLE xdim ]. i-posture-svh-rel := i-arg1-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS i-posture-svh ]. i-oriented-svh-rel := i-arg1-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS.i-PATH-CONSUMPTION bool ]. ; as in "pilen peker mot nord" i-pure-orientation-rel := i-oriented-svh-rel & [ ARG1.ROLE purely-oriented-obj, IARG.CLASS.i-PATH-CONSUMPTION - ]. ; as in "veien går mot nord" i-path-constellation-rel := i-oriented-svh-rel & [IARG.CLASS i-path-constellation-svh, ARG1.ROLE path-obj ] . ; as in "turen går mot nord" i-locomotion-development-rel := i-oriented-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS i-locomo-development-svh, ARG1.ROLE locomotion-event ]. ; as in "han løper mot nord" ;ARG0.E.ASPECT dynamic, i-locomotion-rel := i-oriented-svh-rel & [ ARG0.E.ASPECT dynamic, ARG1.ROLE locomotor-sup, IARG.CLASS i-locomotion-svh ]. ; as in "rette pilen mot nord" i-arg12-pure-orientation-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS i-arg12-pure-orientation-svh, ARG2.ROLE purely-oriented-obj ]. ; as in "tegne linjen mot venstre" i-arg12-path-constellation-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS i-arg12-path-constellation-svh, ARG2.ROLE path-obj ]. ; as in "legge turen mot nord" i-arg12-locomo-conduction-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS i-arg12-locomo-conduction-svh, ARG2.ROLE locomotion-event ]. ;; ejection: i-arg12-locomotion-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS i-arg12-locomotion-svh, ARG0.E.ASPECT achievement, ARG1.ROLE initiator, ARG2.ROLE noninit-locomotor ]. ; as in "streken følger linjen" i-arg12-parallel-double-path-constellation-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS i-arg12-parallel-double-path-constellation-svh, ARG1.ROLE path-obj, ARG2.ROLE path-obj ]. ; as in "streken skjærer linjen" i-arg12-nonparallel-double-path-constellation-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS i-arg12-nonparallel-double-path-constellation-svh, ARG1.ROLE path-obj, ARG2.ROLE path-obj ]. ; as in "gutten ledsager presidenten" i-arg12-parallel-double-locomotion-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS i-arg12-parallel-double-locomotion-svh, ARG1.ROLE locomotor-sup, ARG2.ROLE locomotor-sup ]. ; as in "gutten krysser demonstrasjonstoget" i-arg12-nonparallel-double-locomotion-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS i-arg12-nonparallel-double-locomotion-svh, ARG1.ROLE locomotor-sup, ARG2.ROLE locomotor-sup ]. ; here fill in with ROLE values for the relevant arguments ; as in "scream" (on one construal) i-arg1-init-rel := i-arg1-svh-rel & [ ARG1.ROLE initiator, IARG.CLASS init-svh ]. ; as in "kick" (on one construal) i-arg12-init-und-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ ARG1.ROLE initiator, ARG2.ROLE undergoer, IARG.CLASS init-und-svh ]. ; as in "help" (on one construal) i-arg12-init-dat-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ ARG1.ROLE initiator, ARG2.ROLE dativerole, IARG.CLASS init-dat-svh ]. ; as in "give" (on one construal) i-arg123-init-und-dat-rel := i-arg123-svh-rel & [ ARG1.ROLE initiator, ARG2.ROLE undergoer, ARG3.ROLE dativerole, IARG.CLASS init-und-dat-svh ]. ; as in "melt" (on one construal) i-arg1-und-rel := i-arg1-svh-rel & [ ARG1.ROLE undergoer, IARG.CLASS und-svh ]. ; as in "please" (on one construal) i-arg12-und-dat-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ ARG1.ROLE undergoer, ARG2.ROLE dativerole, IARG.CLASS und-dat-svh ]. ; as in "doubt" (on one construal) i-arg1-dat-rel := i-arg1-svh-rel & [ ARG1.ROLE dativerole, IARG.CLASS dat-svh ]. i-arg1-init-locomotion-rel := i-arg1-svh-rel & [ ARG1.ROLE init-locomotor, IARG.CLASS initlocomotion-svh ]. ;;the following two relations have no instance -db feb 05 ;path-conduction-rel := arg12-svh-rel & ; [ IARG.CLASS path-conduction, ; ARG0.E.ASPECT dynamic, ; ARG2.ROLE path-obj ]. ;make-pure-oriented-rel := arg12-svh-rel & ; [ IARG.CLASS make-pure-oriented, ; ARG2.ROLE purely-oriented-obj ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; line-svh := sachverhalt & [ PATH-CONSUMPTION bool]. stative-line-svh := line-svh & state. activity-line-svh := line-svh & activity. ;pure-orientation := line-svh. ;path-consumption := line-svh. ;path-constellation := path-consumption. ;locomo-development := path-consumption. ;locomotion := path-consumption. ejection := sachverhalt. locomotion-conduction := sachverhalt. ;path-conduction := sachverhalt. ;make-pure-oriented := sachverhalt. ;III.;;;;;;;;;;SPECIFICATIONS FOR PREPOSITIONS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; spatial-temporal-class := situation & role. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;LINE-TO-XDIM;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; line-to-xdim := spatial-temporal-class. line-to-xdim-spatial := line-to-xdim. line-to-xdim-temporal := line-to-xdim. line-to-endpnt := line-to-xdim-spatial. line-to-startpnt := line-to-xdim-spatial. line-to-viapnt := line-to-xdim-spatial. line-to-targetpnt := line-to-xdim-spatial. line-to-endtime := line-to-xdim-temporal. line-to-starttime := line-to-xdim-temporal. line-to-viatime := line-to-xdim-temporal. line-to-targettime := line-to-xdim-temporal. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;XDIM-TO-XDIM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, xdim-to-xdim := spatial-temporal-class. positioning := xdim-to-xdim & [ SCALAR bool, TRANSITIVE bool ]. ;the following two are now only for annotation purposes xdim-to-xdim-spatial := xdim-to-xdim. xdim-to-xdim-temporal := xdim-to-xdim. front-back-axis := positioning & [ FRONT bool, BACK bool ]. positioning-spatial := positioning. positioning-temporal := positioning. containment-positioning := positioning & [ EMBEDDED bool, CONTAINED bool ]. embed-containment := containment-positioning & [ EMBEDDED +, CONTAINED -, SCALAR -, TRANSITIVE +]. contained-embedded := containment-positioning & [ EMBEDDED +, CONTAINED +, SCALAR - ]. scalar-containment := containment-positioning & [ EMBEDDED +, CONTAINED +, SCALAR +, TRANSITIVE +]. scalar-non-containment := containment-positioning & [ EMBEDDED -, CONTAINED -, SCALAR + ]. non-scalar-non-containment := containment-positioning & [ EMBEDDED -, CONTAINED -, SCALAR - ]. front-axis := front-back-axis & [ BACK -, FRONT +, SCALAR + ]. back-axis := front-back-axis & [ BACK +, FRONT -, SCALAR + ]. side-axis := front-back-axis & [ BACK -, FRONT -, SCALAR +, TRANSITIVE +]. front-back-temporal := positioning-temporal & front-back-axis. containment-spatial := positioning-spatial & containment-positioning. containment-temporal := positioning-temporal & containment-positioning. vertical-axis := positioning-spatial & [ UPSIDE-OF bool, VERTICAL +, INTEGRATED bool ]. non-scalar-vertical := vertical-axis & [ SCALAR - ]. integrated-non-scalar := non-scalar-vertical & [ INTEGRATED + ]. upside-integrated := integrated-non-scalar & [ UPSIDE-OF +, TRANSITIVE - ]. non-transitive-integrated := integrated-non-scalar & [ TRANSITIVE - ]. scalar-vertical := vertical-axis & [ SCALAR + ]. downside-vertical := scalar-vertical & [ UPSIDE-OF - ]. upside-vertical := scalar-vertical & [ UPSIDE-OF + ]. non-integrated-non-scalar := non-scalar-vertical & [ INTEGRATED - ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;LINE-TO-LINE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; line-to-line := spatial-temporal-class & [ CO-EXTENSIVE-WITH bool ]. co-extensive := line-to-line & [ CO-EXTENSIVE-WITH + ]. line-to-line-spatial := line-to-line & [ PARALLEL-WITH bool ]. line-to-line-temporal := line-to-line & [ PHASE-OVERLAPPING-WITH bool, PHASE-DISJOINT-FROM bool ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;NOMINAL CLASS SPECIFICATIONS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; entities := class. time-unit := entities. ; top relations and index types as subtypes of relations defined ; matrix 0.6 ; ROLE is still introduced in the matrix, but will ; be made part of the predsort.tdl Iarg-relation := relation & [ IARG class-specified ]. class-specified := semarg & [ CLASS class ]. ;verbal relation types with verb-class information. ;verbclass information is introduced under CLASS as ; part of the IARG information arg1-svh-rel := arg1-ev-relation & Iarg-relation. arg12-svh-rel := arg12-ev-relation & Iarg-relation. non-oriented-svh-rel := arg1-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS non-oriented-svh ]. posture-svh-rel := arg1-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS posture-svh, ARG0.ROLE xdim ]. oriented-svh-rel := arg1-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS stative-line-svh ]. pure-orientation-rel := oriented-svh-rel & [ ARG1.ROLE purely-oriented-obj, IARG.CLASS.PATH-CONSUMPTION - ]. stative-path-consumption-rel := oriented-svh-rel & [IARG.CLASS.PATH-CONSUMPTION +, ARG1.ROLE path-obj ] . ;locomotion-development-rel := path-consumption-rel & ; [ ARG1.ROLE locomotion-event ]. active-path-consumption-rel := arg1-svh-rel. ; ARG0.E.ASPECT dynamic, locomotion-rel := active-path-consumption-rel & [ ARG1.ROLE locomotor-sup, ARG0.E.ASPECT dynamic, IARG.CLASS activity-line-svh & [ PATH-CONSUMPTION +] ]. ;;LH i- ejection-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS ejection, ARG0.E.ASPECT dynamic, ARG2.ROLE locomotor-sup ]. ;;LH i- locomotion-conduction-rel := i-arg12-svh-rel & [ IARG.CLASS locomotion-conduction, ARG0.E.ASPECT dynamic, ARG2.ROLE locomotion-event ]. ;;the following two relations have no instance -db feb 05 ;path-conduction-rel := arg12-svh-rel & ; [ IARG.CLASS path-conduction, ; ARG0.E.ASPECT dynamic, ; ARG2.ROLE path-obj ]. ;make-pure-oriented-rel := arg12-svh-rel & ; [ IARG.CLASS make-pure-oriented, ; ARG2.ROLE purely-oriented-obj ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; prepositional relations with IARG specifications ;; and thematic contraints on their ARG2 Iarg-prep-mod-relation := prep-mod-relation & Iarg-relation. ;; adverbial relations with IARG specifications Iarg-adv-mod-relation := adv-mod-relation & Iarg-relation. line-to-z-rel := Iarg-prep-mod-relation. y-to-y-rel := Iarg-prep-mod-relation. xdim-to-xdim-rel := y-to-y-rel & [ ARG0.ROLE xdim-to-xdim, IARG.CLASS xdim-to-xdim]. positioning-spatial-rel := xdim-to-xdim-rel & spatial-rel & [ IARG.CLASS positioning, ARG0.ROLE xdim-to-xdim-spatial, ARG1.ROLE xdim , ARG2.ROLE spatial-entity ]. ; this type is used to distinguish one use of "ved" from an integrated one unspecified-positioning-spatial-rel := positioning-spatial-rel & [ IARG.CLASS [ SCALAR -, TRANSITIVE -]]. positioning-temporal-rel := xdim-to-xdim-rel & [ ARG0.ROLE xdim-to-xdim-temporal, ARG1.ROLE time-entity, ARG2.ROLE time-entity ]. front-temporal-rel := positioning-temporal-rel & [ IARG.CLASS front-axis & [ TRANSITIVE +] ]. external-locative-rel := positioning-spatial-rel & [ IARG.CLASS front-back-axis ]. back-external-locative-rel := external-locative-rel & [ IARG.CLASS back-axis & [ TRANSITIVE + ] ]. front-external-locative-rel := external-locative-rel & [ IARG.CLASS front-axis & [ TRANSITIVE + ] ]. side-external-locative-rel := external-locative-rel & [ IARG.CLASS side-axis ]. back-temporal-rel := positioning-temporal-rel & [ IARG.CLASS back-axis & [ TRANSITIVE +] ]. ; OBS! end-of-path-rel only with lex3...full directional-external-locative-rel := line-to-xdim-rel & end-of-path-rel & [ IARG.CLASS front-axis & [ TRANSITIVE +], ARG1.ROLE line ]. scalar-locative-rel := positioning-spatial-rel & [ IARG.CLASS scalar-vertical ]. non-scalar-locative-rel := positioning-spatial-rel & [ IARG.CLASS non-scalar-vertical ]. downside-vertical-rel := scalar-locative-rel & [ IARG.CLASS downside-vertical & [ TRANSITIVE +]]. ; OBS! end-of-path-rel only with lex3...full directional-downside-vertical-rel := line-to-xdim-rel & end-of-path-rel & [ IARG.CLASS downside-vertical & [ TRANSITIVE +]]. upside-vertical-rel := scalar-locative-rel & [ IARG.CLASS upside-vertical & [ TRANSITIVE +] ]. integrated-locative-rel := non-scalar-locative-rel & [ IARG.CLASS integrated-non-scalar]. non-transitive-integrated-rel := integrated-locative-rel & [ IARG.CLASS non-transitive-integrated ]. upside-integrated-rel := integrated-locative-rel & [ IARG.CLASS upside-integrated ]. non-integrated-locative-rel := non-scalar-locative-rel & [ IARG.CLASS non-integrated-non-scalar]. containment-rel := xdim-to-xdim-rel & [ IARG.CLASS containment-positioning ]. containment-spatial-rel := containment-rel & positioning-spatial-rel. containment-temporal-rel := containment-rel & positioning-temporal-rel. embed-containment-rel := containment-rel & [ IARG.CLASS embed-containment ]. loc-embed-containment-rel := containment-spatial-rel . temp-embed-containment-rel := containment-temporal-rel . contained-embedded-rel := containment-rel & [ IARG.CLASS contained-embedded & [ TRANSITIVE +] ]. temp-contained-embedded-rel := contained-embedded-rel & containment-temporal-rel. loc-contained-embedded-rel := contained-embedded-rel & containment-spatial-rel. scalar-containment-rel := containment-rel & [ IARG.CLASS scalar-containment ]. temp-scalar-containment-rel := scalar-containment-rel & containment-temporal-rel. loc-scalar-containment-rel := scalar-containment-rel & containment-spatial-rel. scalar-non-contained-rel := containment-rel & [ IARG.CLASS scalar-non-containment & [ TRANSITIVE +] ]. temp-scalar-non-contained-rel := scalar-non-contained-rel & containment-temporal-rel. loc-scalar-non-contained-rel := scalar-non-contained-rel & containment-spatial-rel. line-to-line-rel := y-to-y-rel & line-to-z-rel. ; ARG0.ROLE line-to-line, line-to-line-temporal-rel := line-to-line-rel & [ IARG.CLASS spatial-temporal-class, ARG1.ROLE timespan, ARG2.ROLE timespan ]. ;"på", "i" for "do x på/i to timer" ;, ; ARG1.E.ASPECT telic telic-coextensive-rel := line-to-line-temporal-rel & [ IARG.CLASS co-extensive, ARG1.E.ASPECT telic]. ; , ; ARG1.E.ASPECT atelic atelic-coextensive-rel := line-to-line-temporal-rel & [ IARG.CLASS co-extensive, ARG1.E.ASPECT atelic]. ;parallel-lines-rel := line-to-line-temporal-rel & prep-nonfixpoint-line-rel & ; [ IARG.CLASS back-axis & [ TRANSITIVE + ], ; ARG0.ROLE line-to-line ]. ; changed, from the above, to allow 'rusle langs elva, etter veien'. ; But we perhaps need a temporal "etter" too? parallel-lines-rel := line-to-line-spatial-rel & prep-nonfixpoint-line-rel & [ IARG.CLASS back-axis & [ TRANSITIVE + ], ARG0.ROLE line-to-line ]. line-to-line-spatial-rel := line-to-line-rel & spatial-rel & [ ARG0.ROLE line-to-line, IARG.CLASS spatial-temporal-class, ARG1.ROLE oriented-obj, ARG2.ROLE oriented-obj ]. ; OBS! along-path-rel only when using lex3...full co-extensive-parallel-rel := line-to-line-spatial-rel & along-path-rel & [ IARG.CLASS [ CO-EXTENSIVE-WITH +, PARALLEL-WITH + ]]. line-to-xdim-rel := line-to-z-rel & [ IARG.CLASS spatial-temporal-class, ARG0.ROLE line-to-xdim ]. line-to-xdim-temporal-rel := line-to-xdim-rel & prep-nonfixpoint-line-rel & [ ARG0.ROLE line-to-xdim-temporal, ARG1.ROLE timespan, ARG2.ROLE time-entity ]. line-to-xdim-spatial-rel := line-to-xdim-rel & [ ARG0.ROLE line-to-xdim-spatial, ARG1.ROLE oriented-obj, ARG2.ROLE spatial-entity ]. to-endtime-rel := line-to-xdim-temporal-rel & [ ARG0.ROLE line-to-endtime, ARG2.ROLE endtime-of-line ]. from-starttime-rel := line-to-xdim-temporal-rel & [ IARG.CLASS line-to-starttime, ARG2.ROLE starttime-of-line ]. viatime-rel := line-to-xdim-temporal-rel & [ IARG.CLASS line-to-viatime, ARG2.ROLE viatime-of-line ]. toward-targettime-rel := line-to-xdim-temporal-rel & [ IARG.CLASS line-to-targettime, ARG2.ROLE targettime-of-line ]. ; OBS! end-of-path-rel only when using lex3..full to-endpoint-rel := line-to-xdim-spatial-rel & end-of-path-rel & [ ARG0.ROLE line-to-endpnt, ARG1.ROLE mileage-obj, ARG2.ROLE endpnt-of-line ]. ; OBS! beginning-of-path-rel only when using lex3..full from-startpoint-rel := line-to-xdim-spatial-rel & beginning-of-path-rel & [ IARG.CLASS line-to-startpnt, ARG1.ROLE oriented-obj, ARG2.ROLE startpnt-of-line ]. ; OBS! via-path-rel only when using lex3..full via-viapoint-rel := line-to-xdim-spatial-rel & via-path-rel & [ IARG.CLASS line-to-viapnt, ARG1.ROLE oriented-obj, ARG2.ROLE viapnt-of-line ]. toward-targetpoint-rel := line-to-xdim-spatial-rel & prep-nonfixpoint-line-rel & [ IARG.CLASS line-to-targetpnt, ARG1.ROLE oriented-obj, ARG2.ROLE targetpnt-of-line ]. to-endpoint-cum-external-locative-rel := to-endpoint-rel & [ IARG.CLASS back-axis & [ TRANSITIVE +], ARG1.ROLE locomotor-sup ]. to-endpoint-simple-rel := to-endpoint-rel & [ IARG.CLASS line-to-endpnt ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;adverbial senses ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; two things changed from above: inherit from orient-adv-rel, and ; omission of ROLE, to enable combination with ROLE of "langs..." in ; "oppover langs elven" line-rel := Iarg-orient-adv-relation & [ IARG.CLASS spatial-temporal-class, ARG1.ROLE oriented-obj ]. xdim-rel := Iarg-adv-mod-relation & [ IARG.CLASS spatial-temporal-class, ARG0.ROLE xdim-to-xdim-spatial ]. downside-vertical-adv-rel := xdim-rel & [ IARG.CLASS downside-vertical ]. upside-vertical-adv-rel := xdim-rel & [ IARG.CLASS upside-vertical ]. contained-embedded-adv-rel := xdim-rel & [ IARG.CLASS contained-embedded ]. non-scalar-non-containment-adv-rel := xdim-rel & [ IARG.CLASS non-scalar-non-containment ]. scalar-containment-adv-rel := xdim-rel & [ IARG.CLASS scalar-containment ]. scalar-non-containmen-adv-rel := xdim-rel & [ IARG.CLASS scalar-non-containment & [ TRANSITIVE +] ]. front-axis-adv-rel := xdim-rel & [ IARG.CLASS front-axis ]. back-axis-adv-rel := xdim-rel & [ IARG.CLASS back-axis ]. line-downside-vertical-adv-rel := line-rel & [ IARG.CLASS downside-vertical ]. line-upside-vertical-adv-rel := line-rel & [ IARG.CLASS upside-vertical ]. line-front-axis-adv-rel := line-rel & [ IARG.CLASS front-axis ]. line-contained-embedded-adv-rel := line-rel & [ IARG.CLASS contained-embedded ]. line-scalar-non-containmen-adv-rel := line-rel & [ IARG.CLASS scalar-non-containment ].